

Hi all,

I'm wondering who is around this weekend. Today is a bike ride and then yoga. I'll check back later. Have a great day!

Hi Tracy! I'm around! Great job on the run yesterday. Let's go with the yoga as the reason for the low body fat. I'm all for finding yet another reason to think highly of yoga. I finally did some of the Fluidity yoga last night. I did the Lunar flow. I thought her emphasis on the properties of water was very different and interesting. I need to do the sequence again to become really familiar with the transitions, but overall I really enjoyed it. I also like that there are other people in this one. They look really cool standing on the sand.

I hope you're all having a good weekend. I'm going to go start some bread, and I'll do my workout while it's going through the first long rise. Today's workout is simply LIC. I'm looking forward to that.

Hi Sandra,

Making bread today? I make bread fairly often. I always make my own hamburger rolls and pizza.

Did the lunar flow have the sun saluatation with the wierd side lunge? That is really effective in opening the hips.

I'm really thinking that it is the yoga that has helped with the body fat and definition. I've done slow cardio off and on for years and never gotten that benefit. I don't think that I was eating the same either. Some of her stuff is a little out there, but I always see improvements in my flexibility after I do her sequences. I got out yoga Trance Dance the other day, but I need to preview it some more before attempting it. You really have to have a strong core to safely do some of it.

I've also never done LIC as produced. Is it good? I struggle sometimes on how to incorporate the circuits. I did last week as a finisher and that was very effective. My rotation weeks are more like 10 days, because I can't seem to get everything in during the course of 7 days. One more week of S&H (well 10 day cycle) and then I'm not sure what will be next. I have to figure out when we are traveling. Then I plan to workout really hard up until we leave and use the vacation as a recovery period. That worked for me last year.

Off to clean, for several hours then go for a ride. The riding is really helping the running.

Hi to all who follow.

Good Morning Ladies,

Today is L&B. I may do it this afternoon instead of evening. Phil just left for a service call in a town about an hour away. Looks like my floors will have to wait to be tiled till he gets back.

Do you have a bread machine? I bought some baking paraphernalia before we gutted the kitchen that has yet to be used. I only have one whole wheat recipe so far. You almost make me want to add Shiva on afterwards. It's wonderful to hear that yoga and small diet changes have helped leaned you out. I'm hoping intermittent slow cardio will do it for me. The step portion in LIC is one of my favorite step workouts. I haven't tried it with the weight portion yet. Have fun with your bike ride!

Hi Sandra,

Couldn't read your post while posting since I'm on AOL with one measly window. Do you have Shiva's Shakti too? I'm wondering if her other yoga dvds would be a better fit for me. I'm so new to Yoga that it's hard for me to follow her cueing. I love LIC's cardio portion. I bought it while shopping for Phil's b-day present. I ambitiously tried to add on the weight portion after an X-upper body day. Wasn't a good idea. I got a tight, painful cramp in my neck/shoulder area after the first strength part. Heading Tracy's advice, I stopped before I hurt myself.

Do you use a bread machine? Do you grind your own wheat? :D I have a friend who does. She never ceases to amaze me. Nor do you. So, I thought I'd ask. Best wishes for a nice rising batch of bread!

Well, I'm off to open some windows. I still smell sawdust from Phil's morning activities.


I have a bread machine, but it is put away. I had way too many flops and can do it by hand better. Plus the thing takes up so much room. I must admit that I don't eat the bread like I used to, but the boys still love it. I had a piece of the pizza last week and it tasted so good; white flour and all.

There is a learning curve to Shiva's yoga and it is steeper with the fluidity one. If you are interested in flexibility, increasing strength and overall tone, then it is well worth putting in the time to learn some of her sequences. I've found that you really have to do yoga many times before you can actually reep all of the benefits of yoga. It is easy to go through the motions, but much harder to maintain the foot patterns, the four directions of the lunge, and bouyancy through the pelvis that she describes. When you can manage to do these moves consistently, then the yoga is much more effective. Would you like some suggestions of sequences? I always use the matrix.


Yes, I would love some suggestions. I could really use something for flexibility and stretching. I don't remember the muscle that's been giving me soreness lately. It's one of the upper quad muscles attached to the pelvis area. It's better now, but I had to move my legs in weird positions to stretch them this past week. Also, during my painting week, I experienced soreness in my hips like never before. The only way I was able to stretch them out was to stand on one leg, place the other leg's knee in front of me on a tall chest (the height of my belly button) in a modified Indian style, and lean over with a flat back. Just sitting down Indian style and leaning over my knees wasn't enough. It was painful whenever I walked. That's why I decided to not do any X workouts. I really didn't want to overdo it. I hope this is making sense. Phil understood because he gets that pain all the time from climbing ladders all day at work. Phil would benefit from doing some yoga as well.

