<---fruit salad....yummy, yummy!


<---waves hello to catheland!
<---thanks the wiggles for this lovely quote
<---was up at 5:30 w/ a half pint and is trying to wake up ;)
<---blesses the morning java cup....hommmmmmmm....
<---needs to run more errands of course
<---says yes, I actually do more than just errands sometimes :p
<---is taking a much needed rest day
<---wonders where all the sleepyheads are? helllloooooo????
<---will catch y'all a bit later!

“In the beginning there was nothing. God said, 'Let there be light!' And there was light. There was still nothing, but you could see it a whole lot better.” --Ellen Degeneres
<--waves back at Deb and Boybert
<--reminds Deb that if she wants <--to, <--will knit Boyb a stocking cap for his wittle head for the winter
<--also blesses the morning java!!!
<--was awake at same time as Deb (although <--'s clock said 0430)
<--doesn't mind as <--had a definite Nap Max on the books this afternoon!!!
<--also had a yummy fruit salad for dessert last night!
<--loves kiwi fruit!

<--was going to tell TiG that <--did PUB yesterday with doing the ab work first.
<--okay, now <--does NOT have strong abs to begin with (plus they are in hiding) but <--was VERY pleased to report that not only could <-- do the pikes on the ball, but kept up with Cathe (only <--was on the elbows, NOT the hands.....not there yet!)
<--however, DID notice that the chest was a little fatigued going into the flys and bench presses, but it all worked out!
<---says, yeahhhh Amy! Rock that core!!!
<---thinks Amy is da bomb for her hard work in PUB :)
<---also says, that ab work is NOT easy, man.

“In the beginning there was nothing. God said, 'Let there be light!' And there was light. There was still nothing, but you could see it a whole lot better.” --Ellen Degeneres
<--especially since <-- ab-solutely (pun intended) HATES working them!!!

<-- loves working shoulders and back, though (go figure, maybe because that's the part that's the most defined and cut and can actually see the progress?)
<---waves goodmorning to Debbietta and Amyster
<---says Abs? What are they?
<---thinks she has worked abs once since vacation
<---has promised self that better eating and better workouts will commence on August 13 (Bible school will be done and it's a Monday, uh, a Wonderfulday)
<---till then, who the heck cares?
<---tells Debbie to have fun with Many Errand Challenge
<---tells Amy to enjoy Nap Max later on
<---thinks Amy is a knitting fool and all this talk makes me think I should probably get to work on the sweater <--started as a graduation gift for a friend who graduated 3 years ago (now she lives in Thailand where it is 100F. She won't actually need a sweater till she come home in Oct)
<---looks at the calender as says OCT? It's right around the corner
<---is also planning errands today (and maybe a workout)
<---yikes , has already started doing novel max
<---will go try to wake everyone else up - Wendy? Shelley? Shannon? Judy? Tammy? Michele?(No you always sleep in...)Beav? Ame (no, shes our CA girl), elainee, Nancypants, Maeghan? Who'd <---forget?
<---whew, you guys are some sound sleepers
<---is headed back to the java pot for a refill, then on to the grocery surplus store to rummage for treasures
<---oh, and LOL at Ame's meaningless foot-long novel of last night
<---thinks Ame is a riot and wishes she could go to lunch with her and Christine, my Lancaster buddy
<--admits that she slept late today as Robin suspected
<--is still laughing at the posts from last night
<--wants to get tickets to see Meg and the Mini-Doodles :7
<--thinks Robin probably enjoyed being abandoned for the free food! :7
<--is very impressed that Amy's dad is a beekeeper
<--loves the wiggles quote from Deb!
<--gives Amy a standing ovation for doing those pikes! :eek:
<--needs a lot more coffee
-Ms. Nancypants
<--waves a "wonderful" morning wave
<--is so filled with snot right now, <--could cry
<--apparently has caught some lovely germs (gee, wonder from who)
<--has one heck of a head cold
<--sighs OH WELL!
<--really hopes Robin enjoys her day off
<--equally hopes Deb has a nice rest day with the little guy
<--is waving to Amy and ^^^5's her on the WO and progress!!
<--is going to read Amy's novel

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/153/.png[/img] [/url]

