Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Thurs Jan 24


Morning Maniacs -

This morning I did Kenpo X+ followed by part of P90 Fat Burner workout. I tried to kick up the intensity a bit by really getting down into the punches and did running with high knees during the cardio breaks on the Rebounder. Workout was 62" and I burned 545 calories.

I'm feeling so tired right now........haven't been able to sleep all week due to PMS and it's catching up with me. I also think the pushups are irritating my injury...as my pain is flaring.....but my pain usually flares with PMS ....so I'll probably try continuing with this rotation for another week or so before I give up. I think I'll sub tomorrow's workout which is supposed to be Core Synergestics since I'm getting sick of it and I think it's also on the schedule for next week. I might start adding in some P90 Masters after this upcoming Recovery Week for variety.

Have great workouts everyone.

Toasty -are you having any luck selling your oils? I haven't been able to sell anything lately! Everyone must be really broke!
Morning ladies..
I slept like a baby. Must hve been CC#7 huh..
Watched Cashmere Mafia and i was out...

Workout tonite is supposed to be legs.. and i think i am gonna throw in some bi's. I need to strengthen the bi's ..
Maybe if i do them alone and not be arm fatigued..

As we see i made it through 1 week of Tony...
I just do not love him..
I still say 90% of what he does is push ups and pull ups..
Might i say they irritate my wrists. A few ok. Not continuously

Have a great day all..
Off to bath and work.


Good Morning, today is supposed to be P90X Yoga. I may do a different yoga or do part of it and something else. I need to do some lower body work. I just don't feel it in the P90X+ ones. This is my 4th week as I started with a week of P90X Lean rotation before the + ones came. Next week is what Was the recovery week in the first P90X. I don't see cardio in it. I know I will be doing some cardio anyway. I am glad there is the original weight work in that week. I am not sure about the second month. If I do it I will be subbing lower and some lower impact for the Plyometrics. I ended up with the headache after yesterdays Total Body+

Anne, I am not a fan of push ups and pull ups but they do give me results. I would much rather lift weights.

Linda - I bought 1# magnets from a scientific website that fit well on my dumbbells and plates. I have no clue what the website was that I bought them from, though. Also, if you haven't already, get CC #6 by Candace. It's a good one.

Marietta - I have no clue which Itreads I have. I downloaded them months ago.
Morning Maniacs! Did 45 min. on the treadmill. Later today will be P90X+ Totalbody.

Lora- I really like that new "sorry" song by BuckCherry. His voice is really good on that one. And of course, he looks "normal". LOL!!!!

Anne- What an acomplishment in tolarating Tony for a week. You should be proud of yourself...I know how hard that was for you.:)
I bought those "perfect pushups" stands and they make the pushups alot more fun. You know, if we have a new toy it has to be fun!

Diane Sue- I've been adding legs (on my own) once a week with this P90X+ rotation. I just feel my legs need it more than what they offered. So, I do a Totalbody, upper, and lower, then the alternate days is Kenpo and Intervals and whatever else I feel I need. So, I guess I'm not following a set rotation.

Debbie- Are you enjoying your week off? You are off work too, aren't you?

Suz- Check your PM girl! Like, get with it already!:p;)

[font face="script" color=magenta size=+2]*~Dallys~*[/font]

>Dallys - No, I'm not off work. :( I am totally
>enjoying my week off.

Oh darn, wouldn't that have been nice? I'm glad you are enjoying not working out for a week. I'm sure your body is thanking you too. Cuz, it knows you're gonna torture it good when you get back at it!}(

[font face="script" color=magenta size=+2]*~Dallys~*[/font]

Afternoon Maniacs,

Busy day today, took DS to the doctor, he's been conplaining about stomach pain (fortunately his okay). Then off to the grocery store for shopping. Happy to be home, it's snowing out now.

This morning was weights again doing three sets of eight in straight sets with a 90 second rest.

WG Pullups
8/8/8 - (4 unassisted first, 2 unassisted on both second & third sets)

Incline Barbell Press
8/8/8 - 70#

WG Upright Rows
8/8/8 - 27 1/2's (do these w/ dumbbells, easier on my wrists)

Bulgarian Split Squats
8/8/8 - 70#

Barbell Curls
8/8/8 - 50#

Hamstring Curls
8/8/8 - 40#(this is a PB, which is amazing since my hamstrings were fried from the split squats, I'll be amazed if I can walk tomorrow)

The I did LIC ab work.

