June 09 Check in Monday 22nd


Good morning ladies...

Getting us started today!!

Sorry I didn't pop in to chat yesterday. We were busy with church and we went to lunch. Then, I took the kids to the pool for a while.. Today we are headed to DC to go into the Washington Monument..

I rested on Saturday due to my foot. Yesterday it was still kinda bothering me so I did Supersets..Today I wanted to do Cardio. So, we will see how it is later after walking around in DC..

I talk to you later!!
Good Morning...

Kathy enjoy your trip to DC !

Today I will be doing either CCv5 or v7 (which I absolutely love).

My abs are so sore its feels delish lol what a masochist I am to enjoy having uber sore abs eh? I know you all would understand though ;)

Have a great Monday Girls!

Good morning! Happy Monday, I guess. Kathy, how's your foot? Hope you made it through the cardio ok -- I thought about you yesterday -- sounds like you had a really nice day.

Vilma, oh yes, we all know what you mean about loving that pain. ;) Ab pain is so funny since it hurts to laugh, you know?

Yesterday I ended up doing only the stretching, no cardio, but then did paint max all afternoon. My broken behind was very sore. And, this cold or whatever it is was really dragging me down, too. Was exhausted, but of course had to cook Larry a father's day dinner. He worked so hard all day long (both days!). I got a little second wind and then of course couldn't sleep!

This morning I did c & w. I never just reach for that workout, but I did this morning. It was kind to my broken butt. I do find it odd that Cathe starts with the small muscles and finishes with the back and chest -- it feels wrong to me somehow, but it was a good workout for where I am today.

Hope you all have a nice day -- Chris, you have pack max, right???? I'm taking the kids to art camp in a while -- sure hope they like it! We're supposed to go to the beach afterward, but if today's anything like yesterday, I will not feel like it.

Just a quickie...

Yes, I am doing Pack Max and Clean Max. I'm in a Monday mood where I'm getting annoyed crap is all over the place and cluttered... NOT a good thing when we're trying to pack. Plus the kids brought home backpacks FILLED with stuff from the last day of school!!

i'm debating on a workout... I feel like I need one, since I ate 'crappy' yesterday... I was also thinking of C&W...!!

Excited, but... irritible. How's that for a combination!!

kathy: I'm jealous of your DC trip!! But also excited about going to Gettysburg... Hope you feel well enough for cardio..

Vilma: For some reason abs DOMS is one of my favorites too! You go!

Beth: Sorry your butt is sorer. What can you do to help it?... maybe you should get a massage? But then, I'm not so sure I'd want anyone to massage my buttocks... But it sounds like you need something!!.. Do you have a beach nearby?.. the closest one to us is almost 2 hours away. Wish we had one closer..

Okay.. the clutter/mess has gottten to me, No C&W, I'm going to have to clean and pack for my workout today.... :confused:
Chris, sorry you aren't going to get your workout in today!! Hope all the packing goes smoothly..... don't worry about cleaning! Just leave it in a state that you won't be shocked when you talk back in the door after vacation. Just wanted to wish you a really great time! I hope the weather cooperates, that Zach is strong enough to do all the fun things, and that you guys have a wonderful time!!

Yes, we are near a beach -- maybe a half hour away. Ironically it was much easier to get to the beach when we lived in San Francisco -- it seems like we ought to be closer now, but we're just not.....

Oh wait, p.s. I forgot that I wanted to tell you guys about this..... I was getting caught up on Dr. Fitness and the Fat guy podcasts, and not the latest one, but the one prior to that had a guest that made me think of all of us and our desire to lose some weight. Some guy had a budget crisis and a body weight crisis, and he decided to solve them together..... for three months -- or more? -- he ate nothing but 2 eggs, 2 servings of lentils, and a tuna sandwich. It cost him only $8 per week! And he lost over a hundred pounds, I think. He doesn't recommend it to anyone though. :) It was very interesting hearing the details about it, and how since he was so rigid about what he could eat, it made things easier, in a way, but socializing and "being an American" was tough.

Hi ladies..

We are getting ready to go to Chris' baseball game tonight. But, I wanted to pop in and say hi...We had a fabulous time in DC! The view from the Washington Monument was breath taking!. Just amazing...My ankle is still bothering me. So, I have decided to do nothing today. I did get some walking in DC though..Tomorrow I will do another weight workout and hope that a few days off it will leave it feeling better. I thought it was ok. But, when I was walking up the steps from the metro, I got a sharp pain and was limping a bit from that. So, a little more babying it..

Chris: Packingmax!!! When are you leaving!! You guys will have the best time!!

Beth: Thanks for asking about the foot. As you can read, I am not thrilled that it isn't better yet. I have hope that it will soon. My sisters are coming Sunday and staying through Thursday. So, I know I won't be working out then. So, I am not happy about these rest days this week!

Vilma: I love the good sore of a great workout!! Hope you enjoyed your sweat today!
HA!!!!!! :eek::eek:

I did Mindy Mylrea's Action Packed Step and STS MED BALL Abs!

I couldn't help myself!

I think I feel better when DH isn't around (he took 2 boys for dental cleanings and Walmart). Is that bad??

Thanks for the well wishes! The beach is always so good for the mind and soul. I'm always overwhelmed and put in my place to look out at the big ocean... Hopefully we'll get to the coast in August. Interesting about that podcast. It's all so true, even on a lesser scale. When I started WW'ers, I do feel I was successful because I was so strict with my "points". But it was so hard being in the "real" world. ...

Kathy: DC sounds beautiful! I'm planning on chaperoning Zach's 8th Grade Field trip next year to DC (next June). Sooo sorry about your ankle. I feel for ya!! I hated and went cuckoo when i broke my toe last year. (((hugs)))

Okay, off to the showers, and then I'll pack!

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