I've only tried her beginner sequence once. I found that one very relaxing. Maybe, I was doing it wrong though. I did watch the extras and found it helpful for positioning my pelvis. I even incorporate one of her pelvis positions while standing since it makes my body look and feel so much leaner. Hey! I'm all for anything that helps! :7

You knead bread by hand! I think that should qualify as an upper body workout! :7 I plan on using my kitchen aide mixer with kneading attachment. :7 Homemade pizza dough is heavenly! How'd you ever cut back on eating homemade bread? I'll have to practice a wealth of self control to not slather it with butter when it comes out the oven!;-)

Hi Wendy,

I only use butter to cook with, I never put butter or any added fatty condiments on any of my food. It's a habit I developed years ago!

I've been having similar issues with a muscle in the front of the upper quad, almost groin area that I think I injured when my leg was so numb from the back injury. One stretch that helps mine is laying on your back and doing a hamstring stretch and then holding the foot or calf and moving the leg out to the side, as high as you can keep it. Left leg to left side and then focusing on keeping the leg that is down as flat to the floor as possible. Then if you move the leg to the opposite side and concentrate on keeping the shoulders flat you can get a good stretch in the glute hip area, but you have to be mindful to keep pressing the hip of the leg that you are stretching down. So left leg crosses over the body to the right, at hip height, while you are grounding the left hip, and holding the calf or foot with the right hand. Twists also get into the hip muscles, but honestly, I don't think any stretching of various parts in isolation works as well as within a practice.

Eion's magically hips might really help you if you are having tightness in the hip area. For Shiva, I always do a couple different sun salutations, then I like the standing flow one, bb flow one, lunges, and the one at the end that is called twists or something to that effect, and if I have time I add in the supine flow. That takes a good hour, MH is about 50 minutes.

If something hurts and you can't get it to stop with stretching or light movement, then you are smart to back off. It is not worth it.

Back to cleaning, my motivation is wearing thin.


The beginning of your leg stretch description is one that Tony does on one of the X workouts. I love that stretch! I never thought to cross the leg over to the opposite side of my body though. That might have helped hit that muscle. I think the standing up stretch helped because I was able to push my tush further back where if I'm sitting, the floor gets in my way.

I haven't experienced the bliss of stretching a needed muscle as part of a practice yet. This time you've managed to enable me to click buy! :) I finally ordered Eion's Power Yoga For Happiness from Amazon. I ordered the girls Monks and Mystics since we're studying the middle ages, and to qualify for the super savings shipping. :D

I'll have to jot down your Shiva sequence and preview it before attempting to do it. Maybe, MH will help me understand how to do yoga so I can do Shiva's sequences better.

Thanks for all your help! Off to do another load of laundry.
Hi Wendy,

Sorry to be an enabler, but you won't regret your purchase. You are right, doing Eion will help you be able to do Shiva.

I road my bike 37 miles and then did Magically Hips. The yoga is quite a challenge when the legs are tired.

Off to fix dinner and then call it quits for today. I never get every thing done on the weekend that I'd like to, except my workouts:)Last night I gave my DH all veggies and some pasta. He wanted to know where the main course was and I said pick one, the salad or the pasta or whatever, no meat. I guess I'll give him some meat tonight, I'm sure he won't be too happy if I don't.

Hey, Campers!!!

Last night was busy in the ICU! We started off the shift running and never stopped!!!

Anyway, yesterday's workout was HIIT on my elliptical for about 40 minutes and it whooped me! I am alternating between HIIT using speed as the intervals and resistance. Yesterday's was the resistance and it about killed me!!!

Today was a total body weight workout, freestyle. It felt really good and I got to do a manuever that I am new at, so there is definitely a learning curve!!! It was a Barbell clean and catch. I ended up having to make it a clean and press to be able to feel like I was doing the "clean" right.

Sandra- I grew up baking homemade bread from scratch with Mom! I love it, especially hot out of the oven slathered with butter.....YUM!!!:9 Sorry! Got off topic there for a second!

Eating has been really good. I am finding this eating plan so much easier to follow than the P90X plan! I am truly enjoying my fruit again!!!

To everyone else...I hope that you are having a great weekend~!

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