Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Wed Jan 23


Morning Maniacs -

This morning I did P90X+ Upper Body & Abs/Core - I subbed pull-downs for the chinups today due to my pain flaring. I used my Extreme BB Band and even though it doesn't feel hard enough, I sat very far back from the wall and concentrated on really squeezing my shoulderblades and holding for a few seconds on the contraction. Now I can see if my pain is coming from pullups or pushups......or maybe both?? I used my arm slings for the hanging ab work .....love these things. I still don't know if I'm doing that Hammer/Kick back move right. I don't really feel it in the hammer position. Not sure about my angle. Any pointers? Workout was 67" and I burned 393 calories.

Have great workouts everyone.
Morning all GHOSTS>>
I did cc#3 Monday and last night PUB..
I didn't have time to get on here. Be slower at work today, so i will be around.
Fricken freezin here..
Have a great day..
Good Morning, I started my workout with Kimberly Spreen's Absolute Kickbox. I did a little of the standing core work. I have to take my granddaughters to school. I am having half a grapefruit and half a scoop of protein powder before we leave. When I get home I will do P90X Total Body+. BBl

Good morning
It is freakin freezing here in KC too!!!
Last night I did S&H back,4ds HIC CM#1.
Getting ready to do S&H biceps and cardio. I'm starting to feel like I dont have that much cardio workouts I've been doing th 4DS ones all the time rotating them. But still do HC series cardio imax 3,BM2, LIC, DM cardio. I have more but I dont like the songs in the older ones, doesnt keep me motivated and wanting to do them:( Anyone feel that way?

Anyone have in recomendations

Good Morning Maniacs!!!

Well I got lower back pain. Started last night. Don't think being in the wheel position during yoga suits me much. lol. Gonna avoid that next time.

Today is Kenpo plus I will add on some leg work.


I am pretty sure you are going thru what I went thru with the neck/trap issues cuz when I did the pullups and strained more with my neck to get over the bar, I had issues the next morning. Like Diane Sue said yesterday, try to force more of the weight in your back to pull you up, if not just do assisted ones til you can. JMHO.
Good morning all! I am really enjoying this week off. I'm just now starting to miss my workouts. I'm still not feeling so good. :( But not as bad as I was feeling

Linda - I forgot to send it to you, but I will. Remember, with the 2nd week when you supersets, you need to increase the weights by 2-3%. You'll be amazed at what you can actually do.

Great workouts everyone!
Morning Maniacs,

Today as 4 ds Bootcamp cardio. Man, that workout kicks butt! Sure it didn't help that I am coming off of this cold!

Anne - You are too funny. It just seemed like over the holidays everyone was here and chatting up a storm and now its quieted down a lot!

Randi - I tend to go with the new cardio workouts too. Not because of the music, but more because I am just plain bored of the old ones! I think the newer ones are more fun!

Debbie - That's okay about the rotation, you have time yet I am just starting. You just had to remind me that I have to go heavier next week!:p LOL! I keep thinking how am I suppose to go heavier AND superset! }( Anyway, how are you increasing your dumbbells, if you can't go the full five pounds? Are you still using the TKO weights around your wrists or have you purchased the magnets? Oh yeah, what warm up(s) have you been using with this? I did the MM one yesterday.

Diane Sue - where do you find all the time for those workouts? Plus everything else you seem to do? Grandchildren, cook, knit.....

Everyone - great workouts!

Hey linda:)
I did bootcamp too:)I wish people would want the old ones to trade for the newer cardio on videofitness.com. But I have all VHS i'm sure no one wants those.

Get well soon. Nothing like having a cold to contend with.


Sounds like you and Linda are sharing germs. Hope you feel better too. So much still going on with my FIL's estate. I felt very drained yesterday. You never know someone sometimes until money and death come into the picture.
Hello Maniacs!!

This morning did iTread #23...it was 40 minutes...I extended slightly so that I could get in 4.5 miles. I'll do weights at lunch...probably back.

Randi - Are you from KCMO?

Hope all you ladies with colds and aunt flow are feeling better soon?

Char - Thanks! I'm getting better as the days progress. Hopefully by Saturday I'll be at 100% again. Sorry to hear about your problems with your FIL's estate. That sucks!

Marietta - I really need to try those Itread workouts. I have a few of them and just haven't tried them. When I get back to it I'll try one.
Linda, no just when i am bored i have to get on here and chat.
We are slow today. It is January. And freezing here..

I know the cold thing.. I delt with it on and off for over a month..
Better now..

I am leaving early. Need diet food. Told the DH to get me green beans. He bought me 2 cans. WTF..I am being super duper good on this food thing right nw.. Will it last??LOL...

Treadmill tonite.. Maybe i will kill me with CC#7. Then i can eat some food..
This salod with fat free italian is stinkin.

Deb, if i miss a week i get LAZY...
I have lightened up some. The wrist is just not handling it. Even wrapped..

How the heck is everyone..
Is it spring yet??


I finished my workout. Did P90X Total Body + and added some calf raises and some shin pulls at the end. Extra stretching on my own. When I finished I ate the other half grapefruit and had some cottage cheese. Lunch was grilled chicken breast salad and brown rice. Not sure about dinner yet.

Charlotte, the first time I did Yoga X I hurt my back doing the wheel. I usually do Table or something else.

Linda, most of the time I have so much I want to do but there is just not enough time. I stayed up longer last night to sew a Strawberry Shortcake for my new grandbaby's room and got up at 4:45 to get my workout done before we took off for the school. I wish there were more hours in a day LOL I know what you mean on coming off of a cold. I was still coughing last night and during Total Body today I was really huffing away through some of those moves.

Deb - I love the iTreads....can't wait to hear your thoughts. That fact that ther are so many variations and they come out with them so often make them even more appealing. Which ones do you have?

Hey Maniacs,

Great News! I fixed my treadmill!!!!! Anyway, CC is having a sale that includes the following workouts on CD and you can download one of them to get started right away. So if you were me which one would you download?

* Volume 1 CD (original version with music score by Jeff Order) info
* Volume 1 CD (revised with music score by Todd Washburn) info
* Volume 2 CD (original version music score by Jeff Order) info
* Volume 3 CD (music score by Todd Washburn) info
* Volume 6 CD (Guest Coach, Candace Grasso) info
* Volume 6 CD (Coach, Sean O'Malley) info
* Your choice of 1 MP3 download for any of the above versions to get started immediately
* AND as an extra bonus, we're throwing in a Gift Certificate that you can give to a friend that's good for $20.00!

Thanks for the help!

Debbie - Did you see my earlier post? I had some questions for you. I also think I am going to need to go get 45# dumbbells.

Go for 6.. Desn't it come with 5 and 4??I like 1 revised, but 6 is longer. Candice...
I just did 7 and i am dead...Hungry..

I am eating them beans. Bought a case. LOL..
Having chili and saload for din din...
(DH cooking) It is gonna be hot...



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