GDMT....Mostly Monday....1.28


Good Morning GMT!

Today was Chest and Back and ARX.

Chest and Back
Standard pushup: R1- 35 / R2- 40
Military push up: R1- 30/R2-35
Wide fly push-ups: R1- 30leg up every 5/R2-35
Decline Push-ups: R1 – 30/R2-32
Heavy pants: R1 -8 reps: 32# / R2: same
Diamond Push-ups: R1-30/ R2-35
Lawnmowers: R1-8 reps 37#/ R2 10 reps @35# (form better)
Dive-Bombers Push-ups: R1 -20/R2-23
Back Flys: R1- 10 reps 22#/ R2- 8 reps 25#

bicep: r10.5 l 10
chest: over-28 under- 26
waist: 26
thighs: right and left (measured mid thigh): 19.5
hips: 34.5
I can't find my old measurements, so I don't know what's changed.

I am dissappointed with my progress(?) but I am going to finish the program. Up until this recovery week, I was loving the program, so may be I just am not drinking enough water.? Also, I'm getting tired of all the pushups and not being able to do a pullup. (I can do plenty of negitives) Anyway, enough negitive vibes!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I don't know if you saw my post, I bought the perfect pushup- that should give me a challenge!

I am loving the Blog updates!

Have a great day!
Good Morning DMT!

Today I did Jari Love's Ripped to the Core. She does compound exercises, low weights and high reps. I could not do this workout on a regular basis ( low fun factor!) but it's okay to pull out every once in awhile. I also walked 3 miles with my friends.

This week it's Rodeo Week at school with a Chuckwagon Lunch and we all dress western on Thursday. Yee Haw!! (The stockshow and rodeo are in town)

Deanie--Was anyone able to give you any helpful advice on OD? I'm sure that is discouraging after all of the hard work you have put in. You measurements sound great to me!! I would be happy! How do you like the perfect pushups? I tried ds's before he took them back to college with him and I liked them. WTG with all of the pushups!!

Marcy--Do you own Ripped to the Core? Probably. You have so many!;-) I did like the spider pushups. How are you feeling?


Have a great day!
Good Morning DGT!

Yesterday I did an episode of Shimmy. It was Turkish hip bumps, head isolations, figure 8s with the hips and hip circles. Shimmy doesn't do much cardiowise but I do feel my stomach muscles contracting when doing this. A lot of people have said they got great abs with bellydancing and I can see (and feel) why they say that. Today was Chest & Back. Will do Interval X+ and Abs/Core+ tomorrow.

Chest and Back (I didn't do Round 2 in Week 3 so I'll compare Round 2 to Week 2)
Standard pushup: R1- 40 (up 3)/ R2- 30 (same)
Military push up: R1- 27 (up 2)/R2-20 (same)
Wide fly push-ups: R1- 30 (up 4)/R2-31 (up 8)
Decline Push-ups: R1 – 27 (up 2)/R2-27 (up 7)
Heavy pants: R1 -8 reps: 35# (up 2#)/ R2: 8 reps: 33# (same)
Diamond Push-ups: R1-21 (up 1)/ R2-22 (up 4)
Lawnmowers: R1-9 reps 37#/ R2 10 reps @ 37# (up 2# on both rounds)
Dive-Bombers Push-ups: R1 -15 (same)/R2-16 (up 3)
Back Flys: R1- 9 reps 25# (up 1)/ R2- 10 reps 25#

I went up to bar level on my wide front pullups and close grip pullups and I did two full chinups in a row.

I was very excited to see there will be men in STS. Not that I don't love all of Cathe's regular crew but it'll be a nice addition.

