May 09 Check in Monday 18th


Good morning ladies...

It is a beautiful day here today so far. A little chilly when I took the dog out this morning. But, I bet it gets warmer later....

Yesterday I worked out and did High Step Training. It was great! I feel some DOMS in my chest and back...Today I may try a kickboxing one like KPC...

Today is my niece's birthday..She turns 1 today. Time flies;feels like we were just there after she was born!!

Beth: I was reading some of yesterday's stuff. I heard on another forum that Amy was engaged. But, I am surprised that she wouldn't keep Bento on fb seeing as that is how she is known in the fitness world..Surprising!

Anyway, time to get the kids started..Be back later!!
Good morning Kathy, and all! It should be a nice day here, too -- warm again, but not quite so hot.

Fun on the one year old birthday -- that is the big one, in some ways!!

Kathy, I can't wait to start doing the circuits in a couple of more weeks -- was thinking about that this morning. And if you end up doing KPC, tell me how intense (cardio-wise) you think it is. A friend of mine thinks it's not very, but my recollection, and my hrm numbers show that it gets the heart going! I haven't done the whole thing in quite a long time -- I probably should do it again!

I ended up doing Bodystrikes this morning -- for those who don't know it, it's Ilaria's leg toning workout that has some amount of cardio factor to it (and I upped it doing jumping jacks in between everything). I really like that workout -- it's very repetitive, so I'm sure some think it's boring, but for whatever reason it works for me. I'm really liking what STS is doing to my upper body, but I am feeling like my lower body is bulking -- I think my hips/butt are larger. So, I felt like I needed some leg work this morning. I have missed my once/week running for two, maybe three, weeks now, and that probably hasn't helped.

Dylan has had a rash for two days now -- I thought maybe it was a heat rash -- it's not itching at all -- but I'm starting to wonder about him. He woke up in the night with a headache, so I fear I may have to get him checked today. We'll see if the rash is still here when he wakes up. The dad at the bday party yesterday is a pediatrician (but specializes in ADD/ADHD, so not a gp-ped) and Dylan asked him about his rash! He said if it's not bothering you, don't worry about it, but after three days.... that's a little strange, no? And to wake up in the middle of the night with a headache? I dunno!

Have a great day!!!

Hi ladies!

Chris, love the haircut! Very cute. Hope you are feeling better.

Beth, I know what you're saying - I feel like STS is good for my arms, but lower body, not so much. Of course, that could be my eating, too. I'm anxious to finish it out and see what Lean and circuits do for me. I'm even considering not doing the last two weeks, but I hate to quit! I have Bodystrikes and I do like it. That's funny that Dylan asked the ped. at the party about his rash! ;) He's only 7, right? I'd give the pediatrician a call, it's probably nothing, but it would put yours and his minds at rest!

Kathy, ooh, I miss workouts like High Step Training! I'm sure it was fun!

I did LIS step Saturday and STS biceps, shoulders and triceps yesterday. Today was Amy's Kickbox Surge and a nice walk with Tully.

About Amy...I think she got divorced a few years ago. I thought she was dating the kettlebell guy, Phil Ross. Where does the Rochelle come from? I agree, she should stick with Amy Bento professionally. I know, why do we care about this stuff? ;)

We signed Colin up for football this weekend. He wanted to do it last year, but I thought he was too young and small. I'm a bit apprehensive about it, but he's very excited.

Gotta run...BBL

Hi ladies..

Just finished up with KPC; used my weighted gloves too...Now it is shower time. Then lunch and grocery store. Chris is having his last kids for Jesus club tomorrow and they are going to make ice cream sundaes. So, we all need to bring some toppings and I need to buy some!!

Beth: I find KPC pretty intense with the drills. However, I think kickmx is more intense. But, I really feel I got a great workout! I will feel better if the doctor sees him. Especially with the headaches too. I hope it is nothing..

Joanne: I know I like to do workouts after they have sat for a while! I got the DVD in the mail today. Thanks so much. I am going to give it a look maybe later today . Then I need to get a kettlebell..Chris asked about football too last year. We have been avoiding it. We think he should concentrate on baseball which he loves. So, I am happy that he hasn't asked again and is absolutely LOVING baseball...Good luck with the football...
Yep, Dylan's 7. He woke up feeling fine, no headache, and wouldn't really let me get a good look at his rash (or not), so I acted like business as usual and took him to school. Hopefully he's fine! :)

And funny about football -- he's been so into football lately, too. At recess they toss a football around and play "two touch" which is NOT touch football, according to Dylan. :D I'm hoping he doesn't get any ideas about being on a team.

