another instructor etiquette ?


Hi All!

I posted about something similar to this a while back but this situation is getting more bothersome so I need some opinions/advice esp. from other fellow instrcutors.

I teach Group Fitness classes and have retatined a good following and work with a great team of instructors. I have one instructor who comes regularly to my Wed. a.m. class and I really like her alot. She teaches other classes on the schedule and also has a very good following, too.

I am having this problem where a member in MY class will ask a question re: form, weight factor, etc and this instructor (let's call her Sally) will immediately hone in and answer them without ever directing them to me while in MY class. I was taught as an instrcutor that proper instructor etiquette would be to direct the member to the INSTRUCTOR teaching that class esp if you are only a participant for the class and not teaching it.

Anyhow, "Sally", also will poll members from other instructors class by saying, " SO, will I see you in MY class next? I am teaching on such and such a day." She will do this openly and at times have put members in an uncomfortable position because some cannot make her class and/or do not want to. Now she does this WHILE in my class!

"Sally" aspires the be the BEST and although I give kudos to anyone who desires to better themselves in this industry, I also see a glimpse of PRIDE creeping in with her as she has developed an attitude of "Top Dog" amongst other instructors. She is a very nice person outside of all this and I wish to have her remain in my classes as a participant but these things she is doing are very bothersome and she is also extremely sensitive so I am cautious about confronting this issue with her. I have already spoken to the coordinator about it and she has also seen this behavior with Sally.

Any words of advice?

Thanks :)
She is totally out of line, and if I were you, I'd ask her to stop butting in. It's your class, and you can tell her that you would not do the same were you participating in one of her classes. If she persists, you can take it up with whoever is in charge of group classes in your facility.
As far as etiquette goes this other instructor is displaying very bad form indeed! Trying to recruit participants in your class, AWAY from your class is thoughtless, rude, unprofessional and completely unacceptable, that's a tough situation.
Do you have staff meetings with all of the other instructors? If so I would suggest that you ask the coordinator to put it in the next meeting's agenda. That way it can be discussed with all of the instructors. If the coordinator is aware and agrees with you, the least she could do is print out a memo and distribute it to the other instructors as a reminder of proper etiquette.

Take Care
I agree, she is way out of line.

If you have a co-ordinator I would go that route first, the memo someone suggested or have it come up at a meeting.

If you have no co-ordinator I would speak with her privately.

If neither of those get results I would nicely say something during the class when she does it, to let her know you need to answer the questions in your class.
You said it so well in your post. I'd use the same words to talk to her....That you give kudos to her for aspiring to better herself, that you like her, that you want her to remain in your class, BUT .... she has to do unto others as she would like done to her / follow etiquette.... she should not butt in to answer in your class or solicit your students in your class.

If you confront her without hostility, and she does not take it well, you are not at fault. She is exploiting your kindness whether she is aware of it or not.

~* Vrinda *~
I agree 100% with what Vrinda said. I would address her directly first, instead of going to the supervisor/coordinator.

If one of my coworkers had a problem with me, I hope he/she would come to me first about it rather then going right to my boss. Now if you speak with her tactfully (phrasing things as you did in your original post and as Vrinda did in hers) and get no results, then I'd go over her head at that point.

I am not an instructor or anything, but perhaps you could cut in when she is answering those questions with " Well, thank you 'Sally' for jumping in there," and then answer the rest of the questions yourself. May be she will start getting the hints that she is out of line.

VERY bad manners and etiquette - totally unprofessional.

Sounds to me she is taking your class to LEARN (steal) .. then answering your students questions is an obvious attempt at trying to make them think she is "top dog" ....and then to address other participants about coming to her classes is REALLY out of line!!

I would confront her one on one! She needs to show/learn respect .. and sounds like she probably would not take a subtle hint .. the direct but tactfull approach is probably warranted!!

Good luck!!

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