Xers::: Rockin' Out on Tuesday ;-)


Back in a few;-) .... I'm back for a quickie- then more coffee then personals :D

Following the BBC schedule so today is Lower Fat Blaster (everyother day this week)... + Code Red again..... LOVING this series.... Not sure if I just needed a change of instructors or if I needed the 20 minute workouts to feel like I "have time" right now - even linking 2-3 of them seems like less time daily.... WHATEVER- I luv them....

You guys GOTTA just go sit & read all the STS threads...its a ZOO I tell ya - A Zoo!!!!!!!!!! Heres my latest "conspiracy theory"....

All these TOTALLY RUDE posters have just a few to a couple hundred posts.... (some after being members A LONG time) I'd bet $$$$ that @ least SOME (I think ALL!!!) of them are the happy care-free regulars who over the years have signed up w/ a split personality type name so they COULD be negative! ROF! I really bet its true.... I wonder if any Xers are doing this???hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm maybe PMS time???????? Would it be hysterical to find out someway - like your mask falling off ..... ROF - WHY IS THIS STRIKING ME AS ALL TOO FUNNY??????:7 :+ :7 :+ :7 :+

Working today (AM + PM), then tomorrow is a toughie...3AM + 7AM but then I have decided that THURSDAY is a 100% day off from my office day.... That means no computer....no workouts (indoors)....no paperwork.....no reading business books.....no CEC work......no organizing.....no filing.......no planning!!!!! I havent had a total day off in over a month now because even the 1 time I went to bay I took work with me..... I'm pooped both physically & mentally!!!!!!!!!!!!
So..... I decree & declare that I shall be MIA from Wed PM thru Friday AM! You gals better play nice & stop posting on that STS board w/ your Alias's cuz I'm on to all of you!}( }( }( }( }(
Hi all! Hope everyone has a wonderful and fun day planned. Since I can barely hold my eyes open, I am planning a nap to begin with and then my leg workout (ugh). Then I have some errands to run with CBL this afternoon before I pick up the diva from school.

You OBVIOUSLY need a day off since you have gone off the deep end with your conspiracy theory! Sounds like you have a tough couple of days coming up. I guess the pressure is getting to you...lol. Good you are enjoying your workouts right now...whatever they are! We'll miss you on Thursday, but it you need to take some time for yourself...a spa day, perhaps??

Back later to catch up with everyone...Hope everyone has a great morning!



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

:eek: Its PERSONALS time :eek:

- last ME thing....Could all read my post to Debra & respond if you have time??? :*

Jeanette:7 ::
WooHoo that CreditCard is STILL smokin' from last night! Congrats on caving! *I mean on making a commitment to your next level of fitness;-) * I LUV & support ALL your suggestions to Cathe- as you know Sandra & I already have a Conference Call planned, would you like to join us or would you prefer a private call? - Did you READ that Chris said "even Cathe had DOMS from her leg routine"?OYOYOYOY - I'm a gonner for sure! ~~ On your CC/iPod...I cant figure out how to delete mine & re-load- I now have 3 versions of CC 1-3!:-( Am I a technical idiot?? Wheres the dern DELETE button?:7

How do you fit all the study, research, writing time in + all else you do without working 7 days a week?? ~ Boys smelling GRAND!:7 I hate stinkies!!! Its so expensive to get them groomed tho so we take a 5 month break each year to allow the savings account to build back up-- its 140.00 each time they go:eek::eek: Thats more than MY hair! They do look less fat shaved- I didnt say SKINNY I said less fat!:* VERY happy you hvae found a way to make your rotation work! Thats REALLY IMPORTANT! For me its not about a "just do it" attitude...It must fit my physical goals + my current mental state- Thats what I try & let me clients do..We agree on a bare minimum # of days per week with a promise that on their strong & energetic weeks they call me for an extra session or 2..... Its great to see how many extra days they actually feel like training! ~ Thanks for LTF info...I am SO NOT into all the text mesage codes!:* How are those legs today????? BTW- your post over @ the Leg Press area? Can ya tell I never do PLB??? Didnt even recall that one! :7

