Crazy Strong and Loving It for Jun 15, 2009


Hi and good morning ladies,

I am back:D DH and I had a great time im Garmish. Yesterday I ran in gym at the resort. I did CCV5. That one kicked my butt. I burned 854 cal. My eating wasn't that clean.

I will be back with personals!
Hi girls,

Today I will do

Debbie, how did you like Amy Bento's "In the Ring? Glad you enjoyed Kimberly Spreen. I only have Cathe’s DVD’s , I should check out other instructors!

Bev congratulations on finishing STS. I can’t wait to start it again. What kinda resuts did you get? Happy 25th anniversary!

Patti, you will have lot’s of fun at the RT.

As always great workouts ladies! BBL!
Morning! I did Plyo Legs Disc #35 this morning- loved it! I am liking this rotation SO much.

Belinda: Glad you had a nice time! I wouldn't worry about the food too much- it was vacation AND you worked out!

Gotta go get showered before my small boy is up and about- DD is at my parents today. :) Have a good one!
Good morning. I just got done doing a TaeBo workout. It felt so funny last night to not be printing out a workout card and setting up weights! I have an appt this morning so I need to hit the shower soon.

Belinda-so glad you had fun on your trip. You deserve it after everything you have been through with your sinuses. I don't know if there is any noticeable difference on completing STS but I do feel like I lost some weight in my waist and my thighs. I don't own scales so I have no clue if I lost pounds or not. But I feel great!

Patti-are you doing Cathe's June rotation? I thought I would do that next month. Are you driving or flying to the RT? I'm not sure where you live.

Have a good day and good workouts everyone.

Good morning girls!

This morning was Muscle Endurance. I've really missed doing this one. (but not all of the leg presses) 339 Calories burned.

I hate mondays - especially this monday. Its the start of the "summer work"...only positive is that it will probably help me lose more weight because I will be more active. :)

Today was supersetting Back and Biceps. Had a great workout. So much so that I ended up adding in one more superset.

8 minute warmup on treadmill.

45 second rest between each superset.

SS #1
Unassisted Chinups: 10/6/6
superset w/
Barbell Preacher Curls: 55# 8/8/8
***Good superset. First set of chins felt great. I felt like I could go forever until I hit rep 9. LOL!

SS #2
Standing Rows: 10# vest - 12/12/12
superset w/
Hammer Curls: 20's - 10/10/10
***Good superset. Standing rows work the biceps as well so they were already tired from them when I hit the HC.

SS #3
Underhand Barbell Rows: 50# - 12/12/12
superset w/
Dumbbell Curls: 15's - 12/12/12
***Again, underhand rows work the biceps. They were already fatigued by the time I got to DC.

SS #4
Dumbbell Pullovers: 40# - 12/12/12
superset w/
Alternate Hammer Curls w/Twist: 15's - 12; 17's - 12/12
***15's were too light. Should have went with 20's because 17's were too light too.

That is all.....

We got a kitten this weekend. He is so cute. He's grey w/striped white and very loving. We name him Nuke because his stinkies can clear a room. LMAO!!! He is still very skiddish but getting use to us. It's been about 15 years since I've had a cat. I love it!

Belinda - Glad you had such a good time!! Nice job on CC #5. That one is a tough one. I haven't done Amy's workout yet. I'm doing it tomorrow so I will let you know.
Debbie: LOL at the kitten's name! That's too funny.

Karen: What do you do at work? I think I have ME this week and I KNOW on the leg presses. Ugh.

Bev: I like in southern Ohio, so I'm flying in for the RT. And yep, it is the June rotation. It uses STS, which I like, but has more variety. And it hits legs twice a week but isn't overkill. I think you'd like it.
Good Morning,

Tonite is Lean Circuit 1 and some abs then the rest of the week due to everything going on I am getting up in the mornings to workout. My mom is coming to town tomarrow so she will stay with me tomarow nite then my dds are taking her to my sisters.

Debbie-would you please look at the exercises I posted Saturday and tell me if those are shoulder or back exercises? I think chalene is obsessed with the shoulders, biceps and triceps(more the triceps) and very little back and chest work.

Belinda-glad dot hear you had fun

Bev-Happy 25th.
Good Morning,

Today is the original LIS then yog and abs and sometime today is Lean Circuit 2. I am going to post the exercises for that one and would like you experts to tell me if these are for the back or shoulders because I worked shoulders last nite.

