"Crazy Strong and Loving It!" for April 7"


Good morning girls,

I couldn’t take it anymore and I saw an ENT doctor yesterday. I have sinusitis, which is blocking my nasal passage. The ENT doctor took an allergy test (good news, I have No allergies!), he also did an ultrasound and more x-rays. He had to go in with a very long needle and poke a whole through the cavity itself. It was awful and painful; I thought he was going to flush the cavity. I was shaking when he broke the bone in my nose! DH watched, he said he had to look away, lol. My eyes started watering and a stream of blood and huge mucus came out. I am still very stuffed up and still bleeding. I have never had an infection like this before. I ask the doctor what caused it, he thinks from a lot of sinus infections or an infected tooth. I had a lot of sinus infections lately. My throat is hurting on top. I hope this clears up, I truly miss my workouts. I am so concered with my STS 6 month rotation, I don't want to start it all over again.

Thanks for all your concern and get well wishes. You girls are the best!

Have a great day!

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Good morning everyone. I just got done doing Step Heat. I had never done that one before and it was hard to concentrate because I couldn't get over how young everyone looks. Between that and the outfits it was interesting. But I still had a good sweat and that's all that matters.

Belinda-my eyes were watering when I read your post about what the dr did to you. OUCH! I sure hope you get some relief soon.

Karen-my back feels exactly the same way! I wonder if it's from those one legged deadlifts? I know what you mean about the extended stretch. It seems to go on forever! I did a segment of Total Body Stretching last night that seems to target the back and it feels better today.

Have a great day ladies.

Today was Triceps & Biceps and I had an excellent workout. Again, I had a hard time getting my HR up. By the 3rd exercise with triceps I jogged in place at my 10 second rests. That helped. Bicep work was no problem, my HR always spikes with bicep work.

10 minutes on treadmill for warmup.

8 sets - 20 seconds on/10 seconds off each exercise.

2 minutes rest between each exercise.

Close Grip Barbell Press:
45# - 8 sets/10-8 reps
***Good weight for this exercise.

Lying Dumbbell Extensions:
15's - 8 sets/10-7 reps
***Wow, these catch up with you fast. My tri's were screaming by the last set.

Double Arm Kickbacks:
5's - 8 sets/13-10 reps
***I don't think I could have used 8's for this, these killed me. I hate kickbacks but I think this is a good exercise for this type of training. Here is where I jogged in place for my rest periods.

Standing Dumbbell Curls:
15's = 8 sets/9-7 reps
***Good weight for this.

EZ Preacher Curls:
25# - 8 sets/9-8 reps
***Probably could have done 30# here.

Curl Up, Reverse Downs:
10's - 8 sets/6 reps
***Probably could have used 12's for this. There is a better name for this exercise but I can't think of it. Zottman's maybe? Not sure.

Then I jumped on my treadmill for a 10 minute jog to use up an hour.

1 hr. 2 minutes total
5 minutes below zone
51 minutes in zone
6 minutes above zone
446 calories burned

That is all....

Belinda - The doctor had to break your nose for this procedure? How horrible! Wow, I cringed when I read your post. I am praying you get better soon, that has to be aweful!!! {{{{hugs}}}}
Morning! I did IMAX this morning- the original is fun but OMG the blasts are so hard! I think it is because they are so simple- endless plyo jacks for the whole blast! Ack! Anyway, I burned 578 calories.

Belinda: How AWFUL! I also cringed reading your post. I hope hope hope you get some relief soon!

Karen / Bev: I agree on the extended stretch. I like it, but hardly ever have time to do it. I do sections from Tracey Staehle's Yoga Solutions some days and that helps. It has a lot of short premixes to follow certain types of workouts.

Have a great day everyone!
Good Morning,

Today is a scheduled rest day. I did Chalene extreme burn circuit one not sure how I liked it.

Debbie-please read yesterdays post.

Belinda-that is awful I hope you get to feeling better soon I have had my nose broke twice I feel your pain.

Everyone have a good day.
Roxie - I read your post from yesterday. Honestly, I'm not sure what you should do next. You need to find a rotation that works with your schedule, like if you know you can only workout 5 days a week, you need to find one that works you out 5 days a week. I think with your time restraints you are taking on more then you can handle and then you self-sabbotage yourself, you know? And you keep saying, "When these kids get out of here..." what does that mean? Are they moving out or something? Anyways, figure out how many days you KNOW you can commit to and go from there. I'll help as much as I can.


I keep reading about people getting hurt with the STS series. FitVix (Karen), I notice you have had some low back pain. This scares me as I have battle low back pain for years and it is finally gone. I'd hate to start this series just to get hurt again. I also read on the STS forum about a lot of people getting hurt. This worries me.
Belinda - you are like Rocky - you can withstand any physical pain! I hope you feel better soon!

Debbie - My lower back is feeling much better today. I think I really just over did it with my weights yesterday. I know with this cycle we are supposed to increase our weights by a certain percentage - however I am not doing that for all exercises. I can't do the exercises if I go that heavy. I'm trying to listen to my body instead and just challenge myself without hurting myself. (if I can help it) So I'm not sure what happened yesterday...

I think ultimately when people think STS they think that they need to go really heavy to see results and thats why people are getting hurt. Those 1RM's are very deceiving . When I did mine I was like superwoman and my 1rm's ended up being REALLY heavy! Now looking at what I should be using based on my 1rms - there is just no way thats going to happen. I'm seeing results with what I've been doing so I'm happy. I am able to lift heavier now without it being a complete power struggle - but I'm trying to take baby steps...