DEBRA:7 ::
Thanks for the reviews!!!! Heres what I'm looking for on premixes or full playing DVD on yoga.... I have already proven to myself that I wont, cant, refuse to (pick your word) do a full blown yoga session 95% of time... What I can commit to is daily 15 minute segment. The problem with "just doing" the first 15 min of a DVD is that you arent balanced in any way since they all seem to start off similar....Shivas type of mix & match is great ONCE YOU GET TO KNOW poses.... Also - I luv Shiva but I need my variety....So MY ? is...WHAT / WHO can I buy that will be catered to someone like me- more of a 7 workout DVD that attacks each "goal" seperately (hip opener etc) different days in about 15 min??:*
Very happy all is centered in CBLs world again... Perhaps he can join you for a weekly Eoin/Deb/L 3-some}( ~~ Hoping today is less RUN RUN RUN for you.... we all need to slow down the pace once inawhile!!! (that doesnt always mean sleeping tho);-) *Look opposite of ^^^^ (wheres THAT key?)

WENDY:7 ::
yummmmmmmmmmm on all your grilled fats! yummmmmm:7 REALLY hard to imagine Cathe & crew being so small & lifting those dern weights! I wanna be like that!!!:+ Instead I'll work on being the best ME possible...Does that mean I can stay @ 24% BF & eat @ your house??}(
Hope that house is spottless today or it means you procrastinated! :7

I can FEEL your head swirling w/ BUSY BUSY BUSY times! This time of year I always seem in a Frenzy...January is usually a take a deep breath month after holidays but Feb-Mar-Ap pick up again... Its cycles of life isnt it? CONGRATS on being @/near goal weight! BRAVO!!!!:7 :7 :*

:+ on the boys backs rounded! Honey you are OBSERVANT...The ONLY thing I look at on those "boys" are the muscle size...bootay tightness & of course hoping for a few frontal costume malfunction shots}( I wonder if Cathe & Chris talk about what a bunch of Old Horny Toads we are around Cathe-Land?:7 AWESOME job w/ your running & XXX...You REALLY are makin' me look bad (still, again);-)

*spstttttt*spstttttt - I'm SURE you can tell but thats the sound of disinfectant spraying across 2800 miles:7

TRACY:7 ::
I'm sure your body is tired! My goodness you were VERY sick for a bit...Take it easy so you dont re-lapse...sometimes those germs are still there just waiting for the perfect moment to take over your body again. Hope this week allows you a bit of time to call "down time".

LEA:7 ::
I'm so happy you are able to start back with activity... I WUV MTV/Pilates & the girl (I never knew her name) is that the one w/ the select a workout Legs A-C, ARMS A-C etc... I LOVE IT! Maybe THAT shall be my 15 minutes daily "yoga"...Go do your BF will ya!? You & TRACY are probably in the single digits like Cathe!:7 :* :7

All caught up & talked out:D Unless I see that someone snuck in today.... hang on.....*do da do da* .....*do da do da* .....*do da do da* .... AHA!

KIM KIM KIM!!!!!!!!!!!
:+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ You cracked me up!!!!I LITERALLY LOL'd!!

Good lord child- go get diagnosed - tell me the treatment & then I'll do EXACT OPPOSITE so I can actually sleep!}( }( }( We'll BOTH get thru this sleep/insomnia thing!:* :* :* ;-)

LOVE YA ALL- See ya this afternoon, Lord willin' & the Creek don't rise!
You all don't seriously believe that Traci's taking that time off, do you? She just needs the time to catch up on all her alias postings.

Good morning. My booty is kicking butt this morning. Yowsa. I haven't done PLB in a long time, and I went heavy. My back end is seizing up!

Jeanette....There's a 17 min clip of the new Eoin on his website: www.eoinfinnyoga.com. When I do PUB core, I always take a break during the pike/plank section and shake out my arms/wrists. I don't know how the crew managed to stay on their arms the whole time. LMAO about your plans to post to Cathe!!! You're so funny! What's your alias? Did confetti and balloons fall from the ceiling when you finally pressed the "buy" button?

Wendy....I went back and read Sunday's posts, and see that you had a friend over for lunch yesterday. I'd like to come to your house for lunch; sounds delicious!