I'll definitely have to dig out KPC again sometime soon.

Hey Girls!
Happy Monday! (I know I'm the only one that celebrates LOL!)...

I'm looking forward to a good week though> Starting my "Circuit City" Rotation.

Kathy: It's similar to what you're doing so far this is the first week:


Mon…High Step Training Advanced
Wed…High Step Challenge
Thurs…Step Fit
Fri….Cardio and Weights
Sat…45 minute steady state run plus segment one of Stretch Max

I might do some different stuff on the cardio days. Like a premix from the workout and then a run afterwards, if possible. And switch the run and Step Fit days, because I can't run on Saturdays.

I've been excited all weekend, and everytime I woke up today to pee! I'm one weird girl. I worry myself sometimes ...

I'll BB in a bit, after my workout, got to go get started !!
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Chris: That is similar...I plan to do Low Impact circuit tomorrow, Wednesday I thought of doing Imax 3 then Friday I planned High Step Challenge..I haven't thought past there yet. But, I will...

Beth: Glad Dylan seems good..

Ok, now to figure something out for dinner..Hubby is taking Chris to his baseball game and I am taking Lauren to softball practice tonight. So, busy night and no sitdown family dinner. We usually eat light and easy on game nights..
Hey again...

Holy crap! Not sure if it's because it's Monday after working/little sleep, or if it's just tough, or I'm not used to it, but HST-A killed me! Plus, it was the FIRST time I did it.. Unwrapped the plastic shrink wrap and all! I don't even remember when I bought it. Crazy! :eek:

Kathy: I remember you going to see your new niece like it was a month ago! It's been a year??? Good schedule this week! Looks good. Hope your kids do well at their games tonight...

Beth: Bodystrikes sounds cool. I like repetitive when it's intense, so I don't have to think. I'm with you and Joanne on the upper body toning (I see new 'cuts' in my arms every time I look! But my lower body feels "big" (as evidenced by my tight shorts fitting a few weeks ago). And like you Joanne, I'm sure it's 90% due to my eating. But still. That's another reason i want to run more too. I found my hips were slimmer when I ran more. I'm glad Dylan is feeling better. Does he have allergies? I bet allergies could cause a headache in the middle of the night. (do you sleep w/ your windows open?)./

No football talk here yet, these boys are all baseball! Which is fine with me!

Better stop farting around, and get to my shower and cooking dinner...
A down night tonight, no practices, no games, etc...
Hi All

Sorry I'm so late posting today but while I wait for my chicken to finish on the grill I'd figure why not say hello.

Yesterday was Intervals and ab work . Today was Lean Circuit 3 followed by a quick shower, style and off to save my tatas - yup had my yearly squishy appt.

Then went to the bookstore once again har har they know me by first name basis :eek: started on the Dark Hunter series.

Nice easy reads to help me relax ;)

Whoop brb my timer is going off .......................................................

Beth I wanted to say how sorry I am that your poor Gina got used as a chew toy for that other dog :mad: Honestly I would've been pissed as those vet visits are not cheap.

I hope she heals up soon and can go back outside and run & play to her lil heart's content.

Glad your son woke up feeling fine - weird about the rash though.

Oh BTW I should be done with CLX by the 1st week of June as I just finished week 2 today. Do I send it back to you? Or who? :::scratches head confuzzled:::

I've got just enough saved up to order my set here within a month's time ;) I want to do the Turbo Jams for a month and play w/ my kettlebells and SqStronger then restart CLX again. :D Thanks so much for giving me the opportunity to try it out. :::muah:::

Kathy HST is the bombdiggity! That one is a goodie fer sure ;) KPC is one of my favorites how did the weighted gloves feel ? I used my weighted gloves for Kick Punch & Jam and man that was fun. Felt it good afterwards.

Wow your niece is a year old already?! My goodness I remember when you went to visit and you showed her off to us.

Chris enjoy your circuit month :) I enjoy them alot. Check out LIC as if I remember right has many good premixes ;)

Whoops gotta go and feed my troops here.

