June 09 Rotation Check in Friday 12th


Good morning ladies...

Workout for me will be Butts & Gutts today..I haven't done that one in a while and I think I need it today...

ok, now I gotta get the kids up to start the day...

Be back later..
Good Morning Kathy and All the lovely ladies ;)

Today I have an iTread or CC not sure yet.

It's our 21st Wedding Anniversary so I'll be busy going out and getting something for the hubby - he didn't want anything this year so I'm scratching my head wondering what to buy.

Have a great day!

OSIF! Good morning.

Kathy -- have fun with B&G -- don't get a broken butt!
Vilma -- HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Have fun today.

::sigh:: yesterday Joe broke out into hives -- waited too long to tell me too. It's gone down a little but not enough. Poor thing. His bottom lip was completely swollen and his hands are pretty pressurized too (not to mention he is still COVERED in hives). I've hit him with a triple cocktail -- benadryl, claritin, and zyrtec and its only helping slightly...any advice until we see someone?
Hey all! OSIF.. not so much this week for me, Greg is off the weekend, and no big pressure. Except, I feel anxious about going back to work after the 'wrong med' incident. I can't even begin to tell you how shitty that makes me feel, even if it really wasn't my fault. ugh.

Kathy: Have fun with B&G!! I haven't done that in forever! I do like it because it goes so fast and the exercises are so different.

Hottie: I'm thinking that since Joe's airway didn't swell up and occlude by now, he will be ok. :eek: :eek: How much benadryl did you give him? I would give him a second pill (for a total of 50 mg) if you didn't already. And he really should be seen ASAP at the doctor's or ER. Tell him *I* said he should NOT have waited! Oy.. men!

I'm doing Boot Camp/ ME Premix of "Everything But Core" and THEN the Core work from ME. I've not done this premix before, so should be fun/interesting. In one way I want to do this NOW and get it out of the way, in another way, I just don't feel it this morning, and maybe I'd feel it later... it is once AGAIN cloudy/dreary and dark out. It poured ALL night long. Supposed to be a tiny bit of clearing this afternoon. Down in the dumps weather. .... Unless you're living off of endorphins from running, and those apparently have worn off! ;)
From yesterday:

Kathy: Ahhh.. guess you're not on our vacation route after all! That would have been fun to meet though. Next year I'll be going on Zach's DC trip with his class. Maybe we could then? And Vilma too!!?!?!

Beth: I have a few FIRM workouts, one was a step workout. All the girls had on leotards , and tights. Totally not my style anymore. That's the last FIRM one I've done. ... I hope you can straighten out a rotation. I know it sucks to be stuck in "limbo" with one. It looks like I only get one more extra week of Circuit City, because after next week, we'll be leaving for Hershey!! :eek: Which really freaks me out. I'm never 'ready' to leave and get all crazy about it....
Good morning friends!!! Yes, Vilma, Happy Anniversary and Congratulations! Maybe you and "Mr. Vilma" (thank you, Chris) should buy something together for both of you -- sometimes that's what Larry and I do -- if we celebrate at all -- we are so lame -- even I have forgotten it!

Hottie, you're channeling worked for me -- I slept nine hours!!! Did it work for you?!

I did lalo this morning. My gosh, I had to go to 3 pound weights for those ones where the arms go straight out to the side! Killer! He is certainly nice to look at. Vilma, I have a feeling you might like that one -- plus, you can listen in spanish if you want. :) If you ever feel a need for a new workout..... I thought about you guys as I did it.

My rotation! You know what it is? When I follow someone else's rotation, I feel like I can't really mess with it, except perhaps a few like-substitutions, but if I make up my own, I feel like I have free latitude to change it up, and I keep doing it. I'm just silly and I should stop bothering you all about it! :eek: Tomorrow I am running, and I saw on vf someone suggested that it would be great if Sean came up with a cc that was training for 5K/10K, whatever -- that's what I need!!!

Chris, I know it's hard -- facing work again after what happened last week -- but you have to remember all the good things you do, all the time! Feel strong -- I know you are good at what you do -- I can tell.

Hottie, how is Joe now? Why did he break out into hives? Poor guy! Tell him we hope he feels better!

Sorry you guys are dealing with such crappy weather -- it's certainly cooler here than it should be, but overall, not bad. Certainly has helped the fire danger. But, the bummer is that Travis has a pool party today and then later we are going to a huge "summer kick off" party, and it would be really nice if it were a warm evening for that, but it just isn't going to be.

Hello Joanne!!!

I've got to hop into the shower and get this day rolling! Have a good one, everyone. Good luck at work, Chris. Kathy, have fun with the in-laws this weekend!

Hi all!! Didn't get a chance to get in yesterday. I was off work and running around with the kids. Birthday party, end of school year party, soccer camp. I took them to see Up. It was cute, definitely tolerable for adults! Except, of course, ate too much popcorn. But I skipped dinner cause my stomach felt so gross. Will I ever learn? I did do Mindy's Action Packed step workout in the morning. Very fun! She's so cute. Chris, did you also do the hi/lo? I was too pooped to do that part. I'm going to try it another day though.

This morning was Sharon Twombly's All Body Cardio. Wow, what a long, sweaty workout!! It was fun, though. Lots of variety.

