:::::CHEETAHS!!::::::: Tuesday May 27


Good morning everyone! Just starting us off and hoping everyone is having a great start to the week after the holiday weekend!

Hello all:) :) :) :) There is a light rain outside but it's not cold so I'm heading out for a 6 mile run:7 :7 Yesterday DH and I were at Home Depot. We were shopping for stuff we needed to improve the house we're in now. I'm doing some major yard work and DH has several home improvement projects. This little place is nice but has definitely suffered some neglect. This way we can pay my FIL/MIL back for letting us use this place rent free. Anyway, we got sidetracked at Home Depot and ended up buying my BIL and new BBQ.
He GAVE my DH a Boston Whaler (a boat for those not marine inclined)
It was a very nice huge BBQ and made DH feel better giving him one.
We took it over to BILs afterwards as a surprise and ended up putting it together for him. He was so happy with it... definitely worth while!

I did get a good start yesterday on the yard work after that so today will be more of the same-- if the rain will let me! Don't know yet what workout I'll do later today. Something will come to me!;-)
Cathy- Hey, I definitely can relate to that guy in the greek wedding movie!!(LOL) With his family I often feel like I've landed on an alien planet. However, they are all so very nice and that's what is important! I sure hope that cold is better for you this morning. IA with Carole, if you were coming down with something I'm sure it's why that last long run was so tough for you. Re: the TT workout plan with marathon training. I'd take Carole's opinion on this over mine any day.... she is the true guru of long distance running!!But I like your plan!! The only thing I do re: weight training with marathons is to back off any heavy duty leg work for a couple of weeks prior to the big event.

Kath- LOL about DH giving you his veggies.... true love!! Are you a vegetarian? I'd say with the dancing and your workout yesterday you more then worked off those CABS!

Carole - Sounds like it was a nice 8 miler yesterday, even if most of it was solo. There are lots of runners around here on the route I normally do but I don't see much point in trying to hook up with one of them as a partner since I'm leaving soon. Hopefully I can find a steady running partner in Pa... I'd like that! Yes, my in-laws are hard to really connect with but like I told Cathe, what's important is that they are just as sweet as you can hope for, which is not the case for some unfortunate people. Re: your 5k plans. Dont blame you for cancelling. If you are feeling pressure then it's no fun .... and then what's the point? I'm betting that when you do feel ready you'll surprise yourself with how well you can run the shorter distance races.

Dallas- Hey, you definitely could have celiac disease (gluten intolerance) It has been discovered that this condition is ALOT more common then once thought. There is all sorts of support and info out there now and it's not as hard as it used to be to eat gluten free. I think it may be worth while for you to go a week or so without it and see if there is a difference. I'm with you about running laps around the same route.... definitely a challenge mentally!! I far prefer an out and back course.

Gloria- I commiserate with you about the humidity! It's the biggest environmental change for me. N. Ariz is very dry. I only had to deal with bugs when I ran by a lake in the morning. I've never been to Montana--- one of the few states in this category! You make me want to visit! My MIL also wishes her DS had found a less bizarre girl (LOL)
one who actually does things normal girls do!!

SunnyD- How was the BBQ?

Christine- Thought of you while doing Seasuns SUS yesterday. It is probably the toughest one choreo wize to learn, but that's why I like it so much. We are alike that way in enjoying complex choreography. It makes it all that much more fun once you learn it. So glad to hear that fire is contained!! So who won the intervals contest... you or Jimmy?

Jackie- I was hoping this move would cure DH of his collecting things and searching at garage sales.... no such luck!! So I guess you are finally all moved in and settled!
Yay!!! Got your nice new workout room all arranged yet?

Wendi- Its a new week and a new start.... forget the rest!! I'm willing to bet you still look incredibly fit and no one is noticing any difference except you! LOL about kitten therapy. It's impossible to feel bad around a playful kitten! Sending you positive vibes for a restorative run today!

I think that about catches me up. Hi to all who follow!


