neck and back pain


Hi Cathe, I have a question: I have been experiencing alot of tightness and sore ness in my neck and back, and sometimes it travels into my left arm and leg.

I have been to a chiro, for 4 weeks. Not feeling that much better!

Do you think I would benefit for Physical therapy? Is there anything I can do at home that can help me?

I'm discouraged because I haven't been able to excercise much- and I"m going to be training soon for a half marathon. I just don't want to injure myself more.
Do you think this can be caused by stress? My job is stressful right now... I'm a new teacher and this is the time of year for stress.

Well, let me know what you think, if you have time.

Thanks a bunch :)
Hi I'm Teals,

I was just wondering if you're feeling any better. I wouldn't dare give you advice about this as it could be nothing but then again, it could be something requiring medical attention. I've never seen Cathe give medical advice for things like this but maybe she will have something to say. In the meantime, if you don't mind my two cents, I strongly suggest you see a doctor.

I've had neurological problems in the past due to a pinched disc. If you have something similar (I'm not saying you do) you might need to take a break from running. There will be other marathons and your body will thank you.

I hope it's nothing that will sideline you. Feel better soon and if you get a chance, pop into the open forum and let us know how you're doing. Someone with a similar issue may even chime in with some information to assist you.

Feel better soon,

Hey Teals! Thanks for your response. I will head over to the open forum, definetely.

PS- I did go to doc- they are running a bunch of tests now. So I'll see soon what's going on.

Thanks! -Tina

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