Deanie - I took my measurements this morning but you're actually supposed to take them at 30, 60 and 90 days so I'm going to take them again on February 2nd and report back. I was pretty wiped after Round 1 and didn't know if I was going to make it through Round 2 today. I still have a cold. Don't get discouraged about not being able to do a pullup. They are really hard and as you can see, I'm in my second round and just barely able to do one. I'd never done them before my first round and they are the toughest exercise I've ever done. After my pushups and going up the stairs to do pullups/chinups, I've been waiting for my HR to get down below 60 before attempting them because otherwise I'd have no energy whatsoever to do them. Let us know how the perfect pushups works for you. I actually tried doing my pushups a few weeks ago with the door gym planted on the floor and it worked pretty well. I was never a water person and it's hard for me to drink as much water as I should but I've been trying. I know my eating has been less than stellar and sleeping has been, well, you know. I'm actually kind of glad we started this before the holidays otherwise I think I'd be a lot worse off.

Gin - Do you do dress-up every week? Yes, I have Ripped to the Core. I traded away my other two Jari's. Just couldn't get into them. But I really like RTTC and felt I got a really good workout although I do admit I find it boring. I liked the spider pushups too. The first time I did them was with Jari. I think they're on Abs/Core + IIRC. Saturday night I only got two hours sleep (at least it was Sat. and not last night when I had to get up for work). I had a little nap yesterday and went up early to bed so I got a pretty good night's sleep. Yes, it's Callan Pickney on Super Callanetics.

Hi Tracee!


Deanie - I was thinking of you when I was reading through the blog updates a little bit ago. I knew you'd be in heaven with all of the info she has supplied recently.

Is it crazy that I'm actually thinking of buying STS? I still can not get myself out of bed to exercise but after reading through some of the FAQ's on STS I really thought I need to buy this while during the presale.

Gin & Marcy - Sounds like all is going well with you guys.

Thanks for still thinking of me in your posts. I really do miss you guys and want to get back to it.

Take care.

Hi Again!

Tracee - So glad to see you posting again. Maybe STS is exactly what you need to rev up your engine again. I've been checking the blog and things do look interesting. I hope she puts a few new moves on each day so we can get a good idea of the workouts. I like the idea of using the paper plates. Mindy uses them in her All About Abs/Legs workouts and they really work quite well.

I'm waiting until the price change before I preorder.

Please check back in again soon.

Hi Again!

Tracee--Great to see you posting!! Sounds as if you are inching your way closer to working out again. I hope that you and Marcy decide to get the STS so we will all have it. I can't imagine that it would be out before the summer, though.

Marcy--Great workout you did today. With all of this talk about Cathe's new workouts, I don't feel the need to buy any of the older ones I don't have. I have so many already that I love.
My DH cleaned up the basement this weekend. I would so love to workout down there, but we would still need to move some furniture, get another tv and dvd player and puzzle mat. It's just a concrete floor and I can touch the ceiling when I reach up.:-(

Hi Deanie--How was school today? My most difficult child was absent and it made all the difference in the world!;-)

Hi Again!

Gin - Thanks about my workout. I certainly don't feel the need to buy any of Cathe's older workouts. The only ones I was interested in was Pure Strength and CTX. I have PS on VHS and only All Step of CTX. I actually liked All Step. It moved quite quickly with the choreography with not too much breakdown and I liked the shoulder exercises. But with everything else I have, CTX is not a priority at the moment although I would like to get it someday. I was never interested in the Classics and I don't need any of the intermediate workouts. I think summer seems to be an accurate prediction for STS.

My DH and I were actually talking about my workout room over the weekend for when we move. I'll be taking the TV from my living room (which is the one I work out with anyway) and he's giving me his DVD/VHS player/recorder. The TV stand from our bedroom will go in the workout room and it has some room in it for at least part of my collection. I would like to get at least 1 but possibly 3 of the walls mirrored. I'd love a wood floor but that might be too costly in the beginning so I'll have to see. I will get a stand for my dumbbells (maybe a Cathe tower like in 4DS?) I'll probably have to get a couple of DVD stands or I was thinking about a cabinet but I'll have to see how many my TV stand will hold.

As far as your basement, I'm sure you could work out the flooring but the ceiling seems to be the biggest problem. I guess it would be fine for strength training, but Drill Max with the ball might be a problem!


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