I just did APX legs. That's a real butt burner!}( I have to wake the kids up for school. I'll get cardio done after I get them on the bus. :)

Shelly ~ It's so weird **seeing** you here so early. Are you adjusting to the east coast time? Thanks for getting us started. :) ETA: I did do an elimination diet over a year ago and was surprised how my problems cleared up. It's weird though sometimes I can *get away* with eating "regular" bread, pasta, etc opposed to gluten free and other times not....like Sat. x( Oh well....back to my boring, bland diet. ha!

Good Morning Shelly Dear and all who follow!:)

So we went to my DH's cousin's house for BBQ #2 of the weekend. I did good foodwise. I only eat 1 cheeseburger and 2 helpings of salad with low fat dressing. I drank 2 mudslides and a beer but that doesn't count, right? ;) LOL I put my info in Fitday and was happy. Just like Sunday, calorie count was high ofcourse (again, because of the alcohol), but the fat intake was low thanks to having watched it earlier in the day. I didn't get as much protein in as I should have but hey, nobody's perfect!:9 LOL

After we ate we left Joey to hang out with DH's cousin and his family and DH and I went bowling. This was my 2nd and last opportunity to practice before our league starts on Monday. I stink! LOL We bowled 3 games and my best was a 114 and the other 2 were in the 80s and 90s. :7

So today is back to normal eating again. As for a work out, it HIIT day. I will go to the gym and do either on of Grace's sprint work outs or the shorter interval work out followed by a steady state run of undetermined length. I am missing my regular runs and it's only been a week! I think I will have to stick one in every week even though I said I was going to try not to. I miss it and I don't want my endurance to suffer either...

Good morning Cheetahs!

Sorry I never got back here last night for personals...just had too much to do around the house and it got too late. I will catch up with everyone tonight, I promise :).

So my easy 4ish miler this morning turned into a pretty quick (51:00) 6 miler }(...it just felt so good to run again. I was rethinking doing that 10K June 8 but now I feel like maybe I should. I don't know...I just have soooooo much going on right now that I'm just not sure if I should add to it. That and I was hoping that I would have been a bit leaner going in :(.

Shelly - NICE digs...perfect for crashing in July or August ;) }(!!! Right now I don't think I'm going to make June 14...just too much on my plate right now and I'm starting to get overwhelmed...sorry ;(!!! Oh, BTW, fiddleheads are unfurled ferns. They literally look like the head of a fiddle. They looked intrigueing in the supermarket so I decided to try them. Steamed em, tossed with fresh lemon, balsamic, salt and pepper....love em!!! The taste is similar to artichoke, mushroom, asparagus.

Gonna run for now. Have a lot to get done at work today. I'll see ya guys tonight. Have a wonderful day everyone!
Wowzas! Everyone snuck in on me!

Shelly - Thanks for the vibes and the pep talk...you're so sweet! Sounds like you had a nice day yesterday! What a nice gesture to your BIL and FIL/MIL! Enjoy your run.

Dallas - Great bun blaster this morning! Sorry about the food issues Sat :(.

Wendy - WTG with keeping your eating in line, especially at a BBQ! Hey, good job with the 114...those scores will continue to go up, you'll see!

Alrighty, *now* I'm gonna get moving. Hasta luego!
Good morning, everyone!

I am home today and heading into the doc early this afternoon. I'm tired and achy and had a fever again this morning, so I was not up to facing my high-energy kiddos. Needless to say, it'll be a rest day for me, but I wanted to drop in and touch base.

Shelly :: that was really nice of you guys to buy and put together the grill for BIL and to do those much-needed repairs for the ILs as well. Thanks for the tip re: the leg work.

Wendi :: good job snapping yourself out of the funk and diving right back in again.

Have a great day!
Good morning cheetahs

Shelly..how nice you 2 are fixing up the house. Sweet to get your BIL the big BBQ for the Whaler...:)...I don't mind running by myself these days, even the longer distances as my speed is so slow. I am glad you agree with my 5K decision..I am just not ready for it right now.

Wendy...sounds like a nice BBQ. Glad you had fun bowling. Enjoy your HIIT workout.

Cathy...so how many CSI's did you watch yesterday? I got stuck watching Beach Patrol on Tru TV (formerly Court TV). The hip was a bit sore yesterday but doing the EXT I didn't feel it. I hope you get in some rest today...let us know what the Doc thinks...