Debra....Thanks for the Eoin review!! I like that he has some shoulder openers. I enjoy those, and his other workouts seem lacking in that regard. Please notice that I said yesterday that although I haven't planned a rest day, I plan to take one if it feels necessary. I'm just thinking that the Sunday workouts will act as active rest days, in that they work smaller upper body muscles (bis, tris) in such an isolated fashion that the rest of the body really does get a rest. If that doesn't prove to be the case, then I'll certainly add in a full day off. I just get so grumpy on my days off. I'd rather not have one.

Traci....Well, that's really exciting that you've found a series that excites you and offers you some fresh workouts. What are you going to do on your day off? I'm with Debra: spa day!!! About your yoga question: didn't you buy some YogaZone's ages ago? They have some lots of 20 min sessions that are specific to certain areas/goals. And they're pretty basic. I'd happily send you mine, since I don't use them anymore, but I think I lent them to my mother. There's also Namaste yoga, which are 22 mins each, and focus on flowing vinyasas the way Shiva does. I love them, and don't find them overly hard, either: http://www.namaste.tv/index.html . There's also Gaiam (sp?), which puts out tons of yoga videos. I'll bet you can find some short ones from them. Is your question to me rhetorical? If not, then let me answer by saying: what's a day off? :) Seriously. I don't have one; the work just changes depending on the day of the week. Trust me, I'm not happy about it, but what else can you do? I just steal time throughout the week, like now (5:30-6:00). OMWord that's a lot of money to spend on dog grooming! I understand why it's necessary, though. It's funny that no one else remembered all the PLB leg presses, either. I can't say I've ever found Cathe's workouts to be leg press inadequate LOL!

Well, I've crossed into my working time, so I'd better go use it. I have a meeting with the supervisor on Thursday and want to have certain things done before then. I need to crack my own whip! My mid-morning workout will be HIS, including chest & back (may or may not include pull/chins. My back feels pretty well worked already, from Sun and Mon's workouts.

Have a great workout!!
Eoin's newest dvd is more like what you are describing...I am not going to go through all the poses in each chapter...just enough so you will kind of know what the flow is like...

-Chapter 1 Shoulder openers---mostly easy beginning poses
-Chapter 2 Sun Salutations A & B
-Chapter 3 Standing Flow 1 ---forward folds, triangle, side angle, half moon revolved chair
-Chapter 4 Standing Poses 2---one leg down dog, sprinters' lunge, prayer twist, IT band love (as Eoin calls it!)
-Chapter 5 Standing Poses---- inverted table, warrior 3, standing big toe with a twist (didn't do this so I have NO idea what it is!), tree, half lotus eagle
-Chapter 6 Core Work---lots of variations of boat
-Chapter 7 Hips and Twists---pigeon, half spinal twist
-Chapter 8 Seated Forward Bends--- butterfly, wide leg forward bend
-Chapter 9 Shoulder Extensions---table, shoulder stand, plough, supine twist
Chapter 10 Relaxation

Does this give you a better idea?? I did a mix yesterday that had parts of chapters 2 and 6 (not the whole thing) plus all of chapters 4, 8, 9, 10. I don't see any reason that you couldn't do part of chapter 2 (just to get into the flow) then skip to whatever you wanted to work on for that day...hips, shoulders, etc.

Okay...I am headed off for a nap...That was waaaay too much thinking for this time of morning.



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Hello. Howz it going out there today? No workout for me since I woke up late and today is a busy busy day. But I am so sore from yesterday. After walking and doing pilates, I thought it was a brilliant idea to walk to pick up my DS from school. It's only a 1/2 hour walk there and 1/2 hour walk back, not bad, but not moving myself for like two weeks has got me sore. It has been really beautiful outside, so why not take advantage of it? I guess I can do yoga tomorrow.

Traci - How do I calculate BF? What is your recommendation? Sorry we will miss you on Thursday, but man you sound busy. Oh, and stop reading STS will ya? It is no good for you. Just come here to the positive place:+.

No time for personals today, but I will definately make up for them tomorrow. Have a great day everyone.