Debbie & Anne - thanks for the info on CC, I thought six was the way to go but wanted to make sure.

Debbie - that's a good idea about the magnets, I'll have to do some searching. Oh, also I really feel the Bulgarians in my hamstrings and backside, is that okay? I feel it in my quads too, but they really fire the back of my legs.

Lora - sorry to hear about all the pain your having. Hope it gets better soon.

Dallys - nice to see you again! Glad you are enjoying your new toy!

Everyone great job on the workouts!

Geez......it's been quiet around here Maniacs!!

Dallys- are you being sarcastic about Josh looking normal? I couldn't tell from your post. They are supposed to be on the Tonight's Show tonight. I have to find out what channel and time.

Deb - I paypaled you....thanks much. Addy is in my Paypal info.

Toasty - Where you be girl??

Great workouts everyone!
It has been a busy day. I did not do Yoga X. I warmed up with some of Crunch Burn and Firm Pilates 15 min did Spinervals Flexible Warrior Athletic Yoga Swim and Cycle segments 28 minutes then I did Cathe's Stretch on the Ball#2. Breakfast was 1/2 granny smith apple and 1/2 scoop protein powder, Lunch was salad with chicken, feta cheese, fat free ranch and bbq sauce. I had a latte from Sonic while waiting for school to get out. I was cold and had been shopping so arrived early. Dinner will be an eggplant soup that calls for lamb, but I am using ground turkey.

Dallys, I have been adding in some lower body work each week but still keeping with the 3 workouts that are on the rotation.

Hey Maniacs!!!

My rest day today. Went to dermatologist to have a mole removed. That pretty much took up most of day cuz to get to civilization I have to drive hours. I am trying to get caught up on some cleaning.


I did fine with selling the oils. I sold some clothing too. I need to sell something else too...maybe I should charge someone to see me smile. That was lame, but I feel lame right now. Just trying to make some humor out of this "stuck in the mud" feeling right now.

I am with DIane Sue on her thoughts of pushups/pullups
Dallys- are you being sarcastic about Josh looking normal? I couldn't tell from your post. They are supposed to be on the Tonight's Show tonight. I have to find out what channel and time.

Sorry, not being sarcastic, just that he doesn't normally look like that so it was kind of a surprise.

[font face="script" color=magenta size=+2]*~Dallys~*[/font]

Now I missed who looked normal or didn't. I am so tired right now....feel like tweedledee and tweedledum. Now I am curious what Josh looks like. Lora..you have pictures to post?
Dallys - I think he looks more normal with his shirt off!! LOL. Keith is pretty clean cut looking in that video also.......but he's not really too wild in real life. Stevie D (the other guitarist - asian dude) looks the most real in the video. Josh looks stuffy in that suit!! or as Toasty would say "Lawdy"!!!! By the way, they are performing "Sorry" tonite on Leno. I'm taping it.....although I much prefer the harder rock songs on that album.....Sorry is a nice ballad and at least it got them airplay on VH1....so I can't complain. They don't get the respect they deserve.

Toasty - it's funny what those ears of yours perk up to! Josh!! LOL. Watch for them on the Tonight Show at 11:30 pm. I've got my recorder set. Are you still enjoying your Seether CD? I love that Suicide song and The Fallen. I was rockin out to it on the way home from work last night. My car stereo kicks major butt..............still love my Nissan!
Ok this is my plan tonight slow and heavy legs and triceps coremax #3 and LIC will see if I end up doing all that, it's going to take a long timex( I'll let ya'll know LOL

I love the new Seether, but I already wore it out! Love Suicide, the dirty word song..forget (my brain is like mush right now) and Fallen

Alright, I checked out the video. Josh looks worn out to me..suit or not. Just looks run down. I like Anthony much better off of Chili Peppers. I was watching that on one of the rock channels awhile back. I was totally zoning out on him.
added a couple more pics on my picture trail from today. I'm just excited I'm seeing real results that I have wanted for sooo long...

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