Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 7/18



Today I did Kelly Coffey-Meyer's weight workout, 30 minutes to Fitness. I like that you can choose to do ab/core work in between sets or cardio. I am looking forward to the new ones I pre-ordered that she did. They look really good. All are 30 minutes. Yippey!

I am getting the house ready for the AC installation tomorrow. They need good access to outside walls of the living room and 3 bedrooms.

Why do we gather and keep all sorts of "stuff" that is in excess? I don't need 400 hair products really, do I? 5 brushes, 4 hairdryers, 3 flat irons etc....When we cleaned out the bathroom to have it remodeled, I put all the "stuff" that was in there, in large Rubbermaid type containers and put those in the guest bedroom. Well guess what? Now I am forced to go through that stuff. Well I had to get to it sometime and this is forcing me to do it.

A gorgeous day here today, we are even existing without one fan on...yay!

Take care...

Valerie, I copied your response on to today's post...

"Deb the issue we have with the air is that bedrooms are upstairs, and we have numerous skylights so the upstairs heats up while main floor is quite cool and where the thermostat is. the basement is always cool, regardless. and generally don't sleep well over 60 degrees. anyway, just saying... that air flow in the house and sun exposure all add in to what size unit you need. Hope this works well for you, we never regretted it for a second. plus, ours cut our winter heat costs by half."

Yes, I hope we end up with the right BTU numbers. Yours is a Heat pump right? ours will be only for air conditioning, since we have a huge boiler in the basement for heat, which is 97% efficient and has saved us a ton of money too...


Good morning,

I did a 30 minute Couch to 5K treadmill workout, only burned 197 calories, what is up with that? :mad:..

Anyway, I will be around here all day today and tomorrow, while the AC is being installed. Yay!

I know that Garance is away, hope she is having a nice trip. I hope Max is ok at the kennel, and his surgery is healing nicely. Nothing like going away and leaving a semi-sick pet. :confused:.

TTY later....
Hi Ladies,

I only did my workout on Saturday. I could not get myself to ride my bike on Sunday.
It was hot and I did not want to be out and about in the heat.

Deb, I have been working 75% time since my DD was born. I usually work 30 hours per week. My hours are M-F 8:00 to 3:00 and now I have to work until 5:00.

Valerie, what did you do this weekend?

Hi Cathy and Joan.

same here josie, i was supposed to do a 30m cardio yesterday, but after church, i was so exhausted , i just laid around most of the day, but last week was sooooo busy, my old body was wore out! :)

so, today i did complete body sculpting (firm) and added one set of very heavy upper body. i did the same upper body on sat. i love it. it is one that one of the firm instructors made up. it is fun and you can go very heavy. i'll paste it here if anyone is interested.

Home » Jen's heavy upper body sculpt
Jen's heavy upper body sculpt

by Instructor_Jen | Jul 12, 2010

My HEAVY Upper Body Workout is just the thing you are looking for this week! It is a nice change of pace from the lighter, faster routines that we are all used to. A lot of women worry about lifting heavy weights because they do not want to look bulky. Be assured that we cannot, even if we tried. We do not produce the muscle building hormone, testosterone, in the abundance that men do. VARIETY in our workouts is a beautiful thing. Not only will it get our minds out of a rut, but it will keep our bodies from getting in one, too. So pick up those heavy weights, the ones that make you sweat, the ones that you struggle with and the ones that make your body ache the next day. Remember the more muscle you have the more calories you burn at rest. You will need 2-3 sets of heavy dumbbells and that is it...LET'S GET STARTED!

Heavy Double Split Row: I want you to concentrate on your back muscles with this exercise. Start with two heavy dumbbells. Place your feet in a runners lunge with your right leg in front first. Hinge forward from your hips about 45 degrees keeping your spine long, all the way to the top of your head. Your shoulders should be back and down away from your ears. Maintaining this torso position, reach the dumbbells toward your front foot with your elbows in full extension and your palms facing inward. This is your starting position. Now "row" the dumbbells up to hip level keeping your elbows in close to your torso. Think about wrapping your shoulder blades around your spine. Return to start and repeat for a total of 6 repetitions with your right leg in the front, then complete 6 repetitions with your left leg in front. With this exercise you get the added bonus of isometrically working your legs while holding your runner's lunge. Keep your pace slow and controlled.

