STS double legs day


Hi Cathe, I doing STS meso 2 and I add extra leg day (rack disc 37-40) + 10 to 15 min Hiit on weigths days, + 1 kick,punch and crunch + 1 day step, abs on the 2 cardio days. So it is ok like that ? I been notice more definition on my body. Please give à Word Thank you
I was wondering the same thing - how to fit in 2 leg days. I will be starting STS this week, and my body responds better when I work the lower body more often. For Meso 3 I figure I can do plyo legs one day and squat rack the other, but what should I do for Meso's 1 & 2? Should I do the leg disc twice, or mix in other DVD's, like Leaner Legs for M1 and Slow & Heavy for M2?
I'd stay within the science of the program and simply repeat the appropriate leg disk for that week, for each of the mesocycles.

I was wondering the same thing - how to fit in 2 leg days. I will be starting STS this week, and my body responds better when I work the lower body more often. For Meso 3 I figure I can do plyo legs one day and squat rack the other, but what should I do for Meso's 1 & 2? Should I do the leg disc twice, or mix in other DVD's, like Leaner Legs for M1 and Slow & Heavy for M2?

Hi Sherry,

Your option above is fine. Just make sure you leave 48 hours between leg segment to recover. You can add a barre segment to a meso 1 cycle or a leg segment from x-train (not the burnset one)

Slow and heavy to meso 2:D will bite you! You can add cardio leg blast to the meso 2 cycle.

All the best:),

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