

I hope everyone had a fantastic 4th :D I was REALLY lazy this weekend, but I managed to do a 30 min kickbox workout yesterday. It will be a light week for me workout-wise, as ttotm is really bringing me down :( I saw Eclipse over the weekend, and movie wise it was good but it didn't follow the book as much as the others. I guess I was a bit disappointed, but I tend to do that when I get too excited about something.

Today was Meso 2, Week 1, Disc 13, Chest, Shoulders & Triceps. Glad I got up a little early and started early. This took a bit over an hour to do. Had a good workout but was still worried about my neck. Went as heavy as I thought would be safe. Traps are still a bit tight and sore.

Flat Bench Press - 55#/12 reps
Flat Bench Press - 55#/12 reps

Flat Bench Press - 65#/12 reps
Flat Bench Press - 75#/10 reps
Flat Bench Press - 75#/8 reps

Flat Bench Chest Flyes - 20's/12 reps
Flat Bench Chest Flyes - 22's/10 reps
Flat Bench Chest Flyes - 22's/8 reps

Incline Bench Press - 75#/12 reps
Incline Bench Press - 75#/10 reps
Incline Bench Press - 75#/8 reps

Incline Chest Flyes - 22's/12 reps
Incline Chest Flyes - 12's/10 reps
Incline Chest Flyes - 12's/8 reps

Alternating Seated Front Press - 15's/12 reps
Alternating Seated Front Press - 15's/10 reps
Alternating Seated Front Press - 15's/8 reps
Double Arm Seated Front Press - 15's/8 reps (to failure)

Alternating 1-Arm Standing Lateral Raise - 5#/12 reps
Alternating 1-Arm Standing Lateral Raise - 5#/10 reps
Alternating 1-Arm Standing Lateral Raise - 5#/8 reps
***Wanted to go with 8's but was worried about my neck.

Seated Lateral Raise Both Arms - 8's/12 reps (to failure)

Seated Rear Delts - 15's/12 reps
Seated Rear Delts - 15's/10 reps
Seated Rear Delts - 15's/8 reps

Flat Bench Tricep Extensions - 55#/11 reps
Flat Bench Tricep Extensions - 50#/10 reps
Flat Bench Tricep Extensions - 50#/8 reps
Flat Bench Tricep Extensions - 50#/8 reps (to failure)
***This about killed me. Not sure why, my tri's are usually really strong with this exercise.

Side Leaning One-Arm Overhead Ext - 12#/12 reps
Side Leaning One-Arm Overhead Ext - 12#/10 reps
Side Leaning One-Arm Overhead Ext - 12#/8 reps

One-Arm Kicbacks - 12#/12 reps
One-Arm Kicbacks - 12#/10 reps
One-Arm Kicbacks - 12#/8 reps

I feel ok right now, have a slight headache and the sides of my neck are a bit tight. I've been rubbing it out here and there.

Yesterday I did a Cardio Coach workout but when I went to sign in to post it, I couldn't get to the forums:

Cardio Coach #3.

Again, no pain in my hip flexor!

Had a great workout. Loving my CC!

40 minutes total
5 minutes below zone
10 minutes in zone
25 minutes above zone
320 calories burned
2.25 miles travelled
Workout is done and I have to get to the store and come back and do some things. I have a doctor appt tomorrow so doubt I will get much done. Workout was Brook Benton's Butts and Guts 44 minutes 316 calories Max HR 159, Turbo Fire Lower 20 class 21 minutes 81 calories, Bob Harpers Yoga for the Warrior 59 minutes 180 calories. Total time 2 hr 4 minutes 577 calories. I didn't burn as many as usual on the B&G and the Yoga. Am tired and allergies are crazy. Not real energetic
Hi Maniacs - I didn't feel like working out this morning....but I ended up having another kick ass workout. I did CardioFlex (Evolution Studios) with Robert Staufer. This was voted #1 fitness workout according to Fitness Organica (last year). I've had it for a while but this was the time I did it. It is basically an athletic step dvd that has anaerobic/aerobic and strength intervals using a fitness loop. Very unique moves. I only used my yellow & green tubing as I was sore from yesterday. Max HR was 161 and I burned 745 calories in 75". I also did the foam roller/stretch segment off of Trudie Styler's cardio dance workout. I need more stretching, but I have to do my nails, eat and go to the doctor this afternoon.

I was planning on doing a Barre workout tomorrow but I just received my Kiana Tom 12-Fitness Program in the mail. I'm previewing now....no warm up or cool downs and no music. I can deal with playing my own music, but why must so many instructors go without adding the stretch or cooldown?