Oblique Push-ups: This exercise is not only awesome for working your chest and arms, it also adds a little core challenge as well. Start in a side plank position up on your right hand, not your elbow. Make sure that your shoulder, elbow, and wrist are lined up. Remember for the lower body portion, you have the option of stacking your left knee over your right or stacking your left foot over your right. From this side plank position, place your left hand on the floor, keeping your hips turned and facing left. Slowly lower your chest toward the floor by bending your elbows as you would in a push-up. Feel your chest and core working. Slowly push back up, keeping your hips stacked. Complete 6 repetitions on your right side. Then switch and do 6 on your left side. Remember, you always have the option of doing a traditional push-up.

Heavy Clean and Press: This biceps curl and overhead shoulder press exercise works several upper-body muscle groups at the same time. It strengthens your biceps, shoulders and triceps. Hold a pair of dumbbells straight down at your sides, palms turned toward each other. Curl-up the weights up to chest level then press them overhead. Do not arch your back on the press: keep a slight pelvic tilt and hold your abdominals tight. Also, make sure when you press the dumbbells overhead you reach for the sky and line up your wrists, elbows, and shoulders. Reverse the motion to return to the starting position.

Repeat 12 times.

Heavy Triceps Kickbacks:

Start with one dumbbell in your right hand and place your feet a little outside your hips, bending your knees slightly and hinging at your hips to a 45 degree angle. Be sure to brace your abs tight to protect your back. Depress and retract your scapula by pulling your shoulders down and back. Maintain this position throughout the exercise. Your head should be aligned with your spine. Position your working arm parallel to, and close to, your torso. Bend your elbow to 90 degrees or at least to a point where your forearm hangs vertical to the floor. Slowly extend your elbow by contracting your triceps muscles until your elbow is fully extended. Your upper arm should remain stationary next to your torso during the movement. Avoid any arching in your low back or any rotation in your torso. Slowly return your arm to your starting position, without changing your torso position. Keep your upper arm parallel and close to your torso. Do 6 repetitions on the right and 6 on the left.

Alternating Grappler Row: The grappler row is almost like a traditional bent-over row, except we will keep the dumbbells inside your legs and start at the top of the move. You will need two heavy dumbbells for this exercise. Your feet should be placed a little wider than hip-width apart. Bending your knees and pushing them outward over your ankles, hinge forward from your hips, getting your torso as parallel to the floor possible. The more parallel you are to the floor, the harder it will be. With that said, if you feel any pulling in your lower back, simply lift your torso to a place where your back does not feel compromised. You will need to hold this solid position throughout the exercise. HOLD YOUR ABS TIGHT! Next, pull your elbows in close, lifting the dumbbells and squeezing your upper and mid-back. From here, slowly lower your right arm to full elbow extension while keeping your left arm up in the start position. Pull your right arm back up and repeat on the left side. This is a challenging exercise, so really pay close attention to proper form. Alternate your right and left sides for a total of 12 repetitions.

Alternating Dumbbell Floor Press: This interesting variation of the traditional dumbbell chest press is more challenging than it looks. By alternating your arms, you add a new dynamic to the move where you have to engage your core to keep your body stable. Do this exercise supine on the floor. Begin with one weight in each hand straight up over your chest, palms facing your thighs. Keep your left arm in place while bending your right elbow and lowering your arm down until it's at or just below your chest (your arm should look like a goal post). Press your arm back up without locking your elbow, then immediately repeat the move with your left arm while keeping your right arm in place. Continue alternating sides, engaging your abs to keep your torso from moving. Keep your abs contracted throughout the movement to protect your back. Keep the motion slow and controlled-try not to use momentum. Alternate right and left for a total of 12 repetitions.

Leg Raise: Let's add a little more core work to the alternating dumbbell press by adding a double leg raise. Finish your last rep and keep the dumbbells over your chest. Your arms are straight and reaching for the sky at all times. Keeping your core tight and your spine pressing into the floor, lower both legs to about an inch or two from the floor. MAKE SURE YOUR BACK DOES NOT ARCH! Using your core, slowly lift your legs back to start. Again, do not use momentum. If you feel your back arching before your legs reach 1-2 inches from the floor, then you will need to stop your legs before you feel the arch. So you may only get your legs to a 45 degree angle or less. That is OK. You will get stronger. FORM is very important here!! Repeat 12 times.

Heavy Alternating Biceps Curl: If you're looking for a simple way to change your biceps exercises, try alternating your arms. By alternating your arms, you change the exercise just a bit and may be able to use heavier weights than you use with regular double-arm curls. Because one arm gets a bit of a rest while the other one works, you may find heavier weights a better choice. Stand with your feet about hip-distance apart or whatever is comfortable and hold the weights beside your thighs with your palms facing out. Bend your right elbow and curl the weight up towards your shoulder, keeping your shoulder still. Lower the weight, keeping a slight bend at the bottom to keep tension on your biceps. Repeat the move with your left arm. Continue alternating arms for a total of 12 alternating repetitions. Avoid using momentum. Keep the move slow and controlled and don't swing the weights.

