Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Tuesday February 26


Morning Maniacs -

This morning I did Tracey Staehle's High Intensity Step Mix 2. Workout was 57" and I burned 511 calories. Some day, I'll have to skip to the end combos...as I've only ever done the first part of this workout.

Have great workouts everyone. Must leave for work early, as we're having another snowstorm. So sick of this weather.

Lisa- this is supposed to be my "recovery week" cuz was following the P90X+ rotation....but I hate taking recovery weeks. Do you think it's necessary to take some time off weights?....or do you think Functional Fitness workouts fit the bill for recovery weeks? What about Kettlebells......do you think I could do those on my recovery week? I was thinking about doing a Classical Stretch Upper/lower workout tomorrow....but I'm torn. Have you researched Classical Stretch at all. I was just curious cuz I know you're going to school for all of this fitness stuff.

Diane Sue - Is your swelling and head better today? That has to be a pain in the butt. I hope you get to feeling better soon.
Good Morning Maniacs!!!

No snow here. Only rain. Actually have a few windows open. It is not too cold.

Very sore this morning from the tons of pushups/pullups from yesterday's total body workout. Today is Yoga X and gonna get on elliptical and do a steady state cardio workout on my own. Yesterday I listened to Creed when working out. Haven't heard them in awhile.

Have great workouts.
Last night I did the stretch workout from my Yoga Focus DVD with Karen Voight. I LOVE that stretch workout. I felt pretty good afterwards. I need to keep it up at least three times a week. I'm going to try and do that if I can. No knee or low back pain today.

Today was cardio. I chose Cardio Coach #3 and had a great workout. However, it took FOREVER to get my HR up. I never hit my high level 3 at all today. Should I be worried? And when I got to the steady states and rest, my HR dropped almost instantly to my warmup level. I've "heard" that it could mean I have blockage but I highly doubt that. I like to think that I'm in such great shape that my heart is just healthy. I'm hoping that's the case. Any input or thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.

Then I did the ab work from 4DS LIC and the stretch from that workout. Nice stretch, I've never done it before. I love the ab work as well.

[font color=indigo]Cardio stats:[/font]
[font color=blue]39 minutes
29 minutes in zone
205 calories burned
2.3 miles travelled
Did 4 mile run today. Felt good after the first mile. The first mile, my shins were hurting but it went away fast. Supposed to have somewhat of a bad weather today and tomorrow so I got the run out of the way so I don't have to do it tomorrow.

Lora- My sister has high speed so I will take a look at the site you sent a link for on saturday or sunday. I really apologize for taking a long time. As far as recovery week goes, it all depends on how heavy you go during the week. I don't know how much weight you lift, etc. If you go heavy like Debbie and Linda, I do recommend recovery week every 6-12 weeks depending on your body. Everyone's different. What works for my body is I lift heavy 2x a week for 4 weeks and the 5th week, I do weights once a week total body with lighter weights, bosu, mainly functional. I almost never take a week off from working out of any kind. An asteroid will have to hit me before I take a complete week or two off. LOL I do take one whole day off from working out. As for kettlebells, I'd keep using lighter weights until you feel 100% comfortable to go heavier. KB can be dangerous if you're not careful. LOL I wish I could show you the moves. It's so much easier to show it than explaining it. It's very easy to have the wrong form with KB more than with barbell and dumbbells. Do something reeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal nice for your hubby so you can get a high speed....Do you have one of those sexy fire engine red lingerie or something? Might work? }(

Toasty- I love Creed. I listen to them, Nickelback's "Animals", and Godsmack while working out at the gym. Keeps me going. The gym plays such a lame music. I was ready to rip my hair out on saturday because the music was awful. No wonder why most people use iPod.

Have a great day, everyone!

Good Morning, today I started my workout with 4Day Split Kickbox stopping at the legs,then I did Turbo Jam Get on the Ball Total Body no w/up. I had to get my granddaughters ready and to school so will do the legs and abs in a little bit. My swelling is going down some. Still some yellow bruising around my eye. Hopefully that is better tomorrow since I am getting my drivers license renewed.

Afternoon Maniacs,

Today was cardio and I did CC #5. Well, most of it anyway, I was running late and had to skip challenge three. I didn't realize the workout was that long and it was so hard to stop, I was mad, but I had to leave early this morning. Oh well, next time.