Goodby for now...
Well I am getting ready to do YogaX, then shower and get the suitcases ready. It is snowing here in Michigan so DS will get me to the airport sooner. I might be a while without posting...I always am...;-). I arrive in Lux Wednesday early pm. I have to pick-up DD from the gare and then on Thursday we start our journey to Switzerland. We are coming back late afternoon Saturday and DD is flying back to the US at 6:30am Sunday. Then I have a few days to recoup and up again to Switzerland to join DH for a few days...it's the only way we can see each other...x(
I wish you all a great day and <<<<<<<<HUGS & KISSES>>>>>>> to all.:+
Good morning :)

How’s everyone today, me I’m sleepy. I didn’t sleep good last night argh…… I even got up late this morning, when the alarm clock went off, I got up and threw it out the window and back in the bed I went, really tho, it was 5:40 when I got up this morning I was like WTH. I had enough time for a quick cup of coffee. I ended up doing Cardio Coach #5 and I got an excellent workout I traveled long and fast. CC wasn’t on my schedule for this morn, but, that’s was all I could do with only a short time to wake up:p But, I aced it and feel very accomplished :D

Tracie: I agree with Lea STOP reading that sh$$ lol. I just don’t understand folks, Cathe made it plain and clear and STILL......... there's always SOMEBODY ready to start some do-do :*
Glad you're feelin' the walks/Pilates!!!

THANKS TO YOU I have IDEAS!!!! *mwah:* *mwah:* *mwah:*
I'll be back later to chat more on your post but VERY happy your bootay is talkin' today}(

Girlfriend! I NEVER expected a detailed by like that let alone in the AM!!!*mwah:* *mwah:* *mwah:* One question... if I didnt FF about how long are those segments??? I'll be back later to chat more on your post too....

THANKS GANG! - Gotta shower before client @ 9
Good morning,
Today was GS Legs. Ladies, I think I'm going to feel this one today, tomorrow. I think this is the first time I've ever done the whole darned thing. Those slow lunges at the end of the standing work. Ouch. Well, I ordered STS last night. I am excited. I have a Bowflex that has a thingie where you can do squats with a bar on your back. Wonder if that will do for the squat rack work? It works with the power rods, not weights so I'm thinking it will be a safe way to get lots of weight to the legs.

Traci, LOL about the alter ego posters. Actually, I'm one of those pretty entertained by those posts. Funny how some people want to be the posting police. What, no posting on Thursday!! WAAAAHHHH! Please say it's not so. We miss you already! I showed DH your dog pictures last night and he smiled and thinks you are okay. Anyone who lets their dogs on the furniture is okay in his book. Oh my, if Cathe had DOMS from the 1st cycle of legwork, I'm going to be crying on the floor. There is floorwork, isn't there? For the mp3 player (not an Ipod), I just plugged it into my laptop, went to Explorer to the drive showing the mp3 player, deleted all of my Cardio Coaches (saved the folders though). Then I went back to where I have CC on Explorer (in my Music folder). I made sure that each segment was labeled differently, for example Cardio Coach #2, first segment said C201, C202, C203, C204, etc. After I changed those, I highlighted them and drug them to my mp3 drive (on Explorer). There were only 2 Cardio Coach workouts out of my 7 that I had to do that way. Otherwise, they were not sequential so I went from warmup to Challenge 3, then cooldown, then steady state. Always made me mad when I got ready to do my workout and they weren't in the right order. Hope I wrote this right.

Debra, hope you have a good leg workout. I tell you, it's mind over matter here. I'm picturing getting some much needed definition in my legs. I am actually getting DOMS from my leg workouts now. Guess I never was going low enough on my squats, lunges, etc. How fun to have someone to run errands with. I don't mind running into town if DH goes with me for company. Otherwise, I procrastinate. Thanks for posting about Eoin's new one. What day do you go to the dr?

Sandra, thanks for posting the link to the new Eoin. I'll check it out. I was hoping that no noise would emit from the laptop when I pressed "BUY" as DH was sitting next to me. Hey, some things are just better left unsaid. My alias? Whatever...;-) I think a 4DS is in the future for me sometime too. Think I may repeat this leg rotation or a different leg rotation. It's a good one. Hear that whip cracking? Get to work!

Lea, I'm going to try to get in a walk today. Have been just too busy at work, but need to make the time and get out my tennies. Our weather is getting gorgeous too!

Christiane, have a safe trip. We will miss you! You are one busy lady.

Latrese, sorry you didn't sleep well. Is the supplement not working as well as you'd like? I fixed my Cardio Coaches on my mp3 player so now they aren't all mixed up.

