Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Wed Feb 27


Morning Maniacs -

This morning I did Barry's Bootcamp - FatBurn Total Body/Upper, Code Red and Advanced Abs. Workout was 67" and I burned 433 calories.

The workout I did was the Total Body with emphasis on the upper body with cardio moves such as squat thrusts, mountain climbers, jumping jacks, football runs, etc. All segments are 1", weights and cardio. I think I counted my reps in one of the minutes doing triceps and I did 50 reps....so it's a high rep count workout.

Code Red was a 20" workout with 10 of Barry's favorite moves. Not really focused on one specific thing....but had some cardio in it, leg work, and I think pushups. Can't remember.

I added weight to some of the ab moves.

Exercises are done on the ball that comes with the kit and you use the bands that come with it. I ordered the deluxe package, so I got 4 levels of resistance bands with mine. The kit also comes with a "booty band" that has ankle straps to use with the "booty band" workout, or you can wear the booty bands throughout the other workouts.

The music is real good in these....even better than the last set. Barry is in all of them, but he only jumps in on the exercises every now and then....but mostly walks about the class yelling at everyone and laughing with his mad scientist laugh that he has. He has Cindi Whitmarsh leading the exercises and explaining setup. The two of them have good rapport. The class is made up of men and women

All in all, it is a good workout....but I think it's a bit less intense....but still plenty hard. I guess it all depends what you put into it. I had to take a break thru the Squat Thrusts and Mountain Climber segments....as it's been a while since I've done those for a full minute. Glad I bought them, but I could have done without the eqiupment and wish I wouldn't have had to pay so much for them. They were very expensive. I'm sure the price will drop after they've been out for a while.

Gotta run............must get ready for work.

Have great workouts.
Wow, it has been snowing here for over 24 hours. We got at least 6-8 inches out there. Its beautiful!!!

Today I had a pretty good workout. Wish it would have been longer. Only 2 sets/8 reps so I always feel like I didn't do much.

1:30 rest between each set

[font color=indigo]BACK[/font]
Close Grip Pullups:
[font color=blue]***Crashed on these quickly this morning. Not sure why. Forearms felt very weak.[/font]

[font color=indigo]CHEST[/font]
Incline Barbell Press:
100# - 8/8
[font color=blue]***Felt strong on these. Should have gone higher.[/font]

[font color=indigo]HAMSTRINGS[/font]
Elevated SLDL's:
85# - 8/8
[font color=blue]***Went low with the weights here. My low back felt really tight this morning. Need to stretch real good this evening again.[/font]

[font color=indigo]SHOULDERS[/font]
Close Grip Upright Rows:
60# - 8/8/
[font color=blue]***Felt good, should have gone higher.[/font]

[font color=indigo]CALVES[/font]
Calf Raises - Toes straight/out/in
135# - 10/10 (each way)
[font color=blue]***Really felt these. Got a great burn.[/font]

[font color=indigo]TRICEPS[/font]
Lying Dumbbell Extensions:
25's - 8/8
[font color=blue]***These felt really good too. Perfect weight.[/font]

Did the stretch from 4DS HIC. I liked it but the stretches should have been held a little longer.

That is all....
Morning Maniacs,

WOO-HOO! OH YEAH! OH YEAH! Oh YEAH! (INSERT HAPPY DANCE!) Okay I'll come down off the ceiling for a minute to tell you why I am so excited! Today was supersets with two sets of 8 with a 60 second rest! AND I DID THE FIRST SET OF CHINS UPS, ALL EIGHT OF THEM, BY MYSELF! UNASSISTED! I even got then first five of the second set!! WOO-HOO!:7

8/8 (8 & 5 unassisted, then I just did negatives for the last three)
Barbell Bench Press
8/8 - 103# (up 3#, a PB)

8/8 - 110# (up 5#)
Dumbbell Press
8/8 - 26's (up 1#)

Barbell Calf Raises
Front/Out/In 8/8 each - 125# (up 5#)
Lying Barbell Extensions
8/8 - 52# (up 2#)
[font color=red]***I did not like this superset at all because holding all that weight for the calf raises toasted my forearms which made it hard to do the tricep extensions [/font]

Then I did BM abs.

