P90X Jan Grads/Feb Starters, Monday


Good Morning Folks!:)

I have BBC Butt and Legs (sans cardio) and running class on tap for today.

My triceps are talking to me because of the arm work out y'day! He hits the tris HARD! OMG!:eek: }( :eek: I also have calf DOMS from the uber tough cardio portion that I only did HALF of! :eek:

So I got on the scale and took my BF measurement today just to see where I'm at...Makes no sense girls! My weight is at all ALL TIME low yet my BF is up a bit from the last time I took it! GO FIGURE! I feel good, I am happy with the way I look so ya know what? TO HECK with the stupid #s, right!? :p

Hope everyone survives their monday!

BBL ofcourse!:)
Morning Ladies!

Cathe ..I was ROTF .. when you said I thought I worked in a mental ward .. LOL... I feel like it most days!! LOL

Wendy .. BBC is kicking my butt .. my triceps were sore for THREE days from arms and abs!!

Sat. I did the CC push play .. OMG .. AWESOME .. it kicked my butt too!! LOVE LOVE LOVE that workout. Sunday we did BBC full body workout .. :eek: how is something that uses NO WEIGHT so dang hard??? AWESOME workout!!

since the weekend torture I put my body thru .. today no lunch workout .. just my total body sculpting w/plyo class .. :eek: .. no need for anything else!!

My weekend was good .. busy .. but good .. we had a couple's wedding shower to help give Sat. night .. then Sunday we worked on the new addition roof .. yes I was a major gopher yesterday .. DH is a working fool!!

the house? the reasoning behind selling .. is the taxes and insurance in Florida skyrocketed this past year .. it is ridiculous .. and we are on the water .. so it tripled .. and DH main motivation $$$$$$$$$$ profit!aahhhh still sad for me though!

Ok .. it is a full moon .. and I have PMS .. and it is the first of the month .. work WILL most assuradly resemble a mental ward this week .. x(

ok .. better run . .will check back later ..
Hi Laura and anyone who follows!

I now have ab DOMS as well from Arms and Abs! Jeesh that work out did a number on me!}(

I am waiting for another CC mp3 sale and I am gonna grab 'em up! They had one about a week or 2 ago and I hemmed and hawwed and missed it! DRAT!x( I have alot of Itreads (which I LOVE!) and they are so cheap compared to CC that I can't bear the thought of paying full price for CC now! LOL Once I get into CC's, if I really like them then I could probably be cohersed into paying full price just for the press play work out as I have heard time and time again how awesome it is!

Isn't BBC's fullbody work out a killer!? I want to cry when I'm doing that work out! I did it THREE times last week! YIKES! LOL The set really is awesome. The work outs are TOUGH! Great bargain for the price!!!

I have XFlowsion and Slim Series Express on their way to me now as well as a new Baron yoga dvd! I am addicted...I just can't stop buying!!!LOLOL}( }( }(
Hi Ladies,

I had a busy weekend and not only did I not workout, I think I ate everything in sight! Well not that bad really. I did do mow the front and back lawns and do some houswork, there is still plenty more to do. DS (11 yr) wants to start lifting weights for football. He is on the heavy side so I am encouraging him. He is going to do pyramid upper either tonight or tomorrow night. I'm going to have him us light weights until he gets the form down.

I haven't worked out since Thursday. This morning I did MIS and I plan to run or go to the gym for cardio at lunch. It is supposed to be 85 here today, and in the 70's the rest of the week. Great running weather!

I hear you guys on the DOMs from BBC. Wendy-the BBC cardio sections are short, but oh my are they hard. They never give you a chance to catch your breath.

I'll check back later for personals.

Diana: Let us know how your son does with PUB. I had my DH doing it at one time but he wasn't consistent and quit on it pretty quickly. He then said he wanted a gym membership so I bought him one for Christmas...he's on and off with that too. I don't think he's been in over a month now! ACK! I hope your son sticks with it. Consistency is VERY important!:)

So I just realized that I should not even have done the BBC cardio y'day at all! :eek: I am trying to stick to 3 cardios per week but forgot about my running class! I suffered for nothing! Phhhbbbbt! LOL Ofcourse it was only what, like 10-15 mins I did so it's truly no biggie. I considered giving up my ITread run on tuesday but I don't think I need to after all. YEAY!:)

I am siking myself up for Butt and Legs now. That work out is friggin' PAINFUL! }( Do I *HAVE* to do it, mommy!?!? :p :7
Thankfully I got my run in at lunch. I feel better about life now.

