Flooring suggestions please!


Okay, I pretty much have wall to wall carpet in my home, except for the kitchen and bathrooms. Anyway, I work out in my living room, which in the past hasn't posed any problems. Lately, however, since ramping up my Cathe usage, I have noticed that all her moves are starting to put a lot of torque and strain on the outer parts of my heels, just below my ankle bone. I know that this is from all her moves that entail being on the ball of the foot and doing them on carpet with major friction.
So, do any of you have any suggestions for a temporary carpet floor covering that's smoother and causes less friction (then maybe I can actually DO the spins). Mind you, it has to be temporary (I actually roll an area rug up to work out, too).

Hey Amy --
Sorry this thread is getting lonely. Maybe put down puzzlemats ontop of the carpet? You can get them so you have enough to flush up against wall or furniture. That might help a bit. Where are you other floor expert people?

“In the beginning there was nothing. God said, 'Let there be light!' And there was light. There was still nothing, but you could see it a whole lot better.” --Ellen Degeneres
Thanks, Deb. I was thinking about that, but remember someone saying something about too much padding because of the carpet underneath.
I actually had to give up on Low Max tonight to give my ankle a rest because of this.
IF you search on mat (subject) in the open forum there are a lot of great responses.

I'm going to buy some this weekend, just didn't know how many to get. There were some great responses today to that.

Let us know what you decide!

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