bulking/pumped up?


I started doing some strength training (MuscleMax or Slow/Heavy) but I only do the chapters by BodyRX schedule (Day1-chest/bicept Day2-back/tricept Day3-legs Day4-shoulders/abs) and I only do it for about 40 minutes of it (including warm-up/stretch) 4 days a week (plus 1 day of stretchmax). I started this about a month ago. The strange part is that I weigh about the same as when I started (if anything I lost about 1/2-1 lb since start) but it feels like my clothes are tighter around my upper thighs and upper arms... My stomach feels slighly smaller though.

Is this normal? I thought you would get toned and get smaller all over.

Just to clarify...

I am not trying to lose weight. What I am hoping is (since I've been told that fat weighs less than muscle because muscle is more compact) that I shrink in size but more toned and stronger.


And that is exactly what will happen. Someone asked this same question on Cathe's main forum the other day, it was belovedheather's post about whether or not she should give up heavy weights. What we told her is what I will tell you now: you are right, and be patient.

Lifting heavy weights will help your body become more compact, and while your weight may stay the same, more or less, as mine usually does, the body becomes more compact, smaller overall, and you should drop a dress size or maybe two. What happens at the start of a heavy weight program is that the body conserves water to surround the muscles and protect the fibres while the body works hard to repair the muscle fibres, thus building strength. After a few weeks, the water is shed and you are left with increased lean muscle tissue and you should fit more loosely into your clothes.

Stick with it, and good things will be yours.


Thank you very much for taking time to reply to my post.

WOW. I wasn't aware of this information at all!! This is great to know. What you explained makes sense to me.

Yes, I will stick to it. I really like Cathe's DVDs. (I've tried DVDs by other people, but I tend to get bored very very easily, and Cathe's DVDs are the only ones I can stick with without getting bored.)

Thanks again!


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