Oh yeah - todays workout was a mix. I didn't have the WO we were supposed to do - so I did the first half of KPC, 3rd section of SB, and some SS Abs.
Checking in -

First, Belinda, I'm just glad it looks like you found a doc that is helping you down a path of recovery. I hope you are feeling better soon.
Did CC 3 this morning and did the 2nd challenge twice. Something like 52 min and 385 cals.
I'm off to get my hair fluffed and shined.
Have a great day!
Debbie-I don't think that I hurt my back. I just have DOMS in a place in my lower back that I never had before and it's probably from the one legged deadlifts we did on Friday. I also have a feeling that the people that have gotten hurt either didn't do their 1RM or they have never lifted heavy before. And alot of people are skipping the extended stretch because it lasts so long which doesn't help matters.

But on the other hand, you are so good at making your own rotations that you might not even need STS. In my book you are already that fit!!!

Debbie-I don't think that I hurt my back. I just have DOMS in a place in my lower back that I never had before and it's probably from the one legged deadlifts we did on Friday. I also have a feeling that the people that have gotten hurt either didn't do their 1RM or they have never lifted heavy before. And alot of people are skipping the extended stretch because it lasts so long which doesn't help matters.

But on the other hand, you are so good at making your own rotations that you might not even need STS. In my book you are already that fit!!!


Awww, thanks Bev! You are too sweet! :eek:
Checking in with a nice stretch from FitTV: Michelle Lemay's Stretch Fusion. It was AWESOME, and so thorough in stretching out my sore/tight legs and hips!

Belinda: Holy COW!!! :eek: The description of your doctor's visit had me cringing! Esp. since I've been having this sinus infection thing going on too. Oh me oh my! Hope you're done and better now!!!!

Bev: I know what you mean about the older step workouts! LOL!. It's hard to get over the outfits , but you do once you're sweating and can't breath! I always smile when Cathe uses the phrase "that's hot" in these workouts! But then she kicks your buttocks!

Patti: Oh I love IMAX's plyo blasts! The only one I don't love is the lunges. That's too hard on my calves.

Debbie: great workout today! i have to agree with Karen, I think people are injuring themselves that aren't USED to lifting heavy. Your 2 rotations got me ready for STS heaviness! I thank you for that! ... but there are some weights that I will not lift if they feel too heavy, no matter what my 1RM says. You just have to use common sense!

Roxie: Rest day is CLX? ... is this your first time doing CLX? I'm so curious about it, but haven't gotten rave reviews from some others.
Checking in with a nice stretch from FitTV: Michelle Lemay's Stretch Fusion. It was AWESOME, and so thorough in stretching out my sore/tight legs and hips!

Belinda: Holy COW!!! :eek: The description of your doctor's visit had me cringing! Esp. since I've been having this sinus infection thing going on too. Oh me oh my! Hope you're done and better now!!!!

Bev: I know what you mean about the older step workouts! LOL!. It's hard to get over the outfits , but you do once you're sweating and can't breath! I always smile when Cathe uses the phrase "that's hot" in these workouts! But then she kicks your buttocks!

Patti: Oh I love IMAX's plyo blasts! The only one I don't love is the lunges. That's too hard on my calves.

Debbie: great workout today! i have to agree with Karen, I think people are injuring themselves that aren't USED to lifting heavy. Your 2 rotations got me ready for STS heaviness! I thank you for that! ... but there are some weights that I will not lift if they feel too heavy, no matter what my 1RM says. You just have to use common sense!

Roxie: Rest day is CLX? ... is this your first time doing CLX? I'm so curious about it, but haven't gotten rave reviews from some others.

CLX was yesterday today is a rest day. I have only 1 day of clx so I can't give you any reviews yet and I am not sure if I am going to get the results I want, but the workouts are shorter.
Good evening ladies!;)

Ouch! Yikes Belinda. My eyes are watering after reading what you posted. I hope after all of that you are beginning to feel better. I'll keep sending you positive thoughts.

Debbie- STS- Disc 18 did give me slight DOMS but I have not had any injuries thus far doing STS. I did Disc 19 yesterday Chest, Back, and shoulders, no residual DOMS from disc 18 and no DOMs from 19. I think for myself it was just a little soreness from disc 18 but I was fine to do cardio the next day, so don't be worried, just listen to your body and use good form and you'll be fine.;)

Today's workout:

Jillian Michaels Weightloss Workout iFit Card Level 2 workout#1-supposed to be 30 min long but I accidentally zeroed it out after 8 min so I started over. So, I did 38 min on TM with this workout. Jillian is tough, although its more of a power walk with a couple of jogs thrown in the fastest you go is I think is 6 mph but you will go up to 10% grade on the incline. Yikes, this makes for an intense workout that definitely gets you into 80% of Max heart rate and up. Calories burned= 500 , Distance= 2.90 miles, BPM= Ranging from warmup 88 to 153 before cool down. Phew! This was a good way to mix things up for me. But I still love cardio coach.;)

Cardio Hits- Power Max= 64 min
Calories burned= 612
this was fun and the choreography was easy to do I definitely got my heart rate up there and had a great sweat goin'.

Cardio Hits- Bonus Abs from PS B,B,Abs= 10.5 min
Calories burned= 57

That's it for me today, see ya all tomorrow.



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