Happy Halloween!

Cathe Friedrich

Hi Everyone! I just wanted to wish all of you a SAFE and happy Halloween. Get out there early while its light and don't let those ghostly goblins bite :)!

We had a fun class this morning. I dressed up as a waitress and "served up" a spirited workout. I also passed out candy after class; after all the best time to get carbs into your system is within two hours after a workout;-)!

My little guy was given a little cute monster costume, but he really doesn't need the costume to prove that he is a little monster ;-)!

Enjoy all!
Happy Halloween, Cathe! Your students are so lucky to have you "serve them" in person! I did 10-10-10 with you this morning, but it just wasn't the same, I'm sure! :)

Have fun trick-or-treating with your little monster!

A big boo to you!
I'm glad to see others keep the Halloween "spirit" alive! Some of the other faculty in my department and I dress up, but we are few. I was very discouraged to see hardly any costumes when I wandered the halls of my building doing "reverse trick=or-treating" with a friend of mine. She gave out candy, but I gave out finger cookies (home made, tons of fat, look like witches fingers) only to those who seemed to show the spirit of the season. Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday!
Happy Halloween to you too!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-31-01 AT 08:48PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Cathe! How neat that you dressed up for your class! What a great idea.

I tread lightly at work with the Halloween references, because many of my coworkers (it's a small company) don't celebrate Halloween due to their religions and I wouldn't want to offend them. But I'm looking forward to going home tonight and passing out candy to all the neighborhood ghosts and goblins! I love Halloween.

I remember little Eric in his pooh bear/bumblebee costume on the road trip last year. He was just TOO cute! I'll bet he's just adorable as a little monster. :) I can't wait til next year when my little one is finally here and I can dress him or her up in something sickeningly sweet and cute!

Have fun and stay safe tonight!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-01-01 AT 07:03AM (Est)[/font][p]Well Happy Halloween all! What an awesome full moon!
I'm sitting here downing Reese's cups, watching "Scooby Doo" re-runs, and handing out candy while the rest of the family is sleeping!
Cathe that was a neat idea dressing as a waitress.......your class is soooo lucky!
Tonite was Brandon's first Halloween. He went to a few houses in the neighborhood and seemed to enjoy. Grandma and Granddad gave him a stuffed Winnie the Pooh. Here's a few pics if you care to see him dressed in his first costume:
I hope you all enjoy a wonderful, safe Halloween. Enjoy some extra treats, you hard working gals deserve it!
Trevor :)

Brandon is sooo cute! I cannot believe how old Matthew looks! He has grown up since baby brother came along. He looks like his handsome Dad! Thanks for sharing.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

Happy Halloween to you also! I bet your class had a blast today. Wish we all could have joined you. SOMEDAY we'll get over for a class. We'd love to see a pix of both Eric in his monster costume and you in your waitress get-up! [marque]http://www.plaudersmilies.de/tiere/blackbat.gif HAPPY HALLOWEEN!http://www.plaudersmilies.de/tiere/blackbat.gif[/marque]

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Thanks for the Halloween wishes! With your workouts, I ate my candycorn pumpkins without guilt! I'm SO glad I found your videos! :7

Off to do S&H legs!
I think we all need to bring a little fun into our working day and halloween's the perfect time! We had a sales meeting and I got everyone to wear something 'spooky'. The MD was a bit shocked as one by one we went in with devils horns, witches noses, masks and tails but it cheered him up!! I had flashing red horns (and managed to sit through the whole 2 hour meeting without being told to turn them off!!).

Then I gave out pumpkin, bat and ghost biscuits. It was a fun day!

Hope everyone had fun yesterday!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-01-01 AT 12:41PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Kathryn! Great to hear! Hope yours was wickedly sweet!
Hi Trevor! How adorable Brandon looked. That was the same costume that I wanted to get for Eric but then my sister-in-law had given him a cute and fuzzy monster suit so we switched gears. Wow, your older son looks so much like you. Nice to hear from you! Take Care!
RE: Cathe!

Hi Debbie! Well, I will have one of Eric in his costume but I don't have one of me teaching in my costume. I'll post Eric's picture after I get it developed :)!
Hi Cathe!
That's a Disney Store exclusive! People here at work thought I should've gotten one to match. Picture THAT for a second.....SCARY! An oversized, deranged Tigger loose in the neighborhood!lol!
I think Brandon enjoyed himself. And Matthew made out well also....since Brandon is too young for candy he got to eat Brandon's! :)
Please post Eric's pic when you can. Would luv to see him.
Trevor :)

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