Beth, I know what you mean. This no rotation thing is kind of good and bad. It's good cause I pick what I want, but bad cause I think way too much about what workout I'm going to do. I'm basically just rotating circuits with cardio days. I'm liking the variety. Still deciding if I'm going to start the Circuit City rotation Monday or keep winging it. I did think about doing Lalo this morning (the DVD, not him ;) - OK, bad joke! ;)). He is fun to look at! I saw that your pad thai was a hit! Very cool! I used to experiment all the time with new recipes and usually DH would eat it, but the kids would complain. Lately I've been sticking with basic stuff, but it's getting boring.

Chris, like Beth said, think about all the good things you do than that mistake which wasn't your fault. I know, way easier to say than do and the fact that you are sick about it shows what a great nurse you are, if that makes sense. Is that premix Boot Camp without the core or a combination of Bootcamp/ME? There's a premix on that DVD - I think it's called bonus premix or something like that, which is a combination of both workouts and is really good.

Hottie, hope Joe is OK. Do you know what caused the reaction?

Vilma, happy anniversary to you and the Mr.!!! :) I'm almost done with New Moon. Jameson wants to go to Borders since he has a gift card, so I may get the next one while we're there. Oh, and the book Chris recommended.

Kathy, I love B&G!! Have fun!

Another crazy weekend for us. Colin just joined Cub Scouts and there's some cub-o-ree thing tomorrow. There's also a heart picnic tomorrow. The children's hospital has a picnic every year for all of the heart patients. We've gone a few times, but not in a couple years. I really want to take Caitlyn this year. I think it'll be good for her to meet some other kids who have gone through what she has. She's starting to ask lots of questions. Luckily both events are in the same forest preserve! Jameson has a soccer game tonight and two on Sunday. We also have a soccer party tonight for Colin's team and my nephew's graduation party tomorrow. Whew! Tired just thinking about it all!

Have to run...have a great day all!

hey again..

Had a busy afternoon. Kind of sort of. Took a few hours to watch a movie someone lent me (The Other Boyelan Girl) and then had to pick up the 2 younger boys from school to bring Alex to an eye appt.

I'm in a weird mood today, kind of pent up energy that is steering me towards eating "crap" (i.e. choc frosting out of the can!!!!! :eek:). *sigh* And I shouldn't have it. I thought about doing the Tapping Technique, but I felt weird doing it in the elementary school parking lot next to parked cars of parents :)confused:...*weirdo* :confused:!!).

I did do my BC Premix Workout this morning. I wasn't in the mood so much, but just did it. It was a good premix, because I'm not such a fan of those plank ab moves in BC, so it went quicker with just lower & upper body after the cardio. But it wasn't my best. I didn't feel it. You know what I mean?

Beth: I've decided to just follow the general guideline of Circuit/Cardio next week, not Cathe's rotation. Kind of do my favorites. Here's what I came up with:

MONDAY: Cardio & Weights
TUESDAY: Run and Cardio Fusion Premix, Or Cardio Fusion
: Bike & Run
FRIDAY: Low Impact Circuit

Something like that....At least there is a plan... hey, thanks for the belief in me for work. Once I get into it, I guess i'll be fine. Maybe that is part of my nervous energy too. It's worse thinking about it, than actually doing it.

LOL @ you DOING Lalo. Mmmm...yeah, we all love to do Lalo! ;) ... Hey, I know the Movie Popcorn blues too. I can't help it, i love their freakin popcorn, but it's always to rich for my stomach and makes me feel like shit. Ick. ... wasn't Mindy fun? She's so freakin cute! I did do the Hi/Lo, all but the last sequence. It was actually fun! And I do NOT like Hi/Lo at all! ... Wow, you do have a crazy jam packed weekend!! It will be cool to see other kids that have had Caitlyn's surgery and issues. I used to bring Zach to a support group for kids with JD, and their parents, and I think he enjoyed that too. But they stopped them. The closest one is on Sunday afternoons. no go for us.

Okay, must start dinner. It's going to be easier than usual.. Frosting for everyone!!! LOL!.. .. They wish... Actually , greg is going to throw some chicken on the grill and I'm doing some funky mashed potatoes for me (posted the recipe in the healthy recipe forum in case you're interested) and regular Mashed Potatoes for the boys....
Ok, I had really bad driving karma today. First things first..... dropped Travis off at the party, went to do errands with Dylan. One included Trader Joe's, where I purchased a chicken and cottage cheese, knowing I had a cold pack to store them in for the ride home. Got to the car -- no cold pack! I forgot it. So, we went back into TJ's, I explained the situation and they let me return it. good thing, because.... the ride home, which should have taken 20 minutes or so, took and hour and 20 or so minutes!!! It took about 35 minutes to go one mile on the freeway. It finally started speeding up at the point where you have to decide if you're going to get off and take the back way. All the boys voted for the back way, even though we were moving. Well, you can usually go about 40mph there, so, if it's going to stop up again, it's probably a win. Except...... we got behind a fire truck that could only go 20-25 mph! Oh well! Bad karma, or something......

Chris, I cracked up at that lalo pic on fb -- partly because I thought "is that lalo?" Yeah, let's take turns doing lalo!! :p

That movie popcorn gets us every time, doesn't it? It's just too darn salty!

The heart group sounds like a great idea -- hopefully there will be some kids about her age that she can talk to!

Need to get ready for the party tonight -- it's going to be about 200 people and a live band. Should be fun. Everyone brings something to share, and I heard one of the dads say "I'm going to bring.... a bottle of corruption." I guess you need to actually hear the story, but it was pretty funny! And I'm supposed to run tomorrow!!


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