Heavy Overhead Press: Start by standing upright with your back straight and your core tight. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with an overhand grip and your knuckles facing up. Your elbows are at 90 degrees and out to the sides of your shoulders. Raise the weights above your head in a controlled motion, ensuring that you do not slam your arms upward and stress your elbow joints. Exhale as you push upward, being mindful not to let your back arch. On the downward motion, for the first six repetitions, stop your elbows at shoulder level. Again, your elbows will be at 90 degrees. For the final 6 repetitions, execute the upward motion as before, but on the downward motion, pull your elbows all the way down and in toward your ribs. Squeeze your back and push your chest up and outward. I love adding this full range movement! Perform a total of 12 repetitions.

Heavy Standing French Press: The French press is a great way to isolate your triceps. When performing the French press while standing, be sure to stand straight up with your feet separated and placed under your hips. Keep your knees soft and maintain a slight pelvic tilt. Tighten your abdominals. Hold one dumbbell at the end with both palms and raise it to an extended position a bit behind your head. Keep tension in your triceps even when your arms are extended at the top of the lift. While keeping your upper arms and elbows fixed close to your head, bend your elbows to allow the dumbbell to descend behind your head until your forearms touch your biceps, or as low as is comfortable. Next, use your triceps to press the dumbbell upward until your arms reach the extended position. Repeat 12 times.

One set of all of these exercises should take you around 10-15 minutes to complete. I would like for you to get in three full sets. This should be a good 30-45 minutes of strength training. These are basic exercises that you can incorporate into your weekly routine. Enjoy and I look forward to your feedback.

the oblique push-up is killer. very difficult.
ttyl, cathy

Good morning all,

Today I did KCM Weights w/core. I like her core work a lot. Well WE HAVE A/C!! Right now in the living room and our bedroom. Today they come back to do the other 2 bedrooms. :D What a difference it makes in the house. There is a setting that just de-humidifies if you do not want full AC. Each room has it's own thermostat control to whatever setting you want. It's great!

Josie, I eny you with part time work. When I retire from this job, I will probably get a part time job, maybe 20 hours per week, but it will be something easy and no pressure.

Cathy, that workout sounds hard! I would need a rest day after that one for sure!

Take care,
Back from the weekend... with mondays off now, sometimes I get mixed up on what day it is. Yoga class this morning so I know it's tuesday...

I did the first disk of meso 3 on saturday, and increased almost all my weights. Had DH spot me on the chest presses so I went heavier than I would by myself. sunday we did a 25 mile bike ride, a street ride, did it in respectable time although about 5 miles into it I realized I was getting low blood sugar and had to stop and eat a snack. felt better in a couple minutes but doesn't help with the weight loss program.

monday we did a very tough hike. it was hot.. so HOT I thought I'd fry. such a contrast to a week ago when we were freezing and wearing long underwear and it was snowing. I was so exhausted I was staggering by the time we got down. no shade, sun on snow and no breeze. I do not do well in heat, and this was not expected from the forecast. very cool and foggy down lower where we live. still a lovely hike but I was so overheated I felt sick. I had sun block clothing, hat, cold bandana but I don't do well when it gets hot. I don't sweat, more water just makes me pee. DH sweats like crazy, pouring off him, and I get slightly damp armpits.. Josie, probably not hot by your standards but also hiking is not like bike riding where you generate somewhat of a breeze. regardless, sometimes it's too hot to do "the plan". we don't bike when it gets too hot either, or else we go very early in the morning. for our hike we went early, but it was already hot up there. DH's family lives in Fresno so he grew up in heat. I only visit there in january.

DH was adding up all we did in a week and it was pretty amazing, hiked around 40 miles including the backpack, and biked 75. plus a few cathe upper body workouts. I finally lost 2 lbs. got to keep the ball rolling.

Deb, that's great individual room controls would be wonderful! you will kick yourselves for not doing this years ago. It's so wonderful knowing you can get some rest when the weather outside is miserable.

Cathy, that sounds tough!. I do better with pics though, I can't "see" those oblique pushups. but that's OK, I'm happy with standard ones. I'm working on tricep pushups, close together ones. my elbows rotate out significantly no matter what I try to do with them. I use poles when I hike and have very developed triceps that kick out sideways when I lower myself
Hi everyone,

Deb I can't imagine not having air conditioning now but we didn't growing up. I have been using the treadmill in the pool room so no airconditioning. It has been hot but I'm hoping the sauna like atmosphere will sweat off more fat.

