Dumb-bells instead of barbell


I just started using the Cross Train Xpress videos again 2 weeks ago. (I had a baby 10 months ago. Up until she was about 8 months, she wouldn't give me the hour I needed in the morning to do it and then it was just a matter of getting my lazy butt back into it.) I have a barbell, but it's my husband's and he also uses it in the morning, so it's really inconvenient for me to use it. For the exercises that are shown in the video using a barbell, is there really any difference if I substitute using dumb-bells?
I can't say if/what the difference is, I don't use a barbell. But I still feel the work using 10lb, 8lb and 5lb dumb bells. (For now!!) I think you get different variety using dumbbells, and hey - as long as your working, right?
I actually prefer dumbells to a barbell when doing Cathe's tapes. The reason for this is that when I use a barbell, I tend to use my right side more to lift the weight. I'm often sore on that side only. With dumbells, you must use both sides equally. So go ahead and use dumbells if that's what's available to you.
Although I do prefer barbell to dumbells I don't think it matters at all. Sometimes I use dumbells for the exact reason Jane referred to, so that both sides have to work equally. Anyway, in my opinion any workout can be & often is modified in any number of ways. Which is what modification is all about - doing what you can, when you can, how you can. At least that's my opinion! :)
I'm trying to fold a barbell into a Dumbbell World myself - I've got loads of DB's, and I couldn't help but think there might be some execution differences. Although I'm more comfortable with DB's than the BB, I do notice I'm able to discern when my right (dominant) side is going faster than my left, and correct that more effectively. I don't know if anyone else has noticed that, but I do.

I personally prefer dumbbells to barbells, for the reasons others have listed, but also because when working with dumbbells, you are using more stabilizing muscles (which is why, when you can lift a 30 pound barbell, you might have trouble lifting 2 15# dumbbells). I also like dumbbells for squat work because they're easier to manoeuver safely (you don't have to hoist the bar over your head).
This is a very interesting thread. The funny thing is that I find the exact opposite. I find that when I use the barbell, my rep is much more focused and intense. With the dumbbells, I find that I have a tendancy to be a little more lazy, less focused, and flop around more, if that makes any sense. I am better at really zoning in on the muscle I am working with the barbell, and with the dumbbell, I am more focused on making sure that I don't flop around.
To each his own, as the saying goes...

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