Theresa - I agree with you (although I've not read the books), I was expecting much more from this Twilight episode. I was hoping she would "turn" ....but I guess I'll never know what happens since I've not read the books and nobody will tell me what happens!! I thought it could have had a bit more action. They sure dragged out the marriage, love triangle part also.

Have a great day everyone.
Theresa - I agree with you (although I've not read the books), I was expecting much more from this Twilight episode. I was hoping she would "turn" ....but I guess I'll never know what happens since I've not read the books and nobody will tell me what happens!! I thought it could have had a bit more action. They sure dragged out the marriage, love triangle part also.

Have a great day everyone.

I'd be happy to tell you what happens. I'll pm you if you want.
Theresa - I want to see Eclipse really bad. I didn't care much for that particular book, so I'm interested in seeing how they play it out. It's ttom for me too, I've had cramps for a week now. :confused:

Diane Sue - Nice workouts today! I still can't believe you workout for 2 hours a day. :eek:

Lora - I pm'd you. :)

Hi to Linda, Cheryl, Lori, Hermia, Roselyn, Char, Teddygirl and everyone else! Where are you ladies? Holiday is over! :p
Hi Everyone!!

I had a GREAT long weekend at camp with lots of activity. I only did one formal workout (on Friday), but was able to maintain my weight and did fairly well with eating.

Today was Supersets and abs from BM 2. I am REALLY tired from all of the time in the sun and the extremely hot weather (100's here today). My DH promised he would get some AC in today at the house, so hopefully I will get a good nights sleep tonight.

I was able to read some of the posts over the weekend.

Lora - I'm sorry the job situation is so lousy. I would hope that you would speak up for yourself, in a very professional and confident manor, and go after a better job.

Debbie - I'm sorry the neck is still sore. I actually had a stiff neck for the past 2 days myself - YUK. I can't imagine putting up with this for an extended period of time.

Lori - I'm glad you had a good holiday weekend and were able to get a lot done. :)

Diane Sue - Nice workout today - as usual. :) I hope you had a great Fourth.

Theresa - I took it easy while at camp this past weekend and didn't push myself for anything! It felt great and I was so happy to see the scale stayed the same even considering my 3 days off of exercise. Also, I haven't seen Eclipse yet, but I'm looking forward to it.

Hi to Linda, Hermia and Roselyn. Ok....gotta get some work done. It's great to be back! Have a wonderful day everyone.

I think the cortizone shots have worn off...I'm miserable.:(

Anyway managed to do a 30 minute run outside yesterday and did Total Body Sculpt premix from LIC.
HI everyone

my computer is in the hospital. some sort of killer virus took it down right when I was in the middle of a post to Diane Sue on FB. I have REALLY missed checking in (working is also important, so I'm hoping they can find/fix my PC's problems VERY soon). I've started over to my computer desk a few times, thinking about stopping in to see how everyone is doing and then ... grrrrr :mad: Borrowing a friend's right now to just let you guy's know my hands are doing better, I've gotten in some good workouts, I miss you all and will be back as soon as my computer gets fixed -

Talk To you Soon (I hope)

Hey everyone, meant to check in yesterday but I wasn't able to access the forums either. I had a four day weekend and I think actually getting enough sleep for that period of time really helped my energy. Despite ttom, I felt great in my workout yesterday, and even did a bit more than I had planned. I felt like I could have kept going as well, but I had stuff to do before bed and it was getting late. I did the first half of Tracey's Step Sweatfest II and then a set of squats, walking lunges, and firewalkers from Butts and Guts.

That's interesting to hear Eclipse doesn't follow the book as closely; I'm always watching for that sort of thing, lol. Actually, though, my memory is kind of foggy on that one and I probably won't even notice unless it's something huge.

That's no good about the cortizone wearing off, Linda....I'm sorry you're not feeling well. =(

Well, hopefully I'll be back with this evening's workout. I took way too long of a nap so I lost a little extra time. Back to grading I go.
I have not had a lot of time the last few days to post. I have to get to bed soon so I have time for a workout in the morning before I head to the doctor's office.

Cheryl, it sounds like camp was good this weekend:D

Debbie, nice workout. Glad to hear that the neck is improving.

Lori, I am glad to hear you are doing better. Sorry about the computer.

Linda, sorry you are feeling so miserable. You sure are doing well at keeping up with the workouts:)

Hermia, getting enough sleep can sure make a difference in the energy:)

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