Wendi...I had a bit of a binge yesterday, just ate stuff not so good! I am feeling the salt bloat today. I agree that afternoon/evening workouts are more challenging. I am not sure I could run at all any other time than the morning! Good job with the 6 miles!

Dallas...so you are enjoying APX?...:)...It was nice to get some yard work done finally. I just have to get DH to keep it up...So how was the BBQ yesterday?

Gloria...we kinda live in the woods a bit too. We have a bit over 3 acres and just a bit of landscaping in the front that needs some work!

Christine...DH had no luck fishing so we ended up going and buying some salmon as we had been craving it. It was very good. Have a bit of DOMS from P90X...The pomegranate martini sounds interesting. Hope you guys had a nice BBQ yesterday. The toe cramp sounds painful! Hopefully the bananas will help. Hope you had a good workout with Jimmy...

Jackie...I think the older I get I enjoy alone time more! DH always has the TV on and I so enjoy the peace and quiet when he is not here! Good workout yesterday. How sweet to put flowers on your Dad's grave.

I ended up working out in the afternoon yesterday as we were out of water from our neighbors water line blowing. I did NOT want to work out early and be sweaty all day. I hate not being able to shower. The water was back about 12:30, so I worked out then.

Today I will do legwork (I skipped it yesterday) and PlyoX.

Have a great day...:)
Good Morning Ladies –

Shelly – Oh how sweet of you to get BIL a BBQ. Very nice of him to provide a Boston Whaler, too! Have you used it yet? I love boating. Definitely a win-win to fix up the house while you live there rent free. Are you on the beach? I’ve got about 20 minutes of SUS down – I’ve been going slow with it. Might do this one on Thursday, as my cardio – I can do 30 minutes and it fits with my program. I just really like Seasun. Jimmy won – he always wins. :+ But we had fun.

Dallas – Sorry to hear you are having dietary issues! I’m surprised at how bloated I feel after I eat wrong. I’ll join you in the boring diet today.

Wendy – good job with the BBQ. Of COURSE drinks don’t count! I’m a firm believer in that! :+ Another one back on a normal diet. Sometimes it’s just so nice to eat well again, if you know what I mean. I’m putting in one endurance workout a week with the TT. I think it’s necessary for my mental health! :p

Wendi – Sorry to hear you’ve been so stressed out lately! I think you should go for the 10k – it’s not a distance you really need to train for, and I think you need to go out and race for the sheer joy of racing and get rewarded for it. Sounds like you really could use some good clean fun.

Cathy – oh sweetie – hope you’re feeling better!!

Carole – I love a good salmon. I got a wonderful piece from Safeway of all places. It was wild sockeye. Very delish. My far left quad muscle on my right side is hurting. Just as well that I’m taking a rest day today. I’m with you in hating to not be able to shower right away after a work out!

I’m BEAT! I got up at my usual time, and promptly fell asleep on the chair downstairs. I feel very run down, and I’m afraid I’m battling DH’s cold. I decided not to push it, and didn’t work out this morning (tough to workout when you’re asleep anyway… :+). I packed a VERY healthy day today:

B - Oatbran w/ banana and cantaloupe
S - Cottage Cheese with Strawberries
L – Organic chicken sausage w/ pita with cucumber, lettuce and broccoli slaw mix and corn on the cob
S – celery w/ hummus.
D – Grilled Chicken, brown rice and a salad

I got a lot done yesterday – cleaned out my zoo of shoes so now it’s manageable and none of the heels are all wrecked. I also cleaned out my closet so Goodwill will have enough to stock for at least part of the summer in 3 different sizes. :+ Did my workout, and had a nice BBQ with DH – the girls deserted us – for some reason their friends are more fun than dear ole mom and dad. Hope you have a great day all!
Good morning Beauties :)

I'm here to report 4 1/2mile run outside. SUPER sets for biceps and some *kill my abs before the CABS get to them* corework :+ I'm feeling the hardwork--don't ya love it? Better yet--I tried on a denium skirt I was going to wear to 50th (it was very casual affair) and the skirt literally slipped off my hips. I thought for sure it was a 9 but turns out that baby was an 6 :) DD leant me a skirt to change into--but even though the sucker fit-- I don't think it covered enough my backside--if ya know what I mean. NO bending down in that baby :) I ended up in some capris--good choice cause we did some dancing :)

I'll try to post some more personals :)

Shelly: That's funny about the family and Greek wedding comment. MY DH's family is italian and loud but oh so loveable--thye are set in their ways and I get "Oh she can't eat MEAT comments" I just smile :)I was taught to be DECENT :) It is cold here this morning as well. Started out as 60 and now it's 48--whats with that?

