HArdcore Fitness Maniacs Check in for March 1,2009 Sunday


Good morning. Today is another rest day for me. I am going to print up my workout cards for Mesocycle 2 of STS today so I can get an idea of what all I will be doing and weights I will use. I will check back later.
Today is a rest day for me. I have active recovery tomorrow and then start STS Mesocycle 2. WHat are some good workouts I can do during my recovery? Diane Sue, I need to try those pancakes. Did you use that baking powder he listed?
Hi guys! Rest day here. I strained my bicep yesterday doing barbell preacher curls on the stability ball. It isn't a bad strain but I am definitely going to rest today. I need to take some measurements for STS, too. It should be fun for DH and I to do this together.

I have Cathe's cardio suggestions for STS but I think I am going to need more variety than that. I guess it doesn't matter as long as I pay attention to the type of workout- interval, steady state, etc.
Roselyn, yes I used the baking powder that he recommended. I had to go to the Akin's Market to purchase it. It is a large nutrition store with supplements and groceries. I think I am just going to do cardio and flexibility stuff this next week. I also want to get in the no equipment abs that I missed this week. I have already had two rest days this week. I sort of wanted to do a kettlebell workout but Cathe says no weights. I suppose even if I kept it at 15# that is still weights:)

Patti, enjoy your rest day. Hope that your bicep is fine tomorrow.
Yesterday was a rest day for me and my cheat meal! :D
Took my measurements yesterday and in the past two weeks I lost an inch off my waist ans 1/2 inch of hips. My nutrition plan stays the same with the exception of adding more carbs. I was hoping for more variety in my diet but it will still consists of the same restrictions. Oh well, I guess I will continue to live for those cheat meals! :p
Today is plyometrics and HIIT.

Diane Sue...I like your new avatar. Great definition in your arms! To answer your question...no I do not have to take the supplements however, I do take Surge.

Patti...Hope your bicep gets better.

Have a great Sunday!
Sonya, thanks. I did see today when going through posts that you had mentioned Surge in your meal plan. I did see on one of Olesya's sample menus that she suggested Surge on training days and low carb Metabolic Drive on non training days. I bet you enjoy those cheat days;)

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