Debbie - That is odd about your heartrate, but not really weird if you know what I mean. I find that it sometimes takes awhile for me to get my heartrate up there. Like I'll reach the orange zone just as the challenge is over. It also does drop pretty quickly in between too. I think mine dropped from a high level three back to a low level 2 in about thirty seconds today. I've also noticed that at times I think my heart isn't reaching the orange zone like it should in the challenge, so I keep pushing harder, then all of sudden I find I overshot the orange and am now in the red. Does any of that make any sense? HTH! Just be careful! The good thing is you monitor it all the time so you'll know what's going on!

Lisa - When's your birthday, if you don't mind me asking? I am a Taurus too. My birthday is May 2nd. I also wanted to ask you if you have an exercise certification or degree? And if so in what? I just hear Lora refer to you as the professional.

Well, that's all from here....

Have a great day!

Hi Linda,
Mine is May 5th. You have the same birthday as my best friend! His fiancee's birthday is May 14th. My son's birthday is May 29th. Right now I'm NASM cert. but will be taking NSCA exam this fall coming up. They only test in each state once or twice a year. Annoying at that but that's the way it is. They only test in major cities in every state. I haven't really trained any one lately because I'm SAHM for the most part. When Tennyson starts school this fall, I'm hoping to go back to work.

Toasty- You're not gonna do some voo doo stuff on me with your oils 'cause I'm a Taurus, are you?? :p :7 I still love you anyway, crazy lady :+
Lisa- from what you said I surmise you are Personal Trainer? Can I ask why you are getting the certification from the second organization? Is it just part of your CEC? And how did you choose which organization? I know, I know a lot of questions, but I hope you don't mind me asking. It's just that I have thought about getting a PT certification from time to time.


No, Lisa. No worries!!!! I cannot stop laughing though. Your hysterical!!!!
[font color=indigo]Meals for today:[/font]

M1: ON whey protein shake (post workout)
M2: Chocolate Coconut Candy Bar BSN w/ 1/2 c. oats & 1 tbsp. ground flaxseed
M3: Turkey meatloaf; 2 tbsp. pecans
M4: 1 whole hard boiled egg, 3 hard boiled egg whites; 1 slice 12 grain bread
M5: Mango Talapia; salad w/light Honey mustard dressing
M6: Protein pancake w/ 2 tbsp. power pb

[font color=blue]1687 calories
55 g. fat - 29%
144 g. protein - 34%
158 g. carbs - 37%

Linda - Thanks! I know when you get conditioned it takes longer for the HR to get up there. It just surprised me this morning how hard it was to get it up there. I guess I need to work harder.
Lisa- I guess the amount of weight an individual lifts and the need for recovery is a very personal thing. I probably don't lift as heavy as some, but I do lift as heavy as I can with proper form and without exacerbating my injury......somewhat. I do endless pushups and have constant shoulder pain.....so I guess in that respect I should take some recovery time from the weights. Ditto, with other things I do that causes my trap spasms and leveator scapulae spasms to exacerbate.......but I'm hard headed. No....I could NEVER take a week off either......except for when we go to Vegas and I don't generally work out other than walking for 5 days. I guess I'll do a regular workout tomorrow anyway....as my Barry's Bootcamps just came and I want to try them out tomorrow. I wish you lived closer so you could come show me Kettlebell form! I ended up purchasing Agatsu instructional DVD on Sunday. It was $30 versus the $80 for AOS's instructional. I've heard it's good. I'll let you know. Are there any other tricky KB exercises like the Snatch you'd like to give me a pointer on?
Hello Everyone,

I'm just finishing my workout. I'm feeling a little fatiged tonight, it's about time for my cycle, and I hope it comes and goes soon!

This is what I did.

Wide Grip Lat Pull Downs:
50# - 8/8
65# - 8/8
I had to increase and it was difficult but I got through it!

Flat Barbell Bench Press:
70# - 8/8/8/6
I was doing good at the beginning of this workout, then I just ran out of energy!

Quads/Low Back
Traditional Deads:
70# - 8/8/8/8

Incline Dumbbell Curls:
15# - 8/8/8/8
These were difficult, but I pressed on.

Hamstring Curls:
20# - 8 (too light)
30# - 8/8/8 very hard on the last set!

Arnold Press:
15# - 8/8/8/8

I feel that I did really good tonight! It was hard getting motivated but I've had a long day and pms'n, got it in, and I feel great about that!!!

Thanks Debbie! I wish I had some advice about you heart rate, but I really don't know much about it for myself. I'm sure you're okay. Did you get dizzy at all when that happened?

Hi to everyone else here! Have a great night!

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