
Good Morning Peeps

I'm on my 4th cup of coffee and still can't seem to get started

Vilma--I am still staying as hydrayed as I can. I can't start 1st thing in the morning because I HAVE TO HAVE MY COFFEE!!! But I have been keeping the water bottle with me in the car and next to the computer. Helps a lot to have it handy. Although yesterday my water in the car was slightly frozen!

Karin--I love the idea of tea. Sounds like such a nice idea. I want to hear all about it. And I really think you deserve to go by Dr. But I have been singing Doctor Doctor give me the news...... all morning since reading that

Wendy- you are insane!!! Just kiddin'
The things we do with and for our children make such great memories for them. And refresh me on the Swedish thing. Are YOU swedish?? My father was. I remember my grandmother making delicious food when I was very young. Everyone on my dad's side is gone but i would love to learn a little bit more about the food. Would you mind???
And remember my post about when the doctor asked me if my dad was albino ( because of my boys) and I said " I just thought he was swedish"??? Everyone on my dad's side was super fair, see thru blue eyes and white hair. Hence the confusion.

Heather- What do you mean there's more in that WF case??? I would be living there!!! I'm glad to hear that your friend is recognizing the importance of good health. It's not about being skinny, it's about being healthy. And if I see one more magazine cover with a "Healthy diet" and an anorexic looking kelly Ripa on the front, I'm gonna puke!!!

Dani- I'm still freezing!! But sooooo looking forward to my mail.

I have to take DS for his 5 yr old well visit to OUR peds office. Don't know how I'm going to get thru that. I can't imagine not seeing Dr. Epple. He's the only one in the office who has ever seen my boys. Wish me luck. I am still looking for a new Pediatrician, it's very hard with their medical problems. They need consistincy ( and a mother who can spell consistancy)

Hi to all Peeps Have a great day!!!!!
I'll BBL
Good Morning Ellie and All Peeps that follow

Ellie - I understand about the coffee, I need mine too but I just drink my 20oz bottle of water as I'm sitting up in bed I don't even try to think about it anymore.

After I drink at least 2 water bottles equaling 40oz; I'll usually brew my coffee or just wait until after I'm done dropping off the kids at school in which case the other bottle comes with me for the ride. Equaling the 60oz before 8am.

Then when I get home I'll have my yup 20oz of brewed coffee. I use my bottled water for the water to brew so I guess it evens out.

Throughout the day I'll have tea and flavored water using those crystal lite packets for water bottles. We buy the large packages (3) of 24 20oz of water and usually stock up every three days.

The kids and hubby all drink the water too I don't buy anything but 100% apple juice , milk or water so they also have alot of water.

Its a big adjustment - I never liked drinking water but knew I needed to. That 1st bottle as soon as I get up helps me 'wake' up and gets things moving. I actually started this back in the spring time and its become a habit I don't think of much.:eek:

Sending you and your boys big hugs as you establish yourselves with your new pediatrician.
I'm off to visit my doctor this morning myself.

Have a lovely Tuesday Peeps and stay warm.... not as cold as yesterday but not warm either lol

Peeps Check-in


Good morning! The sleepless Peep is checking in. I did not sleep well Sunday night. I was up until 4:00 a.m. yesterday morning watching a funny movie. I cannot remember what it was now, but I laughed out loud the whole time.

I worked late yesterday and went to the club late last night to jog in the pool. Having a workout buddy really helps. I would have been content to watch a movie at home, but Rebecca talked me into meeting her there. Her husband officially joined the club last night, so he is serious about this!

I am looking forward to The Biggest Loser tonight. I hope Michelle makes the final cut! She has been my personal favorite from the start. I identify with her more than any of the other cast members this season.

It is not cold this morning, but it is dark and rainy. This will likely be a rest day. My cycle finally started yesterday, and I would love to stay at home and curl up with a heating pad. I have a lot to do today, so off to work I go!

Wendy, I do not have a microwave oven. LOL! Any tips for baking a sweet potato in the oven?

Karin, Texas weather has wild temperature swings too. I love snow here! It only stays long enough to be pretty!

Ellie, I am keeping you and your boys in my prayers. I hope you find a new pediatrician soon.

Vilma, I need to start drinking water more consistently again. I naturally drink a gallon of water a day in the spring and summer. I drink more hot herbal tea than pure water in the fall and winter.

Hugs and waves to all the Peeps who visit today.

Heather B.

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
Good Morning Peeps!

I'm back....actually I never went anywhere but I got a new computer and have spent the last 4 days transferring everything over. I was finally able to move all 4 iPods and set up the wireless network. I'm far from a techie but I sure learned a lot of things.

Yesterday was PUB and today will be some form of cardio.

Ellie~ I need my coffee too! Good luck with the Dr. appt. I hope itgoes well and is not too emotional.

Vilma~ I applaud you on your water intake! I force myself to drink as much as I can but it sure gets hard in the winter.

