RT Checkin Saturday 4-28


Hi All! I guess I'm the first one today. Since I'm at the boat, this morning was a 4 mile run, followed by Sandmax, Stainmax, and Varnishmax LOL. We are doing major interior work this year. It will be beautiful once it's done but it's been a long road.

Mona: It's good to hear from you again. I was thinking about you! It sounds like we do similar work. Hopefully all the worst is behind you!

Vicki: My prior routine was generally 4-5 1+ hour cardio a week and two 1 hour weight work. I changed my routine to 1/2 hour cardio 6 days followed by one body part. After losing 50 pounds with Weight Watchers 4 years ago I was also very rigid in my eating. I stopped journaling and tried a more natural style of eating (though still choosing healthy non-processed foods). Also, I stopped using the scale and only use my clothes as my guide. This change seems to have been working so I'll stick with it for the short term.

It is a beautiful day here. I chose to go to the gym though. I did back/bi weights and a step class. I am thinking about getting out and taking a walk later to enjoy the day. Yesterday was IMAX1 and GS CT. My chest is a little sore today (as usual)!

KT...have fun out at your boat. It will be so enjoyable after all of your hard work is done. I usually go by the way my clothes fit also. I probably weigh 1-2 times a month at the most. I find I don't obsess so much if I don't weigh more frequently. There is nothing better than putting on clothes from last year that are a bit looser than the year before!

I hope eveyone else is having a wonderful day.
Good morning roadtrippers! Today was the day for my long run and instead of hitting the roads at my normal time I headed out to a local high school track at 0200 to join my friend in the Relay for Life to support cancer research. That was definitely one of the most enjoyable long runs I've ever experienced. It was a clear beautiful night. I plugged in my iPod and was soon in the "Zone"
before I knew it the sky was turning light and I had logged in over 13 miles. I'm participating in a challenging half marathon next Saturday so I slowed to a walk for a while after that but did end up getting in 15 miles..... feelin great!!!

TK- Sounds like you have a good routine goin there with your eating, workout style! What kind of boat do you have? Sailboat, powerboat?
I bet it'll turn out great and I definitely want to see some pics at the RT!!!!

Lara- Awesome workouts for you this weekend girl!!!! WTG:7 :7 GS CT never fails to give me DOMS as well;-) Hope you get in a walk... the weather is too beautiful to waste indoors!

Mona- Wow you made me tired just reading your post yesterday!!! I'm sorry your project didn't get launched as smoothly as you would have preferred. As busy as you are you sound like a real "together" person, very intelligent and organized, even managing to get in some solid sweaty workouts! Keep up the good work.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Hi ladies! Today was very busy for me. I had to mow about 2 1/2 acres and then I help my DH rototiller an area for our garden. Tomorrow, we will be buying some plants and planting seeds. Didn't have time for any workouts today (officially that is, I feel like I got quite the workout!). I still plan to do B&G tomorrow though. Hope everyone has a lovely night! I'd better run, DH is nagging me for the computer.
Good evening ladies,

this morning I did MM! My DD has exams next week, I can't stay on the computer to long.

Have a great evening!

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