Have a great day

Big Hellos to Hottie looking forward to the photos of your new dog soon when you get her on Friday :)

Hey, yes, we were not happy about the dog bite -- but, as Larry said, it could have easily been the other way around (Gina biting that dog). The vet bills are not so great! You are so right. I have no idea if they offered to pay or not, since I was doing birthday party drop-off/pickup when it happened. I know if I were in their shoes, I would have insisted on paying, but I also suspect that they struggle somewhat to make ends meet, so I'm really fine with them not shelling it out.

As for CLX, I'm guessing you should send it on to Hottie next, since she missed out on the STS boat too. Hottie, do you want to coordinate with Vilma?

Vilma, I forgot to tell you.... I watched the Star Trek previews and I really want to go see it, which is crazy because I do not recall ever watching an entire episode. My dad used to watch it when I was a kid, but it just seemed boring to me back then. I'm gung ho to see the movie and then get the old shows from netflix to see if the kids like it.

Dylan still has the rash! so I'm going to call the dr., but honestly I hope they don't want to see him (I'm sure they will.....). The headache is gone and I don't think he has allergies..... I'm guessing it was the heat and too much birthday party.

Chris, so interesting that the workout was tough for you -- have you guys seen the thread about people doing meso 1 for the second time after finishing the series, and it seems really hard to them? I'm really afraid it will be for me!

Howdy all, I'm super later today, but I'll try to catch up.

It was a crazy day for me. I woke up early to have a headache that kept me and Joe in bed for an extra hour which delayed us getting into work pretty big since the traffic had seeped through. But I had to work like a fiend when I was there because I knew I had leave at 1215 if I was going to make my dentist's appointment. Got to the car at 1215 and realized I forgot to do a 5minute prep for an experiment tomorrow and cursed myself as I was stuck on the 110N not because of an accident, but because LA drivers lose about 50 IQ points when driving on the freeway. Went to the dentist and then came home...and I took a breath. Literally, I just sort of chilled for two hours (longer than I had intended). Then--I started running around again. Emails and phone calls and Imax2 and the standing pilates section of Pick your level Pilates and a shower and then I hopped back on the freeway, picked up Joe at his workplace, drove down to campus, did my 5 minute prep, and then...stuck in rush hour traffic for 40 minute but again, cool to catch my breath. Just dropped by Rite aid to get a sympathy card since my friend's mother in law just passed too. Lots of stuff! And now the housework is going to commence with Joe as well as potentially me lifting a little with him to help him get into the groove. And tomorrow is even busier!!!

and...YES -- CLX. Me want.

Kathy -- yeah...Joe and I skip the drills 50% of the time...but they are all awesome workouts. Sounds like you had a blast!

Beth -- I'm so sorry that Gina got bit! You know, we never had pet that one of those insurances that's truly a waste of money (like identity theft insurance) or not a bad idea? As for Dylan, I'm not a doctor but I had a lot of rashes when I grew you have children's benadryl? That might help reduce the inflammation (and it makes me sleepy so it might make him sleep sounder).

Chris - you're so funny! It's probably because its the first time you you did the workout. I read somewhere that there's an 11% drop in exertion when someone repeats a workout so the first time usually kills. Let me know how you like the circuit rotation. I looked over my weight/exercise logs and I clearly lost weight the fastest when I was doing circuits primarily.

Vilma -- yay, it's my turn for CLX! I really envy some of your days, going to the bookstore and all...but then I don't envy the days where you talk about driving everyone around. I'm getting super excited for the dog. Her name is Eevee btw. My mom asked me if I was going to change the name but I like the name a lot.

Oh so much work to do! :)
Hottie, I don't know if pet insurance pays or not -- probably depends on how many dogs bite your dog. :) Larry and I have agreed that the next time someone asks if they can bring their dog we are just going to say no.

That's very interesting about the drop in exertion when you repeat a workout -- does that hold for we vidiots who take forever to cycle through our collection?! :D

Ok, Vilma, send CLX on to Hottie. Hottie, send her your address. Eventually I'll get it back, but I'm in no hurry for now.

I'm getting excited about insanity, I must say. Who's in?

Oh, p.s. -- the rash is almost gone now and our temps are cooler -- I'm really thinking it was a heat rash. That kid hates summer, loves winter -- it all fits, you know?


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