Heather~ What movie did you watch? I just got Step Brothers from netflix to watch. I love Will Ferell.

Hi to all peeps who follow. BBL.

Guten Morgen, Peeps!

FINALLY slept good last night and did Push/Pull + Supersets Upper Body work. Nice little 35 minute workout!! Yea!!

Ellie--First of all, good luck with the appointment today. I know that's going to be emotional for you. Hugs!!

Ya, I do have Swedish in me! I have a great-grandfather and great-grandmother who came over from Sweden. Another great-grandmother came over from Norway. And another is from Germany.

I also love Swedish-Midwestern, kitzy decor and decorated my kitchen as such. I'll attach pictures here so you can se it. It's just colorful and happy and makes me smile (despite the cheese factor!) and it's pretty unique down here in Texas, LOL! After seeing it you all hopefully will still want to be my friend...LOL!

But I like to do playdates with food themes so when I host in January, I'm doing Italian cookies with coffee and am ordering tri-colored cookies from a bakery in New York. :)

Vilma-I'm in on the water challenge! I drank 1.5 bottles this morning, am now drinking eggnog flavored tar, but will switch back to water when I'm done.

JJ--I'm impressed with all the technical work you did!! WOW!! Want to come down to Dallas and install some stuff for me? (DH and I are technical idiots, LOL.)

:) Wendy


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I’m cutting and pasting my post from last night. Nothing has really happened since then, so I allowed to do that, right :)? Well, I just finished the full body premix on PUB/PLB. I haven't done it before but JJ inspired me to pull out that DVD. I didn't want to spend a whole hour on just arms or legs so this worked out perfectly for me. I also added on the stability ball legs at the end. I think that was the hardest part along with the biceps. Also, there are two sets of leg presses in this workout and I wasn't exicted about that so next time I might substitute wall squats or wall sits in place of them.

Is it possible to already have DOMs setting in only 12 hours after I finished my workout? Yikes, I am already feeling my chest, triceps, hamstrings and butt. My knee is feeling a little wonky today because I think that I did the leg presses on too high of a step and I paying the price for it a bit today.

It snowed here last night and there was about 8” of snow on the ground which made for a lovely morning of cleaning off the car, shoveling, and scrambling to not miss the bus. The ride only took about 30 min longer than usual so I was happy about that.

Wendy – I am in awe of your hostessing skills. I am just not motivated enough to have more than a couple over for dinner at a time. Our house isn’t set up very well for entertaining and if we have more than 4 people in our dining/kitchen area, then everyone is running into each other. Do you make the Swedish cookies or purchase them? I have been trying to decide if I am going to make any cookies this year or not. I want to to get into the holiday spirit but I don’t because I will end up eating half of them :rolleyes:.

Ellie – wow, your day yesterday seemed pretty busy. That is so great that so many people donated toys that you actually have too many of them. Keep warm! LOL, about the Dr comment. I hope I didn’t sound like a snob in the OD, but that really get on my nerves when people write Dr for DH and not me.

Dani – OMG, just thinking about GSCT makes my chest hurt. All of those pushups!!! I have slanted risers too. Aren’t they awesome? I wasn’t sure when I purchased them how useful they would be but I love them. They are also good to use for lunges if you have knee problems, putting your front foot on the inclined step makes the lunging motion easier and less stressful on your knees.

Vilma – you are the water queen :). I don’t think that I could ever drink that much water. It’s a struggle to just get 64 oz in my body some days.

Heather – you watch the Biggest Loser? Me too!!!! I have been so infuriated by it this season with all of Vicky’s shenanigans. I really don’t like her and don’t want her to win at all. I hope that Michelle pulls through and beats all of those blue team bullies.

JJ – I am glad that your computer situation has stabilized :). I did PUB/PLB last night because of your recent posts about it. I forgot how much I like it. I don’t have a BB, but just use DBs throughout. Do you have a BB? I think that workout might get on my nerves a bit if I used a BB with all the weight changes.

Hi to all the rest of the peeps!
Just finished CCV4 on the elliptical. I "heart" Cardio Coach:)

Karin~ I really like PUB too and hadn't done it in awhile so it was fun to go back to it. I have a BB which would explain why I do not do PLB except for the stability ball part. YES...changing the plates is a pain! I might just try the premix you mentioned and see how it goes.

Wendy~ You give me too much credit. I'm no techie and it took me 4 days to do what should have taken 1 day but at least now I know how to do more things.

Dani~ I wanted you to know I had plenty of ID ten T errors while setting up my new computer. Just thought you should know you are not alone;)

Have a great day everyone!

Karin--I am not the hostess with the mostess that you think I am! :)

Houdini has made me much more social. Since she will be an only child (she was a high-risk pregnancy involving lots of visits to a specialist and a couple of pre-labor scares that resulted in two overnight hosptial admissions and a CRASH TEAM running into to do an emergency c-section because her heartrate dropped, but then stabilized so they called off the surgery at the last second, etc. all prior to her actual birth, you get the picture!), I NEED to plan things to meet other moms with kids her age so she can have play pals & learn to socialize!!