Wendy: You rokc some workouts there girl. Are you thinking of a trainer job when Joey is in school full time? Like at your gym or something? You would be excellent at it :)I would like to see what your eats are like for the day-- if you don't mind sharing with the class :) I always like ideas for snacks/meals

Christine: Nice eats-- do you pack your stuff every day? Good girl if you do. I love cleaning out closets. Guess I should do more I know I ahve some shorts that are going to be big on me on as well. I need to go shopping again :) You rest up--- don't want to be sick--wait us moms don't get sick :)

Cathy: I hope you feel better soon.

I'll be back in between cleaning-- I'm a$$ high in laundry and need to clean a few bathrooms :)

I'm back. Heading out to the gym soon but I promised DS he could finish watching "Wonder Pets" first so I have about 20 minutes to post personals. ;)

Shelly: The BBQ was such a sweet gesture. I'm sure your BIL is thrilled and that makes your DH feel great. Sounds like you have yourself a wonderful extended family. :) I already put the bug in DH's ear that I could very well be taking a road trip to Philly this year!}(

Dallas: So now that you are done with the X are you following a rotation with a specific focus or just having a little fun with your work outs?

Wendi: Great run this morning. You are like me...you head out thinking you'll *ONLY* do X amount of miles and will probably take it slow and then you end up having one of the best runs of your life! :+ Thanks re the bowling. You are a doll but you wouldn't say these things if you bowled on my team. ;) :7

Cathy: Healing vibes coming your way girl! What did the doc have to say?

Carole: Oooooh Plyo X! ENJOY!}( }( ITA about not being able to shower after a work out. I won't shower right away sometimes for whatever reason but it would KILL me if I knew I couldn't.

Christine: Enjoy your mental health work out this week!:) Yummy healthy menu you have planned for today. :9 OMG, hould could your DD's possibly find thier friends more exciting then mom and dad!? :eek: ;) I have a feeling you will have 2 of the best friends you've ever had when your girls get older. :)

Okay, almost time to leave...BBIAB!
Kath: You snuck in on me!:) Good job with the big skirt. Doesn't that just make your day? :+ As for food....

B: cereal: fiber one & cheerios with l/f or f/f milk. Sometimes I will add a little Bear Naked trail mix in there too for extra yumminess, natural p/b on ww toast or oatmeal w/ or w/o protein powder mixed in.

S: cottage cheese and/or fruit, a protein shake, BB meal replacement shake, crackers or red pepper with hummus just to name a few examples.

L: turkey on ww bread, a veggie burger, a tuna sandwich or a plateof all kinds of stuff like turkey, cheese, red pepper, crackers, hummus, fruit...I just pile it on until I've reached my calorie limit!LOL

S: same as previous snack.

D: lean mean, veggie and healty starch on days that I cook and anything above on the days that I don't. ;)
Carole :: I know what you mean...I value my alone time, too, and I actually prefer running solo most of the time, so I'm not inclined to talk (and thus, slow down even more!) I think I became more hermit-like when I went into teaching. Need a break from being "on" and in-demand all the time...Sorry about the water issues but glad it was restored in time for you to work out....I watched A LOT of CSI's...*lol*...but kept dozing off, too. AND it's on again this morning. Glad the EXT didn't exacerbate the hip any.

Christine :: oh no! Sorry you've succumbed to the crud, too. That is exactly how I started, too. I felt kinda rundown during the week, and then BOOM--it hit me real suddenly on Sunday. Not sure what kind of bug it is, but it sure has tuckered me out! Hope you can nip it with a day of rest. Good job on the closet purging.

Kath :: well, that's always a pleasant surprise--having something be too big! Thanks for the well wishes.