Gotta run.

Let it be known that Aunt Flo left my house over the weekend. :p :7

I disagree. The STS thread is not a zoo... it's jr. high school. On second thought, what's the difference. I agree... it wouldn't surprise me if there aren't multiple personality disorders. Sounds like a desperate shout out for a personal Magical Mechanic.:eek: :p }(

Now, as far as my early AM absence from the check-in... I slept in! Honest. Just ask Baby!:+ Whatever!:eek: :+

Traci: Thanks for the conspiracy theory laughs. Step away from the STS forum. It's like a 30 minute gawker delay when you're already running late. Then again, you're doing shorter workouts these days.}( What! You're taking a day off?!?!?! Whatever are you going to do with yourself?!?! Can you come over here? It'll be power heated yoga day.:7 You can just attend the class without having to actually work. I'll tell the instructor you're going to give Phil form pointers.:+ That wouldn't be a true day off though. WeLL come anyway and go shopping with me! We can fight over the last pair of hot clearance jeans! You know you would win!!!:) As yes, you can eat all my fattening foods and not gain an inch. Of course, that means you can only have a couple of bites of each dish.:p

Sandra: Come on, we need to give Traci, I mean Stacy the benefit of the doubt! :eek: }( You are more than welcome to come over for lunch... You can teach the girls writing and grammar while I slave over the stove grilling all sorts of fatty foods.;) Hey, at least I used rye bread instead of white. :p :7 Nice rotation you have planned. Too bad, I'm stuck working out with DO. Oh! Who am I kidding. There's no way I'd do Imax with ya! :p :7 I believe there's a Nespresso store in New York. George Clooney won't be making espresso in PA. :-(

Lea: Enjoy the day!!! I totally relate to your non-workout soreness. My back gets that way when I don't workout. Since it's gonna get sore one way or another, might as well move.

Christiane: Oh! I thought you were home already. Have a safe flight home!!! Check your email when you get home.:*

Teddygirl: What are you going to do now that your SH dvds get to collect dust? GS? Did you check out Sandra's rotation? She's got a couple of weeks of GS in it.

Jeanette: Re: STS format. Tell us how you really feel!:7 :7 You are soo funny! Thanks for the belly laughs!!! Less puffy during TTOM is a good sign!!! I'm so bloated these days. I felt like it was TTOM yesterday.x( I've got get a handle on my diet fast. LOL on hippie day. Crazy hat day is for Bible Club. I'm sure your dad would approve of the girls' hats. No beanies involved.;) You are the 2nd person in my life who was not allowed to listen to the Beetles while growing up. My gf's parents worked at Bob Jones University.:eek: Need I say more.:7

Debra: You are tempting me to get Eoin. I'm gaining weight. I had to hold my breath and do the squirm on my back to pull up my jeans yesterday. Not a pretty sight! Glad CBL is back to his normal jovial self. Does he know when we're arriving? Did you invite him over for dinner Thursday night? :7

Laurie: Whooo Hoooo! Loose jeans must be a great feeling!!!! I wouldn't know. LOL Keep up the awesome work! Stay positive!!!

Okay, I've gotta press play. I'll be too tired tonight to Plyo with Phil.

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!
Take it easy woman!! I know it doesn't sound like a lot of work, but don't wear yourself out. Please do yoga tomorrow...and you must get the new Eoin when finances allow!

Somehow, I don't see you squeezing into jeans! I am sure they just needed a little stretching out after being in the dryer. I never fit into my jeans first thing...they ALWAYS have to stretch! I haven't told CBL when you guys are coming because I figure he would run for the hills! I am just planning on springing you guys on him when he least suspects it...lol. Actually I am hoping to get him over on the Friday night when you all are here...at least to come over for a cocktail...I don't know if he could handle an entire dinner with 7 women!

I have NO idea how long each segment is...I will say this...the premix I did yesterday lasted 36 minutes without the relaxation time at the end. The longest chapter is #3 which I haven't done yet...and the second longest looks to be #5...again...haven't done that one yet. Next time I do the dvd I will get the times for you....which should be in a couple of days...legs today...cardio tomorrow....then more Eoin!

