Daily Check In, Friday Sept.21


Hi all,

Today was Kickboxing - I did Jillian's Fastfix, all 3 workouts. Nice 60 minutes of sweating.

Siobhan - DH is "comfortable". His pain is manageable at best, but he is still pretty much confined to the house. From what I can see, the doctors are doing what they can to make him comfortable, but no one sees any light at the end of the tunnel. We do the best we can, I guess. Thanks for asking.
Hi Conni,

This morning I did Circuit Max then moved onto High Reps abs (thanks to your suggestion conni - whew - that was brutal). Lots of calories burned this morning.

Conni - I am sorry to hear that your DH is living with daily pain. It must be difficult for you all. Good workout you got in today.

I hope everyone else squeezes in a workout today... good luck!

Hi everybody!

I'm moving core to #1.

Core: Ab Hits #2 again. Of my Cathe ab videos I like this one for now. It's half planks+supermans and half crunching. My form isn't right yet but my shoulder blades are coming up farther than they did last week.

Cardio: 40 minutes

Rotator cuffs: 3 sets of 10 @ 5 lbs each side
Pull-up prep: 3 sets of 10 @ 170 lbs tubing pull-down

Best wishes :)

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