<--waves a groggy g'morning to Deb, Amy and Robinella.
<--slept in since <--doesn't have a little boy to care for this morning AND since <--felt like complete dog-doo when <--went to bed last night!:-(
<--feels better this morning...so far....
<--can't wait for the days when Joey wakes up at 5:30 in the morning, Deb!....NOT! :7
<--^5's Amy on a job well done with PUB abs! Doing it the other way is just INSANE IMO!}( LOL
<--is not a perfect piker and hasn't done them in some time but the last time <--did PUB abs <--was tons CLOSER!:)
<--is going to have to whip out PUB abs one of these days now and give it a try!}(

<--waves hello to Nancy and Megadoodle!
<--tells Robin that she DID wake <--up but <--doesn't come out of hiding until the first cup of java is in hand!!!}(
<--thinks Nancy had asked <--about house selling...tells Nancy we have things to do before house can be put on the market so that is what is happening these days.
<--waves to Wendy and tells her that <--was worried about her yesterday since she was gone
<--apparently must have forgotten or missed what TIg was doing
<--is glad Tig feels better
<--waves to Nancy and asks how the salsa was?
<--hopes Nancy is more relaxed
<--says Chase just told <--that after he is cleaning, he is getting the vaccuum out becasue the floor is a MESS!!!!
<--says-go right a head!!
<--thinks it is so cute to listen to Chase sing the clean-up song:
Clean up , clean up, everybody do their share, clean up, clean up...............

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/153/.png[/img] [/url]

<--thanks Meg for the concern. :)
<--isn't even sure what <--was doing yesterday! LOL :p
<--DID take a much needed nap though.:)
<--can't believe <--has a friggin' week off for no apparent reason now!
<--can't wait to go to A/C tomorrow!
<--wonders what <--will do on Monday and Tuesday w/no cutie-pie little boy around to amuse <--!?
<--relay's message to Nancy after telling Chase about your cruise

Tell Nance I love her and Connor and me will miss her. Connor is coloring right now. I better give her a hug and kiss before she leaves without me! (He kissed and hugged the monitor)

<--he then keeps asking when is she coming home???
<--says Chase just came running back and hugged and kissed the screen again while whispering "I love you and I will miss you"
<--swears this was his exact wording!
<--thinks Nancy will be missed!!
<--says Chase is vaccuuming right now!
<--really loves that boy!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/153/.png[/img] [/url]

<--would like to hire that Mini-Doodle to come to <--'s house! :D
<--is sorry to hear about Meg's snotty situation
<--tells Meg she was watching Celebrity Fit Club last night and there was a woman musician who has the same autoimmune disease as Meg and who gained a lot of weight on prednisone
<--says she is doing well now and is VERY motivated to lose the weight
<--finds the show appealing in a braindead kind of way
<--says they use the word "celebrity" rather loosely, but it's not really about them being celebrities, it's about the weight loss challenge
<--is glad to see TiG is back with us again! :D
<--had a lovely dinner last night
<--ate ALL the chips and sushi }(
<--is feeling more relaxed today :D
-Ms. Vacationpants
<--is amazed to read Chase's comments!
<--gives Chase a big hug and kiss back and says I'll only be gone for a week Chase! :* :*
<--thinks that kid is the bees knees
<--waves good morning to all the cool chicks
<--wishes I like fruit as much as I do cake with creamy frosting
<--wonders if Amy know about the Crazy Aunt Purl blog <speaking of knitting fools :) >
<--is sorry to hear about Megadoo's snotty cold
<--enjoyed Lounge Max last night
<--starting to feel a bit better <--although the under eye bags linger
<--maybe will try to work out tonight
<--off for a cup of English Breakfast tea
<--can't believe (well, yea <--can) that Meg's Minidoodles are so cute!!!
<--wants to know if Chase wants to vaccuum and <--'s house?

<--also wants to know how the chips and salsa were?
<--waves good morning to Nancy, Robin, TiG and Maeghan

<--agrees with TiG that doing PUB original tape version is ludicris!!!
<--want's to know where Joey is?
<--- tells Amy nice ging on the PUB abs and the whole darn workout!
<--- sends happy thoughts to Ms. Vacationpants
<--- and to Chase and Connor and Meg
<--- waves to Tig, Robin, Tammy, Michele, Ame, Shelly, Shannon, Elanee, Beav and all I missed

<--- went to Doc visit today
<--- most likely have tendonitits in hip; no arthritis... Happy!!!!
<--- will go to PT for some excercises

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.


<--thanks you all for asking and assures you that the chips and salsa (and especially the wine) had the intended effect
-Ms. Vacationpants

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