And although you all know I love to cook, I don't have time to make the quantities needed for entertaining. So for this playdate, I purchased a box of imported Swedish ginger cookies, one box of imported Swedish crisp cookies with chocolate centers, and ordered a Kringle from Wisconsin to be delivered on Friday. DH will make Starbucks coffee and viola! Playdate is done. I have a big living room so I invite five moms/kiddos over, roll out the toys, and we all just hang out and chase our kids. It's actually easier than inviting another couple over and cooking dinner, LOL.

:) Wendy
Good evening, Peeps..

Me and Diane spent the day in Atlantic City and had lunch at PF Chang's....mmmm...lettuce wraps w/chicken!! Got a new pair of running shoes at the outlet mall they have their..(Nike)

I've had the opportunity to gather alot of info, both on Cathe's site and elsewhere regrading exercise and hypertension, and the one common denominator is going with circuit workouts as opposed to heavy lifting, so that's the direction I'll be comes I think I'll purchase Low Impact Circuit and Imax 2 + Cardio and Weights this coming week. Saying goodbye to Slow and Heavy and Muscle Max for the time least until I get my BP under control...I was in need of a change anyway, so this'll work for the forseable future.

Please no sympathy for me regarding hypertension..although I appreciate the kind thoughts I've already gotten...I'm not complaning one iota..there are people far, far worse off than myself.

On a lighter topic...Diane and I got our house decorated for Christmas in record time..we are enjoying our tree on a nightly basis..I just have to remember no jumping for the next month (when the tree and the Lenox ornaments come down)

Have a great night!
Hi to all Peeps out there!

I'm having a "wierd" day and feeling funky... not good, not bad, just wierd... I'm having a hard time concentrating and easily distracted today... haven't done much this afternoon but sit here reading the forums!

So, speaking of... would you mind checking out my other thread in OD regarding Dreaded Company Parties ~ Opinions? I need some advice and not sure if I'm over reacting or should expect some professionalism from DH... no pressure, just your thoughts if you don't mind giving them ~ I could use an outside opinion... :)

Will be heading home soon and will be doing whatever cardio I can muster tonite... I might try out my new High Step so HSCircuit might be the way I go...

Ellie: sorry you haven't warmed up yet! Should I sent a heating pad with the package? :) How'd the Dr. appt go? crossing my fingers that it was a good experience for you guys!

Vilma: Well... i had every intention of starting my water intake today, but stopped to get a breakfast sandwich and ended up with a large diet coke instead :eek: Apparently you can not substitute one liquid for another? hmmmm... will try tomorrow!

Heather: you can still tell who the young ones are because they can stay up until 4am and still be at work by 7! I'd be fast asleep under my desk if I did that now! If you ever remember what the name of the movie is let us know.. can always use a good laugh movie now and then!

JJ: we watched "Ricky Bobbie" or whatever it's called the other night and LAUGHED so hard I could have easily peed my pants! I really do hate those kind of stupid comedies, but it was actually pretty funny... maybe because I am a NASCAR fan, but will still be trying to find Step Brothers too... I even like some of the Adam Sandler movies, but generally hated the SNL type comedies... Good for you on transfering all your files... it took me nearly 4 hours to figure out how to put all my songs FROM my Ipod back onto my computer a few weekends ago when I had to reimage my computer... so I feel your pain!

Wendy: you are such a good mom! I would rather stay home than socialize much, so for me it is a great accomplishment to hear others that have forced themselves out of their comfort zone and stepped up for their kids! I think that's great! cute kitchen too!

Karin: my tri's and chest ARE screaming at me this afternoon... I can't believe that such a short workout can KILL but when you are only working two body parts, I guess it all adds up rather quickly! I still can't do all the band work or the tri-kickbacks as my muscles cramp towards the end, but I can definately feel the muscles building in those places! Yes, I LOVE those slanted risers too... althought I haven't noticed much of a difference when I do lunges from the slanted position hurting less ( as I also had the Firm's Transfirmer that slanted) and they still hurt... maybe just not as much, but I don't feel like it is hitting the glutes and hamstrings the same, so maybe I'm doing it wrong... I have a Dr. appt tomorrow and am asking for a good PT or ortho recommendation to get a better handle on all this knee pain (and shoulder, hip, elbow... sheesh, I'm falling apart)...

Jerry: Tell you what... we'll keep the sympathy to a minimum and you just keep us posted on how much better you are doing as you figure out how to deal with it! We are all here to support each other and you can't blame us for caring! :) That's just what Peeps do! Congrats to you on getting all your decorating done... the guy next door has a variable cornicopia of lights all over everywhere at his house... we don't even turn on the porch lights! lol!!! but hopefully this weekend we will manage to put up the fake tree and some decorations!

Well, it's time to head home, so have a great evening Peeps & will be checking in later tonite with an update!

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