Still trying to figure out elevator situation. We think we have a cheaper solution. If we put a wheelchair lift in the elevator shaft it will work like an elevator. We can do that because we only have to lift dm 5ft.

Of course building the elevator shaft is the hard part.

Still walking but no weights yet.

Good morning,

Today I did the second couch to 5k treadmill workout. Same calories burned as the last time, so I guess I will have to accept that on the treadmill with walking/jogging combination I burn abour 100 calories every 15 minutes.

The temp outside is 68 degrees with 90 % humidity..ugh.

Valerie, it is so nice that your DH and you do so much together, especially the exercise part. You have the cathe Tower right? Are you using it for chest presses?

Joan, I asked DH about the open type lift they have in his building and he said he would get the name for me. It was put in after the fact and is an open type thing that just rides up one floor. you kind of step into it ( or a wheel chair fits in it) and close the gate. Be careful doing the treadmill in very high humidity.

Hi to Josie & Cathy,

Take care,
68 degrees and 90% humidity... wow does that trigger memories. we didn't have air or even fans when I was a kid. I used to spend as much time as I could at the mall or the supermarket. even then I hated it. I moved away from the midwest to a great degree because the weather was horrid so much of the time.

Yes, I use the cathe tower.It works great but you still need to get the weight back up, and If I'm pushing for heavier than usual I can go heavier if DH is there to spot. chest presses are about the only move where a spotter is useful.

exercising when it's hot doesn't work for me. I think I'd get heatstroke. I felt so awful during and after our last hike I was ill. I know almost everyone seems to handle heat better than I do, and what we have here would not even be called "heat" by most. . I think it's a genetic thing. Joan, can you set up a fan to blow on you while on the treadmill?

Good luck on the elevator project. Hope you find a workable option.
I've been waiting until night but it is usually still at least 82 degrees in room with 100% humidity. I have a fan blowing on me and a ceiling fan.

The wheel chair lift we are looking at is made to be enclosed. I thought that would look better. We have to build the shaft anyway because we are going from a one story roof line at entry to a 1 1/2 story roof line in living room.

Good Morning all,

No workout today, I decided to take a rest day. It was that or do the first KCM workout again, and I did not feel up to it.

Valerie, funny you mentioned that you did not have AC or fans when you were a kid. I know we did not have AC, and I do not remember any fans at all either. But I don't remember it being hot or at least complaining about it. I know is must have been just as hot as now, but when you are a kid, you do all kinds of things, like go in sprinklers, go to city pools etc I know I just loved the summer months back then.

Joan, I hope the lift works for what you need. You will have to take pics and post once it is done.

Hi to Cathy, & Josie, and vacationing Garance!

Take care,
Hi Ladies,

I will be doing my weight training today plus 30 minutes of cardio. The weather here has been crazy. One day is very hot then 2 days of overcast and in the low 60's and it only goes up to the mid 70's.

Joan, my DH was sick last week with a sore throat that developed into a cough and also had a runny nose. I started to get a sore throat myself, but I think that I beat it.

Deb, when I was a kid living in Ciudad Juarez, right across for El Paso, Texas, we did not have AC either and it was very hot during the summer. I remember sleeping with all the windows open and some times we would sleep outside in the back yard. It was fun for my brothers and me. I also loved the summer months.

Hi to Valerie, Cathy and Garance.

My parents were very weird. They used to say "the night air never did anyone any good" as the reason for shutting the windows at night and not using fans etc. DH and I laugh about it now but they never let us sleep outside... josie, I envy you.. and even slammed the windows shut regardless of the heat. we used to struggle to sleep at night.

we had one very very old fan that they would sometimes let me use at night when my bedroom moved upstairs, where it was even hotter. one night the fan shorted, the cord burst into flame. I woke up ( fortunately) unplugged it, and blew out the flame but that ended experiments with fans. I saved enough money to buy a room air conditioner which helped tremendously, but then the next door neighbors complained it made too much noise so it was a battle every time I wanted to turn it on. I was so glad to move out.

Deb, I used to go to a public pool ... it was a couple miles away and we rode our bikes there and back... and play in the sprinklers during the day but nights were really uncomfortable. I never slept outside until I was around 25 yrs old and started backpacking. my parents were afraid of everything.... but the "night air?" good grief, what were they thinking.

