May 10 Check in Weekend 15th/16th******


HI ladies..

We have a busy Saturday ahead of us....Lauren is going on a field trip for her drawing class. They are headed to the Manassas Battlefield Park/Nature trail. While they are there, the teacher is going to give them instruction on technique so they can sketch and paint nature...Lauren is looking forward to it.....Chris has a baseball game this afternoon and team pictures at lunchtime. He is also playing as a sub for a team with older boys. He is excited about that....After all that, I gotta get Lauren back here and get ready for choir practice and then we will head to mass..

As far as workouts this weekend, I want to do plyo legs that I missed on Monday today and then rest on Sunday. But, if I can't fit it in today, I will rest today and workout tomorrow...

Hope everyone is well today....I will try to pop back in later..

Good Morning!

Hey Kathy!: Yes, your Saturday sounds very busy! You are staying with Lauren on her field trip? Sounds like a fun one!!. You're good about rescheduling and getting in all your workouts!

Today is HSC. I'm not feeling good about 70 minutes, so I think I will do one of the shorter premixes. , Hopefully the 51 minute. I don't have to do abs (did Tummy Tuck yesterday) , so it might even be shorter. That's what I'm going to shoot for!

It's a beautiful/gorgeous weekend here. Which is good and bad, since I'm kind of stuck inside cleaning/getting ready for the weekend. And then have to work/sleep tomorrow. But I do have today. Maybe I can get outside for 5 minutes!?!?!

Hopefully the emotions in this house are settling down today. I had my own issues yesterday. Ended up into the chocolate and almonds last night. I tried , even had a glass of wine, it didn't work. Ah well.

Kathy, LOVE your egg smilie! :) And it's true, ya gotta smile!


to Beth(hope your trip was safe and speedy!), Hottie and Joanne!
Saturdays suck. Just sayin'.

I ran my buttocks off and still am , but I DID get in HSC Premix #1, 51 Minutes. Wish I could have done the entire thing, it was kind of fun! and a nice little sweat.

Hope you guys are having a nicer Saturday than me!!!
Hi Chris...

Popping in quick between events..Just squeezed in Plyo legs week 3. Now, time for lunch and getting ready for choir/church...Oh and I ended up in some ice cream last night..So, I am right there with ya on that!!! Too bad!!

Need to get better with the eating and maybe I can benefit from all the workouts!!
Awww... Kathy. I think we're doing ok. I do know that we are definitely more healthy and fit and strong!!!! Even if we eat crappy every now and then!

WTG on Plyo Legs today!!!

off to work in a few :(
You guys find the funniest little pictures!!

I am back home.... the trip was uneventful, though I was worried.... when I walked into the terminal there were no planes to be seen, and lots of "delayed" up on the board. Fortunately my flight was delayed only about 20 minutes. I got to give my niece a hug at the airport -- she's such a cutie an it's so great she can be with my mom this week -- she's always very upbeat and helpful. She is going to make a great nurse!

Didn't get on-line yesterday here at all. Obviously. I stayed in bed yesterday morning but did eventually go for a nice walk with the boys. I feel like I'm in a fog. This morning I did a crazy netflix workout -- Cindy Crawford! Why? Why oh why? It was sort of Squeeze Stronger-like, so it was ok, but nothing great. I suppose after a very light week it was a good way to ease back in. I don't know when I'll be able to face tonique again!!

Sounds like you guys have been having a busy weekend! How was the drawing class, Kathy?

Might bbl. Hope everyone has a great day!
Hey Girls!

Sunday,. Ick. Tired and not looking forward to the longest night of the week! :eek:

Beth: Welcome back! Your niece sounds sweet, nice she's there with your mom. Glad you got some rest. Cindy Crawford, huh? Definitely different!! You'll be back into the Toniques before you know it!...

*waves* to Kathy Joanne and Hottie!!!!!
Hey Beth: Nice to see you made it home safely...Lauren's drawing field trip was postponed to another day due to heavy rain Friday night. The area the were to set up in is surrounded by trees and the teacher thought it would still be really wet. So, she will let us know about a makeup day..Lauren was crushed since she was so excited about going...Never tried any Cindy Crawford workouts...

Chris: Yeah, I try to look at it like I do so well with my eating most of the time it is ok. But, I just ruin all my hard work with just a bad day of eating. It isn't fair!!!

Ok, rest day today..Lauren and I spent the morning at the mall spending some of her birthday money. She went crazy for earrings, nail polish, lip gloss, clothes and braclets...Then, we went to get our hair trimmed and lunch..Nice day together!! Now it is time to get dinner going!!!

Talk to you all tomorrow..
Hey guys! I've been in a funk...just Joe bringing me down a little and then I found out that a friend from college who I was just randomly meeting up with isn't doing so great. I called and said, "hey how you doin'?" and she broke down into tears. I managed to get HIS done yesterday and TF this morning. I started feeling better last night when I saw said friend who gave me a ton of cool stuff because she's moving and needs to unload gear (including KCM's Cardio Sculpt, a humidifier, and a working iMac G4) and she was a lot better too so it lifted me up. But I got my hair cut and I like it a ton more -- the woman who cut it does the extensions for Paris Hilton...but I like her a lot despite that! I think I finally found my stylist. Anyway, just wanted to check in before the weekend was done.

Beth -- happy you made it home safe! I didn't even know there was something up in Burbank this weekend. Cindy Crawford! Eek! Well, that is a change from Cathe....

Kathy -- oh that totally sounds like you had fun with Lauren. I think if you guys saw my eating you'd realize how good your eating was!

Chris -- will be thinking of you tonight like every Sunday. Too bad you can't call me or Beth at work...well, me because I'm still up!

Ok, to figure out my own dinner tonight...

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