Like Debbie said it was a short workout but I worked hard!

Debbie - Great Workout! I am so jealous of the snow! Send some here, I would love at least one good snow storm.

Lora - Sounds like a tough workout with 50 reps! I am think of getting some of Amy's cardios. What do you think? These are the ones I am considering - Kickbox Extreme, Hi-Lo Extreme, and Advanced Step Challenge.

Everyone have a great day ... I am going to go continue my happy dance! oh yeah! oh yeah! ......

Linda - WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!! Awesome job on the chins! I told you they'd come. Just takes time and practice. Nice going girl! Your rest was too short for today, it should have been 1:30. So double WOO HOO to you!!!!!!! Nice job!
Debbie - Why do you say my rest was to short? It's listed as 60 seconds on the chart. I get 1:30 on Friday when I do 12 reps.

Oh and I forgot to add about my chins that they were all good ones, meaning I got my chin all the way up and over the bar!!!!

Okay, I'll stop now.....

Linda - Weird. I'm on the same week except no supersets and mine showed 1:30 min. rest for today. Maybe I looked at my chart wrong? I didn't think there were any 1 min. rests for Week 5 and 6? I may have read mine wrong dammit!!!
Did P90X+ Intervals again. I have no creativity today. Too tired. My little guy is sick with brochontis (found out yesterday at the doc's) so the sleep wasn't great. DH (d is not dear right now) has been really getting on my nerves so I'm a little moody today.

Lora- If you're having trouble still with the dvds about forms, the best bet for you is to look at a book. If you go to the library, perhaps they'll have Pavel's KB book. You can make copies of it. I was thinking about purchasing the book myself as I have a coupon to Border's now...I could make copies for you and send it to you? Better than our slow-poke dial up.

Linda- WAY TO GO!! Proud of you, girl! :D About PT certificates...It depends on different things... What does your gym require, which is better, which almost guarantee you a job, which teaches you more, train at home or at gym, how much are you willing to study, how much are you willing to pay for materials and renewal of cert. My first choice was NSCA but my gym does not require it so I took NASM which was what they required because they're more functional. NSCA is more body building, sports oriented and athlete oriented. NSCA is one of the HARDEST certification to get. Only 48% people pass and more than half of the 48% are second time test takers. NSCA certified people are 99% guaranteed to land a job more than any other certifications. It's like a law degree from Harvard or Yale. VERY highly accredited. Also, if you want to be CSCS certified, you do not need to go to school to receive that if you're already NSCA cert. You just have to wait 2 years to get experience before you take CSCS exam. Right now, the top 4 certifications are NSCA-CPT, ASCM, ACE and NASM. For some reason a lot of body builders are certified with S.M.A.R.T. It all depends on what you'd prefer. A lot of women from what I see prefer ACE for some reason. I personally don't care for ACE myself. Everyone has different preferences but the most important thing is what do gyms require, are you guaranteed to a job with that certain cert., etc. I hope I was some help. If you want to know more, please just ask anything you'd like. :)

Lisa - Thank you so much for the information, you were a lot of help. Boy that NSCA sounds tough! I hope you get it! Can I ask why you don't like ACE?

[font color=indigo]Meals for today:[/font]

M1: Banana Nut Bread BSN w/ 1/4 c. oats (pre workout)
M2: ON whey protein shake (post workout)
M3: Chocolate Coconut Candy Bar BSN w/ 1/4 c. oats & 1 tbsp. ground flaxseed
M4: Turkey meatloaf; 1 tbsp. raw almonds
M5: Vanilla Pro Pudding w/ 1 tbsp. ground flaxseed
M6: 4 oz. 95% ff beef patty; salad w/light Honey mustard dressing
M7: Chocolate Protein pancake w/ 2 tbsp. power pb

[font color=blue]1805.5 calories
48 g. fat - 24%
179 g. protein - 40%
168 g. carbs - 37%

Need to get my fat intake up higher. Not liking these ratios too much. I feel fat.
Hello Peeps!

