
How does the Slow and Heavy wkout series compare with the P.S series? I have the PS series, and from what I read about the S&H it's similar just different combinations of muscle groups are worked in each tape. I'd like to know what people think of the S&H series. Is it worth having both series?
I also wanted to get the Xtrain Xpress series, but I have to save up for that one. I'd like to know peoples opinions on that series as well.
Oh, does anyone do more than 10 min a day on abs? (I do Firm 5DA or any ab work done on any video is usually 5-10 min) I was thinking of increasing to as much as i can up to 20-30 min. Is it nec to increase if your doing ab work 6x wk/for only 5-10 min?? Thanks in advance for your help
S&H has got to be one of the best series put together. I have a lot of videos and this series is one that I am happy to own.
It really is very satisfying to work out to and is well paced. However, Cathe was right that it would be hard to keep doing it for long because it requires a lot of effort and concentration. I need to get the PS series now so I can rotate them...I only hear good things about the PS series as well. It took me a long time to decide which one to get, Cathe had initially recommended getting the PS to start out with but I could not resist the reviews and the new outfits and the idea of it being a slow workout...so I got S&H...Absolutely NO REGRETS.
I'm winding up a four week S&H rotation. This is a great series!
It differs from PS in that the reps are performed at a considerably slower pace, and the muscle groups are sequenced in a push/pull method of training. In S&H you work chest/back/core, legs/shoulders, and triceps/biceps/abs. PS is sequenced back/bicep/abs, chest/shoulder/triceps, and legs/abs. Because of the different exercises, speed of reps, and sequence of muscle groups, these S&H and PS compliment each other beautifully.
thank you both for your advise. I will be saving up for S&H. I want about 12 more from Cathe's video's but can't afford to get them all now. A little at a time. But I think S&H will be next on the list.

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