Road Trip


When I first read about Cathe road trips, I thought wow! maybe Cathe is coming close to my town, and I can come and finally meet her and exercise in person with her. Then I found out that it was a road trip for us to come there. I would love more than anything to go on one of her road trips some time, but I was wondering if Cathe ever thought of taking a road trip herself to various cities? Maybe to promote her new videos or something. I think it would be neat if Cathe could get a sponsor, like Bally Scandanavian, or Golds Gym or even the YMCA. I am sure she could get other sponsors like Step Company or Ryka. My lifestyle has changed drastically since doing Cathe Videos. I just feel like thousands of other people could benefit from her. A lot of people haven't even heard of her where I am from. People ask me how I stay in shape, and I tell them with Cathe exercise videos. They say who? Kathy Smith, I say NO-Cathe Friedrich spelled C-A-T-H-E and I go on to tell them how I get club style aerobics and weight training in the comfort of my home while watching the kids at home too.
If enough people in one area agree to come see you, will you come? I vote for the Boston/Providence area.
O.K., maybe I'm dreaming too much, but hopefully I will make it up there to see you some time or make it to one of your road trips.

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