Just thought I'd pop in on you all and say hello. I'm still doing my cycling training and throwing in a couple of Cardio Coaches a week. I'm doing legs twice a week and ad in upper body and abs in between sets. DH and I got to ride outside on Saturday. That was great and he kept it at a base training speed, so he didn't kill me! But I know that's coming. :) The rest of my time is spent on my bike in the basement on the trainer either watching recorded shows or reading. I've decided to read Pride and Prejudice (after watching the Jane Austen Book Club on the trainer). That should keep me busy for a little bit.

Diane Sue - I had to go back and find out what happened to your head. So what was up with the tumor? Was it just a benign tumor? I hope you are feeling better.

Debbie - I was reading about your HR. The flip side of what you were saying is that the more in shape we become, the harder it is for us to get our heart rates as high and the quicker they drop on recovery. One of the best indicators of fitness is how quickly your HR drops. That was one of the first questions my cardiologist asked me when I went for all of those tests a few years back. Mine drops really fast and I knew that when he asked me since I've always kept such a close watch on my HR. As I get in better cardiovascular shape by mid-cycling season, my 191 HR on a hill will become 181 on a hill (well...depending on who I'm riding with }( ). Happens every year. On another topic, I also don't know if I ever mentioned to you about using liquid soap on your HR monitor to help the connection work better. For me it works like a charm if I have a bad connection on a certain strap. You will have to wear it a bit tighter if you're running though, b/c it becomes kind of slippy.

Hi to everyone else. You all are working so hard as usual! Miss you!


We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals. -- Immanuel Kant (1724-1804)

Suz - Hi..........have missed you. Please stop in more often! Speaking of HR's....mine drops really quickly too and it's harder and harder to get it up high. I have to work harder and harder! My BP is also very good. Last time I went to the doctor, it was 90/60 and they asked if I was okay.....and was it normal for me to run that low? I couldn't believe it was that low...as I just left work 20 minutes prior....and I thought I'd be stressed!

Linda - I love Amy's cardio for intensity. I can't follow her step to save my soul. ARe you good at complex step with barely any breakdown or TIFTing? Have you ever done Patrick Goudeau's step? Her step is very much like Patrick's with some athletic moves to get the HR up high. The Kicbox and Hi/Lo are excellent for intensity....however, I'm sure you've read (or maybe not) that her Kickbox form is not the greatest in the Kickbox one....but I always thought of her Kickbox more of a HI/Lo Kickbox workout and not a strict kickbox workout.......and really if it were the latter, it wouldn't be that intense (IMO). Her forte is Hi/Lo....so if you've yet to try her Hi/Lo......it's good. It's not boring either. She throws a lot out their to learn and when I'm really really into it, I've gotten my HR up to it's very highest doing her Hi/Lo....and that's not an easy task for me. Amy is truly the only instructor that I can honestly say may be more of cardio junky than Cathe and I sometimes think her cardio is more intense than Cathe's. She's like Cathe on speed sometimes. I don't notice that as much anymore, but when I first got her first series....I swear, she was like a cardio junkie hyper dog! I really can't follow her step workouts very well...and end up doing "my own version", but yet I still end up with a beet red face and get a super intense workout! Not sure what your dislikes and likes are in a cardio workout though....so I'm not sure if there is something that you might not like in her cardio?

Deb - I just heard that Prodigal Son song by SevenDust!!

Lisa- I'm so impressed with your brainpower! I didn't know you were going to have to pass such a killer certification! Throw some of that brainpower this way!!

Toasty - what's up? you've been awful quiet lately. Not normal for you! Aren't you up to anything evil???

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