Waving to Christiane, Teddygirl, and Kim....along with Jeanette and Sandra, of course! I promise to be back this afternoon with longer personals....but now I must go hit play or my legs will never be as toned as Tracy's...Yeah, right!!! LOL!

Forgot to say...I just got up from my nap to a thunderstorm!!! It's February, for those of you who may have forgotten...We shouldn't have thunderstorms until June!! What the heck is up with the weather??? I have daffodils blooming in my back yard.



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Morning Xers,

Round 3/Phase 3/Week 12/Day 4
Workout: MTV Yoga

This morning, while walking the dog I landed on my backside. x( I'm fine, because the snow gave a soft landing. :D I of course let go of the leash, but Cami came back to check out why I was on the ground. Since I was able to talk to her, she gave me a big kiss. :7 Very slippery around our area today, I had to find alternate roads again. I could see the freeway was backed up for miles. x(

Oldest DD and I have decided to take our run outdoors today. The roads should be fine by this afternoon. The sun is bright in the sky, and salt was applied to the roads (after I walked the dog). :D We will be doing a 3m run when I get home from work. It will probably be a slower run than she is used to, since I'm not as fast as she is. :D

Traci, I was looking at the Barry's, and am very interested in getting these. Did you get the deluxe package for that one? Dang you must be some type of Sherlock Holmes or something. You figured out that I had an alias. :7 :7 Ya right!!! I don't know how some of these people have so much time to sit here and post all day long. :7 :7 Sorry I can't help you on the short Yoga sections. All the ones I have are usually over 30 min long. We will miss you on Thursday, but understand your need to do nothing for a day. LOL about the boys bootie, and bods. :7 :7 Well of course I did look at all those things too, but the second or was it the third time I looked I noticed their backs. :7 :7

Kim, So you are the phantom poster!!!! LOL :D

Debra, Sorry to hear that DD is getting this nasty bug. Apparently the schools are seeing about 50% of the students have the flu this year. I'm knocking really hard on my pressboard desk hoping that my DD's don't get this. They both have had minor colds, but not this flu. Thanks for the description on the chapters. Going to need this one too. Now what fun stuff do you get to do for your next paper?

Sandra, I like your rotation. If I do the rotation, I think I will only change the total body+ to be in the same week as SH Legs. I don't get the DOMS from that like I do GS Legs. :D Probably not using as much weight as I could. And I would be adding my running instead of some of the cardio.

Lea, Hope the sore muscles move from the body quick. Yoga tomorrow will probably help. ;-) I needed the stretch in my legs today, and may pull out Stretchmax after our run outside today. :D

Christiane, Sounds like a busy time for you when you get back to LUX. Have a safe flight today.

TG, I just had to LOL at your post. I understood exactly what Cathe was talking about in her initial post, and couldn't understand why all these others couldn't understand. Like Traci said, probably just people wanting to be negative. :D

Jeanette, Those slow mo lunges get ya good, I agree. In fact I always forget how long they are, and start talking to Cathe to end the torture. :D Sad to say that DH has not started any sewing on our outfits. I have to light a match under that guys butt pretty soon (oh wait that could be dangerous!! LOL). He has been busy with the computer conversion. Way to many files have to be transferred.

Wendy, So Sandra is coming to your house for lunch, Traci is taking the day off from everything. Is this Traci's chance to take care of the children for a day? :7 :7 See I can do conspiracies too. :7 :7 After that kind of day she would be going crazy. :7 :7 The lunch did sound really good, I was looking at my yogurt with a so so attitude.

Have a great day!

Hi all,

I've just had no extra time since the weekend. I've been getting up a little later and then I just have no time to post in the morning.

Yesterday was a power walk and some yoga. DS and I have done serious yoga the past 4 days and we both were feeling it. I'll do B&B today plus the core. No yoga; I need a break.

I haven't frequented the STS forum because I just can't stand all of the negativity etc. I still can't figure those people out!

Traci - What will you do on your break day? Shopping?

Sandra - I just printed out your rotation. It is tempting. When are you starting?

Laurie - I'm glad the snow padded your fall.

Debra - When is that DR appointment? Maybe a little virus is making you more tired.

Jeanette - I hate those slow mo lunges and my eyebrows are thinning too. I never thought I'd have to pencil them in a little, but I sure look better when I do.

