May 09 Check in Thursday 28th


Hi ladies..

Today's workout is planning to be Step, jump & pump...Later errands while Chris is at his last history club for the year...

Ok, gotta get some sleepy heads up..Be back later..
Good Morning Kathy & all the lovely ladies that follow :)

Kathy SJP is so much fun I love that one :) Enjoy !

Today starts my last week of CLX :( but happy that I'll be ordering it tomorrow :D Beth thanks so much for lending it out to me.'s Lean Circuits 1 on tap for me and maybe TJ20min.

Then more laundry to do and stop at Wallys World.

Hey girls...

My mood is crap today, like the weather. It shouldn't be, it's our 21st Wedding Anniversary today, AND, we're going out for dinner to a restaurant we've never been to before (A Greek Steak & Ale place called the "Oopa Oopa Steakhouse"). But I have this "issue" with leaving the kids. I know I'm freakin NUTS, but I get all anxious and crazy leaving them. So I tried to think positively and look forward to it, and I end up in a puddle of tears this morning, because "zach's cell phone went through the wash" and it IS the end of the world. I think it's called suppression of feelings.

I'm really REALLY hoping IMAX2 cheers me up, which I will be doing in a few...

Kathy: enjoy SJP! (I know you will!). I'm debating on doing that or BM2 tomorrow...

Vilma: Any good results to report from CLX? Just wondering !! Enjoy that 20 minute TJ if you do it..say "hi" to Chalene for me! LOL!

Beth: Yes, Zach is my oldest (13) in 7th grade. it's hard with your first, I think. How the hell do we TEACH responsibility? I mean , he's had things he's responsible for in the past, and suffers consquences when he doesn't live up to them, but apparently that doesn't help him with school? Is there a specific way to teach that? HELP!!

Okay..better move my buttocks..

The other thing we're doing today is heading to AAA to have them help us with a trip to Hershey Park , PA next month. The procrastinator I am has not booked anything or mapped anything out yet, so hopefully we'll find something! if not, we'll improvise. Maybe go back to Smugglers Notch, VT instead...
ALSO, wanted to report, I do have some DOMS in my BUTT and oddly enough , my biceps and shoulders from Lalofit yesterday!... the shoulders , ok, but there was no specific bicep work?!? Weird!

(Yes, I'm still procratinating....)
Hey everyone! Vilma, you're quite welcome for the clx loan -- I'm so glad you've enjoyed it! Sounds like you got more out of it than I did!

Chris! So sorry about your mood. It's sad that you're so stressed about going out -- I can understand it though -- sometimes it just seems more trouble than it's worth. But, you gotta love the name of that restaurant! :) I hope imax 2 cheers you up and I do hope you enjoy your evening. I guess I was early on the anniversary wishes!

That is interesting that you have doms in the biceps. I really can't wait to do lalo again. I just did it the one time, I think, and used really light weights since I was on an STS recovery week.

As for teaching responsibility..... I don't know -- you're ahead of me on the kid raising, so I don't know what I was thinking trying to give you advice. :eek: But, because Travis has ADHD, we are perhaps more aware of the need for this sort of training than the average parent. Maybe teach him to make lists of things he's got to do -- written down, not just in his head? I'm trying to think about any tips I've read. I have a bunch of books I've not gotten through about this kind of stuff, too. I'll try to take a look through them and see if I find anything useful to pass on.

I did 4DS bc cardio this morning and I tacked on Tracy's abs & waist work. I was still sore from doing it the other day, so it was interesting trying to make it happen this morning. :D Somehow I did.

have a great day!

Happy anniversary Chris and DH and Hottie and DH!!! Enjoy!!

Chris, I wish I had some good advice about Zach and school. I'm dealing with it with Colin, but he's a bit younger. It seems like you're doing all the right things - I think eventually it just clicks with them. Middle school is so different - we get so much less information coming home and I have to be proactive about asking Jameson if he has anything I need to see. Taking away privileges did seem to work with Colin (and lots of threats!) - he's doing better, I think. I wonder if Zach having to deal with the diabetes and sugar checks at school has anything to do with it? Maybe it's something he can control? I'm reaching here. Maybe he's resentful about all that and his focus suffers. I know you had some issues about him not going to the nurse when he was supposed to. Hugs to all of you! The year is almost over. Maybe the break will be good for him. I think kids burn out at the end of the year. Hang in there. Go out tonight with your DH and have a great time. The kids will be fine. Are you having a sitter? The restaurant sounds fun. I've washed Jameson's cell phone (don't leave it in your pocket!!) and you're right, it IS the end of the world as we know it! It actually worked again after drying it out although the display was never quite right.

Beth, I did Tracy's ab and waist work this morning too! I also did the leg part since I had time. We'll see if I'm as sore as I was last week - I was incapicitated!! I'm going to do an itread during lunch.

OK, I've ordered Lalofit! Can't wait to try it. Should get here early next week.

Hi Kathy and Vilma!


Can I just say I love you guys?? And of course Cathe and IMAX2, who I all owe to making me feel a little better!!....


BBL, after AAA... (or maybe I need AA or maybe the NEED to go to AA??)
Chris, we love you too. ;) Glad you're feeling a bit better. You know, the other thing is that 12/13 I think is a really tough age for kids. They're transitioning into the preteen/puberty, more responsiblity age. I'm sure it gets even more fun in the next few years! ;) Jameson has definitely become more moody and sensitive lately. Some door slamming, etc. LOL - I kept reading AAA as AA. I knew what you meant, but kept thinking AA.

I just finished doing itread 23 - 40 minutes. Fun, fun!! I'm loving these itreads more and more. I want to get a treadmill so bad, but DH is not going for it. I wonder how mad he would get if I just got one? Afterall, he bought a boat, an ATV and a hot tub (to name a few toys) without my buy-in. Just trying to rationalize here. ;) Jameson needs new shoes, so I'm taking him to Sports Authority tonight. I'll have to check on the treamills while we're there.

More soccer drama....the school we played the other night has two teams in the same age group. Well, after the game, our coach noticed that a bunch of the players that played against us were playing again for the school's second team in the game right after ours against another team. Well, I guess that's not allowed - once you set a roster you can only play the kids on the teams they are assigned. So, I guess he called the league and they are getting reprimanded. The game against us doesn't count - we have to play it again tomorrow night. The catch is they can't play any of the players that played both games the other night - so they'll only have eight eligible players. Personally, I would have let it all go and I bet the other coach wasn't even aware of the rule. But, Colin is very excited that they are still in the playoffs. If they win tomorrow, they play Saturday. If they win Saturday, they go to the championship game. Jameson also has two games this weekend, so it's going to be a soccer-filled weekend. I just hope it's not another nail-biter - I can't handle anymore of those!!

I'm avoided doing any work here, so I must go!
Whew, what a day! Had to take someone out to lunch for work stuff -- Chris, his daughter is 6 and has type 1 diabetes, so he & his wife are up all night like you.

Then when I was taking the kids to piano, it's in our "neighborhood" which means mountain roads that are a little more than 1 land wide, but not really two. Well, at one corner a van came screaming around down the middle of the road, and I really thought we were going to get hit if not head on at least on the side. Somehow or other it didn't happen, but it was very close. People drive really crazy on that road!!!

Home, watered the garden, and now we've got to stuff our faces quickly and get to open house at the school!

Chris, hope you had a wonderful, worry-free dinner at Opa Opa!

Hope everyone else had a lovely afternoon and evening! Last plyo legs tomorrow!


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