Can any of you do chin-ups?


And if so, how many. I consider myself pretty strong, but damn, i can only do five (at a push). These things are so hard! Can anyone one here do any?

I could do almost 8 full pull ups last month, but I think doing August's rotation I lost a lot of upper body strength. I tried to pump some out last night and could hardly do one. **sigh**
Susan C.M.:D
Hi Wayne! Almost completing P90X Classic rotation. As of last night, I can do 4 chin ups (unassisted) & 3 unassisted pull ups. YEA! I've also increased all exercises in my weights as well as reps. Tony Horton ROCKS!!! I'm sure Kathryn can do more than me; she's a lean mean machine. Kathy:D
Nope, not one! And, I consider myself fairly strong. Well, I mean very STRONG. I can do Cathe's tapes! :7 Chin-ups and pull-ups are just impossible for me.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I can do 3 sets of 8-10, but it took me years to get there. I started by doing 6 sets of 5 (30 total always being my goal). Losing 30 lbs also helped a lot.

My ex husband used to completely freak me out--he'd put one of those weight belts on, attach a 45 lb plate to it & do like 25 pull ups. His lats looked like bat wings LOL.

Oh my gosh, that mental picture made me laugh out loud! Too, too funny![/img]

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
>My ex husband used to completely freak me out--he'd put one of
>those weight belts on, attach a 45 lb plate to it & do like 25
>pull ups. His lats looked like bat wings LOL.

Yup, my husband does the same thing. Sometimes when were at the park he will have my younger son hang on his legs and do the pull ups on the monkey bar.

OH yea, i remember, cause i live in the UK and they want my credit card details on an e-mail. I think not!!!

Nope-not even one! Unless of course you count the assisted pull up machine which I've started using occasionally. Yeah, I thought I was strong too until now. Did you have to bring it up-just kidding. Gives us gals something to aspire to!

I could do 1 in the spring but lost strength over the summer because of sickness. I'm still working on it though!
I can do assisted pull-ups (with one foot on a chair in front of me), but not one blessed un-assisted pull-up! And I've been doing heavy back work, too: 37.5# 1-arm rows, and using the heaviest tension Beach Body band for pulldowns, for example. Maybe it's a mental block?
Well...chin-ups I can do 3 unassisted but 10-12 with the chair like in P90X. Pull-ups...quite another story...maybe on a good day...ONE!!!!...unassisted....good question Wayne...:)..Carole
Susan....I've been out of commission for a few weeks and haven't checked the forum during that time (I believe I left you hangin in a thread a while back and major apologies are in order), but I happened to finally find some time today and this was the first thread I read and I got to your post......

I'm cracking up ROFLOL. You can do almost as many as Buckingham. Way to go girl. :7 :7 :7 My first thought was that AJ was posting, but it was signed Susan...not that I didn't think you couldn't do 896:p :p :p


Wayne -Do you have any friends in an area where they can order it for you?

Before I broke my hand, I was able to do 2 chin-ups and 1 pull-up unassisted. I had just finished Phase 1. I wonder where I would be now if I hadn't got hurt. :(

RE: P90X

Hi Wayne:

Pre P90x I could only do 1 unassisted chin up.. Now after almost completing the series, I can do 5 unassisted chinups and 2 unassisted wide grip pullups. However, I can only do them when I am fresh and haven't done any other working out.

I think pull ups and pushups are just easier for some people due to genetics. Kind of like runners.. for some people its easy, some its not.

I am very impressed by the posters whose DH's weigh themselves down while doing pullups.. That is so awe inspiring!!

Take care, Lynn M.
Kathryn, just want to add...I think it is a mental block! There are some days when I can't seem to get any out and the other day during one of the P90X tapes when Tony was saying rhythmically "up and down up and down up and down" I found myself doing 6-7 of them without thinking. I was kind of zoning for some reason and surprised myself. There is definitely something mental going on there!!!! You are doing heavy back work, a lot heavier than I have been. They HAVE to be in you :) :) :) . Have you tried "negative pullups" (pullups lowering from the top of the bar very slowly)??

Yes, I do believe I have a mental block! Either that, or there is just some part of my anatomy in the whole chain of events that must happen to do a chin-up that is the "weak link." Or I just haven't yet found the "groove" I have to get into to do them. (I think my inner "kid who couldn't even do one bent-arm hang" is showing herself).

Right now, I'm working on healing a chronic shoulder problem I've had off and on for years, so I can't try it yet (no heavy shoulder work for a while, and I'm afraid chin-ups would be too much for now)but I'll have to try negatives (I knew about them, but just never got into them).
Okay now we're onto something, Kathryn. This inner "kid who couldn't even do one bent-arm hang"....tell me a little more about this. I truly believe if we can work through THIS a pull up will emerge. Many, many are strong girl!!!
(all this coming from a person who can't do any pullups if wearing gloves :p.....enough pullup psychology).

Seriously, I am very sorry about your shoulder problems and hope they resolve. You're wise to avoid this activity. Can I ask you, have you found your problem to be somewhat better with all the ballistic and static stretches in the P90X? I have a spot in my back that flairs up every few weeks when I do my Cathe strength tapes and I have NOT had it flair up at all through the P90X - I would have thought all the chin/pull ups, and pushups would have aggravated it, but they seem to put in just the right kind of stretches to avoid it. (I in NO way am knocking my Cathe workouts - there is just something that disagrees with this spot - Please Cathe, more stretches in between sets :) :) :) )


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