I have to go, sorry if I missed anyone.

ROF....Ya'll Just GOTTA read STS Forum- every post! ROF:+ :+ :+

Also- If any of you want me to post the link to the specific topics I reference and/or RE-POST links to BF Calculators - All I have to say is::::::

GO DO A SEARCH FOR YOURSELF! ITS JUST PLAIN RUDE TO ASK SUCH THINGS!!!!!!!!!ROF - You just wait til I get my Stacy screen name up & running!!!!!!!!!!!! BTW: I think someone read my conspiracy theory this AM as it was semi stated in STS!!!!!!!!!! ROF

Good heavens I'm crackin' up here today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TRACY:::: I spent 10 minutes trying to figure out WTH your losing eyebrows had to do with excessive yoga and or SloMo Lumges!!!ROF!!! I kid you not!!! Took foever before it all came together (or seperated as the case may be):7 :7 :7
Stacy...err Traci: What smack are you talking about?!?! Re: "BTW: I think someone read my conspiracy theory this AM as it was semi stated in STS!!!!!!!!!!" Do you read your posts after you type them?:p }(

Hey Guys,

Tracie: Post the link I have to read what the heck is going on. I am waiting...:)

Tracy: HUH, I didn't get the eyebrow thingy either, explain:-(

Wendy: Nope, I won’t be following the lovely Ms. Sandra rotation altho it’s a goodie. I'm waiting for the 4 Day Split to arrive should be getting them Friday. However I plan to do a 4 week rotation of the 4 Day Split and after that’s, a 4 week rotation of P90X plus then hopefully we have STS. I plan too order this week if not tomorrow.
HIS, including chest & back, is done. I really like the weight work in this series. When I'm using heavy enough weights, I really feel it. I also added 3 sets of five pull ups throughout the workout, as per that guy's suggestion on the pull up site. I did 5 wide grip pulls after the step warm up, 5 standard pull ups at the end of the cardio, and 5 chins at the end of the weight work.

My booty and hamstrings are really unhappy with me, from yesterday's workout. Traci, did you ever find a solution for that booty-doms- potty problem? I could use some tips.

Lea....Hola! The walk sounds very relaxing.

Christiane....Hello. I didn't expect to hear from you until after all this crazy travelling you're doing. I don't know how you do it, and stick to an exercise rotation. My hat's off to you!

Traci....Ruh roh. What ideas did I give you? I'm sure whatever you've come up with is nothing like I intended LOL!!! Given the breakdown Debra gave of Eoin's new stuff, that looks very promising. I'll definitely be buying once I see it on the shelves in Chapters.

Teddygirl....I've only done CC#5 once, but I remember I loooooved it. I spent a good 6 months dreading it, then had the run of a lifetime. I look forward to using it again this summer.

Jeanette....Oh my goodness, you make me laugh with your fresh discovery of all these leg workouts! I'd have thought that a cyclist would have been all over these from Day 1. Well, at least you can use them now. I should imagine the Bowflex would work for the squats? What do I know, though; I don't own one, and I haven't seen STS. So, my opinion is based on nothing. Wouldn't it be hilarious if the computer applauded every time a purchase was made online? Heck, I'd love to get applause just for getting out of bed in the morning LOL! I'm in Week 2 of a ? week rotation with 4DS. The weight work is just so good, and I enjoy the cardio.

Wendy....So much of life is like Jr. High, isn't it? You slept in? Does that mean you're adjusting back to normal time? You want me to do the teaching? I don't think I can improve on anything you do! I got a kick out of George peeking around the corner at the end of that commercial. You're not an Imax person at all? I used to lose sleep, dreading an Imax in the morning. I don't feel that way anymore. I just tell myself I'll do my best and if I can't get all the way through blast-whatever, it doesn't matter. The attempt is all that matters.

Debra....I missed what leg workout you're going to do today, but I hope you hurt as much tomorrow as I do today. :* :* Thunderstorms? Crazy!

Laure....Awwwww, Cami loves you! Did she kiss your boo-boo or your face? That should be a fun run with DD today. Let's do the Feb rotation, then! I think Tracy might be interested; let's find out when she'll be ready.

Tracy....When would you be ready to start the Feb rotation?


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