Oh.. back to exercise. I did disk 29 tuesday, wed we did a 35 mile bike ride. I got on the scale this morning, and I am down 5 lbs total. think I misread the numbers the other day. I didn't have my contacts in yet. anyway, I've been working hard and it feels right. my pants are looser. I'd like to lose 5 more and then re-evaluate. I don't want to lose the muscle I've worked so hard to develop. It sure took a long time to show up on the scale!

Joan you have the worst luck lately. I don't work out when I have a cold or sore throat. I've become a little compulsive with hand sanitizer but it's paying off. every time I've touched public surfaces I don't touch my face or eyes, and use sanitizer immediately when I get back to the car. I've had fewer colds since I've been more careful. I keep sanitizer in purse and car.
joan, where do you live? no AC? that is a drag. i applaud you for working out in that heat. do you suppose it burns more calories? i have always wondered that.

no w/out today, g/kids here and we were outside. it was miserably hot and humid, so not alot of fun. i was soaked with sweat.
yesterday was the firm's body sculpt, a super toughie, and i went heavy. i feel it today. my hamstrings are sore.
Hi all,

I did the 3rd Couch to 5k workout today, now next week I up the jogging time and maybe lessen the walking time. I have to look at the program again. I am down 2 pounds this week....happy about that. It's been a few weeks since the scale has moved at all.

Joan, hope you don't get a full blown cold or flu...take zinc lzenges, Garance swears by them.

Josie, I cannot imagine how hot it was when you lived in Juarez. I know the first time I went to Mexico, we stepped off the plane, ( no jetway) and I thought I was entering a 500 degree oven, and this was only May!

Valerie, disc 30 and a 35 mile bike ride? You are a Wonder Woman! I would be dead.
Good job on the weight loss!

CAthy, so you did the GrandKidMax workout yesterday? LOL! I think Joan has AC, just not in her room with the pool.

Stay cool everyone!
Deb, that's what I thought about Joan's workout area too. I would be rolling that treadmill somewhere with "air" in a NY minute. I think zinc lozenges work too. I take those plus vitamin c and swear they fend off at least some colds. Congrats on the 2 lbs. slow and steady usually works the best.

Cathy, I think heat (for most people) impairs the level they can exercise at, so results in much less calorie burn. * this is my opinion*. personally, my work capacity drops by at least 80% as the temp rises. some acclimate and can exercise intensely in heat but I don't think it applies to everyone, especially if they go back and forth from "air" to heat all the time. I can do a LOT of work up to 60 degrees but by 70 I'm having problems. my best temp is around 40 degrees.

Deb, what you said about Mexico and ovens made me think of my last trip to Phoenix. It was 117 degrees, went to a wedding and had to put on panty hose. OMG. clearly invented by sadist. we rode around on a lake on a boat which was cooler, maybe 115, and the frosting fell in huge globs off the wedding cake, taking chunks of cake with it, in minutes out of the frig. It looked like a glacier calving off chunks of ice! when my friend is here she wears all kinds of clothes even when it's "hot" here. but then phoenix has almost zero humidity, not the same as when the warm humid air streams up from the Gulf.

I did the ride and disk on consecutive days. we rode HARD for 35 miles and that was quite enough. I'm crediting riding for the weight loss. I can't go 2+ hours on a treadmill but I can ride that long,it's decent cardio the entire time. Josie, I'm forgetting how much but you lost some weight on the big ride, didn't you? For me long steady exertion works the best for weight loss.

remembering what I learned, I repeated disk 23 (legs) yesterday. It's fast, increased my weights on most moves. I will need to do a squat/lunge type workout once a week to prevent major lower body DOMS. I will do at least some of the meso 3 leg disks but we want to ride tomorrow and hike monday and I can't enjoy that if I'm sore from plyo leg stuff.
Hi Ladies,

I have been dragging all day. I guess the extra hours this week have gotten to me.
I will be doing my weight workout on Saturday plus cardio and on Sunday I will either ride or go spinning depending on the weather.

My blog has been updated with pictures of the closing ceremonies and my family.

Valerie, I did loose 4 pounds during the ride, but I gained them back since I have not been riding as much as when I was training for the ride.

Well, back to work, it is only 2:35 here in LA.

Have a great weekend.

Hi all,

Nothing much besides HouseMax today and Keegan's agility class. I feel like crawling on the couch and taking a nap. My cousin wants me to jog/walk at a run they are having at the church festival tonight. Not sure if I want to do that in this heat and humidity.

Josie, nice blog pics!

Valerie, good that you figured out how to mimimize the DOMS in your legs. Do you do the Plyo leg workouts in STS?

What is everyone doing this weekend?

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