Anterior Deltoid Lift
Double Arm Row-I know these are for the back
Lateral Raise
Posterior Deltoid Raise Anterior Delt lift.

Anterior Deltoid Lift - Shoulder (outer shoulders)
Double Arm Row - Back
Lateral Raise - Shoulder (outer shoulders)
Posterior Delt Raise - Shoulder
Anterior Deltoid Lift - Shoulder (outer shoulders)
Double Arm Row - Back
Lateral Raise - Shoulder (outer shoulders)
Posterior Delt Raise - Shoulder

Thank You Lean Circuit 3 is alot of arnold presses and frontal raises I thought she worked shoulders to much no wonder they hurt by Saturday. Lean Interval on Thurs has alot of shoulder work to. Congrats on the kitty and LMAO on the name.
Hey Everyone...

Stayed home from work last night due to my oldest son (13)getting very ill. They're working him up for strep, the Swine Flu and mono... Complicated by the fact that he has Type 1 Diabetes and his blood sugars are all over the place too. It's tough for him AND me!

Anyways, I got in a good long circuit after the Pediatrician this morning. The first time I did The Viper. Fun stuff (though 80 minutes long!). It's 4 or 5 cycles of a C&W Segment, and then an IMAX2 segment with the blast, and then a weight segment from ME. :eek: Good stuff!

Belinda: Glad you enjoyed your trip. i looked at your links last week to where you went and it looked GORGEOUS! how could you NOT have a good time there? you lucky duck!! Pats on the back for YOU for doing a CC while away too!

Patti: Way to go on Plyo today!!! Always feels good when you finish, doesn't it? hope you're not as sore as you were last week...

Bev: Tae Bo must have been a nice change for ya... Are you doing a Recovery Week?

Karen: I hear ya on the reps on ME! I got a little taste of that today with The Viper!

Debbie: you had a good workout today! Great weigths!! Awwwwww... that's sweet you got a new kitten. We got 2 cats within the last year and 1/2 and hadn't had a pet in over 10 years, so we love them too. Love the name! LOL!!!

Roxie: have fun with LC today!

off I go in search of Tamiflu and chicken soup ingredients...

M1: ON whey protein shake w/strawberries (pre workout)
M2: Cinnamon pancake (post workout)
M3: Chocolate Coconut BSN w/ 1/2 c. oats & 1 tbsp. Naturally More PB
M4: Turkey patty on 1 slice whole wheat bread w/1 thin slice provolone & avacado
M5: 1/2 LF cottage cheese w/ 2 tbsp. low sugar grape jam
M6: Parmesan Talapia; cukes, tomatoes & onions w/lite Northern Italian dressing
M7: Chocolate protein pancake w/1 tbsp. Naturally More PB

1551 calories
58 g. fat - 34%
135 g. protein - 35%
129 g. carbs - 33%
Hi girls!:D

I thought I'd check in early today. I'm doing the Cathe's June '09 rotation and I'm starting week three of that one. Its a post STS workout that does have STS in it. Its been great so far.

Here's what I did today:

Body Max 2= 97 minutes Phew!!
Calories burned= 879 felt like 8,079 calories burned, LOL!!! Stick a fork in me I'm done! :p

I'd forgotten how much fun it was, and it really kicks your butt too!

Belinda- I'm happy you had such a nice time at the resort with hubby. Great job on your workout. Isn't Cardio Coach great you can take him with you even on a trip. Good for you!!!

Bev- I have Taebo infact most of them. Aren't they fun? That's what got me hooked on kickboxing. Have a great day!

Debbie- Always great job on your workouts, they are awesome! Ahh, you got a kitty, named Nuke, love the name LOL!! I'm sure you'll both have fun with your new kitty. Congrats on your new kitty!

Patti- You lucky girl, your going to the RT. I have never been but I have no doubt you'll have a great time!

Roxie- Great job on your workouts and enjoying Chalene Xtreme. Keep up the hard work!;)

Chris- I'm thinking good thoughts and sending prayers for your son, I hope they'll get it figured out after all those tests and get him on the road to recovery soon!!! I've had mono and strep not fun, Infact I had both of them and toncilitis all at the same time, Yikes!! I wouldn't wish that on anybody.

Well, ladies I'm in desperate need of a shower and breakfast, but not necessarily in that order.:p Have a great day!!


Chris - The viper? Yikes! Thats a tough one! You go girl!

Patti - I work in the IT department of a school district. We are rolling out our computer leases this year at the elementary schools. Today was the first day of it ... I'm pooped out.

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