Wendy-my son is only 11 so I'm going to have him use light weights. I'm wondering if he will get bored doing an hour long workout. Even the GS are about an hour. Chest & Tri's is shorter. Do you think maybe I should just have him do pyramid up only or down only?

It must be a Monday since there are so few of us here.

Hola Xers,

Finished CST tonight but am saving abs for tomorrow. Need a break from ARX – it’s getting monotonous at this point in phase 3.

Wendy :: So arms & abs is killer, huh? I really can’t wait to get to those! The tris are a target area for me. I have a buncha new DVDs on the way, too: Tracey Staehle’s Cardio Sweatfest, Kristin McGee’s Power Yoga, and Power Yoga for Athletes. I can’t stop spending, either!

Laura :: LOL about the mental ward. Teaching middle school can be quite the adventure, too!

Diana :: sounds like gorgeous weather…I looked up lawn mowing on caloriersperhour the other day, and I think it burns a good 300 calories for an hour of mowing…It was even slower around here on Saturday – I think I might have been the only person who posted! LOL…Hope DS likes the workout. I think I'd maybe have him do pyramid up or down only the first time so he isn’t overwhelmed.

~Cathy :)
Hi girls -

I hope everyone is doing well. I've been around and checking in on WW thread lately. I guess I feel like a flunky since I'm neither a Jan grad or a Feb starter, lol.

I see everyone is kicking a$$ as always. I've been doing decently and really watching my eating. I feel good.

Oh, Laura.....don't sell that house. That's a dream of mine, a house on the water. Tell DH to get a second job so he can afford those taxes and stuff. Maybe he can get a third job too, lol. Just kidding, of course. (well, maybe a little serious)

Okay, have a great night!! Keep on keeping on!! (Did I just date myself or what?) I'll check in on you girls.

Diana, Yeah I would say have your DS start out with up or down only. :)

Cathy, So I'm not the only one who has been on a spending spree lately? COOL! I also bought some products from DHC skincare to try out. That cost me a cool $75.00-80.00!:eek: But atleast I got free shipping out of the deal!:p I am looking for a good product line for myself. I haven't found anything I am completely thrilled with yet so I keep trying new stuff. Some of it is cheapie off the shelf and then some of it is pricey like this DHC and I have also dabbled in Mary Kay. I am actually trying some new MK stuff as well right now. My little p/t job I have pays for my shopping addiction!!!}( :7 }( LOL

Nancy, You better stick around woman! We will miss you if you don't stay! Who cares if you aren't doing the X, didn't finish the X or never plan to touch another X work out again in your life! We think you are a great person and want you to stick around!!! Right, ladies!? :+

So we did pick ups at class tonight. Tough little work out. }( I originally had another run and yoga penciled in for tmrw but I am thinking of throwing the run on another day and making tomorrow strictly a yoga day...I'll see how I feel.:)

Alrighty...I'm outta here...talk to everyone in the morning! :)
Hi all!

Jeeesh - finally got to sit down and catch my breath. Busy day at work today - started early so we could get done early and go mushroom picking again. We plan on doing the same tomorrow - and probably for the next week straight!:7 :D Oh and they are sooooo good:9 In the mean time, everything else is falling behind. :-(

The conference this weekend was a total blast! My eating went straight out the window.:-( But, I felt great because people I haven't seen in a year couldn't believe the change. It was funny because the guys were asking my DH about my weight loss before they would mention anything to me. Men are so funny - they don't want to stick their foot in their mouths, so they have to make sure they are right before saying anything.;) It was a great moral booster and reminds me of why I do this.:7

Wendy - Your numbers truly make no sense to me. Your pictures are worth more than the numbers! You definitley have the right attitude about it.
Isn't CC on sale now? I thought I read something about a sale in the main forum?? By the way, do you have an ipod or some other MP3 player?

Laura - Taxes tripled??? Jeepers!! Yup - everything happens for a reason. Maybe next year a hurricane will take out the whole area - then you'll be glad you were faced with this. Ya just never know.
Looks like we are on the same PMS schedule - seems like I was just PMS'n a couple of weeks ago.}( ;( Sometimes I think menopause is underrated - LOL!

Diana - My DS did P90X with me for a while. He used light weights but he soon got bored with it. But, he'll play outside for hours on end. I'm gonna schedule more bike rides and trips to the park and track over the summer for the boys. My 12yo also wants to try out for football next year. Let us know how is goes for DS.

Nancy - It just wouldn't be the same without you here! Please don't leave us. If you ask me - you fit in just fine and are a piece of this team!!! We all have the same goals and we all get there a bit differently. It's great to be able to bounce ideas off one another and learn something new. So, stay put missy!:D

See ya all tomorrow


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