Wendy :: my appointment isn't til the afternoon.

[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]


"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run
Hello dear cheetahs! Well, I guess you can call me a hardcore runner- out in the rain when I don't have to be!;-) But it actually felt rather nice. Ended up going for 10k. DH left to get the car serviced so I have the place to myself now (nice!) It looks like this rain will continue thru the day on and off so we may take in the new Indiana Jones movie instead. My cousin did the art direction on this one so I'm looking forward to seeing it.

Dallas- I've taken to the East coast time like a duck to water! I'm up each morning by 0600 usually. It will be interesting to see how well I do going back to working nites tho! It is still weird for me to sign on in the morning and see no one else here yet! From what I understand of celiac disease, there are different levels of sensitivities and serverity. I guess you have a mild case.

Wendy - I applaud you for getting thru a double BBQ weekend so well! I didn't know you were abstaining from longer runs for a while. How long will this be for?

Wendi- I'm gonna be looking for those fiddleheads! You named three of my fav veggies that it tastes like :9 :9 :9 Wow, that was some run considering you had an "off" week! Don't blame you for passing on the Sheehan classic. There will be plenty of other opportunities for us to GTG for a run.... and I am so looking forward to it. Although with your speed you'll leave this old cheetah in the dust!

Cathy- Poor sick cheetah!!:( :( :( Glad you are visiting the doc and taking it easy--- sending healing vibes your way!

Carole- I can go without electricity for quite a while with no worries but no water???? I LOVE my hot showers.. don't blame you for putting off the workout! Will you be training for any long distance races this year?

Christine- The Boston Whaler my BIL gave DH is at his house in storage at the present time. We will likely go get it sometime soon and launch it. We are actually on a canal that leads out to the bay (Great Bay) and on a nice clear day you can easily see Atlantic City in the distance. Oh dear, so sorry to hear you are coming down with a cold as well!:( :( Wow--- that menu is UBER healthy! Hope you get some good rest in and beat this bug soon!

Fed Ex just arrived with my contract... I guess I'll get busy now with it.


Hello Again!

Cathy ~ Remember when I had that weird bug too!?!? I felt tired too and started with the chills before I realized I had a temp. :eek: It was a fast one, hope it is for you too! I only had to take this once: http://www.boironusahcp.com/products/oscillo_info.aspx Maybe it will help you too??? Oh, I hear you on the adults with bad manners as well. What the heck is wrong with ppl?

Jackie ~ How did your reunion go? Which number is this for you? I have one coming up as well.

Christine ~ NO, no Red Sox! :p White Sox all the way, baby!!!! :p :7 I got the blister from the heels I wore Friday night. I thought it was better this AM, until I put my Rykas on....ouch! I quickly switched to my running shoes for my leg work this AM. Guess the toe box is bigger??? Sorry you're not feeling well either. It's old stomach issues that I haven't had in a while. That's why I usually eat before I go to parties. Like Shelly said, I know I have some issues with gluten. :(

Gloria ~ Enjoy your day off?

Sunny ~ Enjoy your BBQ. I know you'll be sad to see your sister go. I hate when visiting family leaves...well, most of the time. ;-)

Shelly ~ I would say you have adjusted just fine too! :D Yeah, I guess I must have some form of celiac disease, but I guess I'm in denial when I try to eat regular food. ;-) I had never felt better when I did the elimination diet. I really thought the nutritionist/chiro I was seeing was a crack pot at the time he mentioned doing an elimination diet. I was going to see him because my immune system was suffering. It's all related...little did I know, huh?!?! Enjoy the movie! Nice run in the rain. :eek:

Wendy ~ I'm doing a small APX rotation until I figure out what I want to do. The weight work is mean and quick! }( lol So, what iTread are you going to do? I think that was the first time for iTread #27. Oh boy!

Kath~ WOW! You're shrinking over there! The capri pants were probably a good choice. :+

Carole ~ Have fun w/PlyoX!! }( You almost make me want to join you.....nah!!! :p

Wendi ~ Great job on your run this AM. Yeah, I guess a few of us were posting at the same time this morn.

Hi to the rest of Cheetahs!

ETA: I forgot to tell you what I did....y-day too. Y-day: APX -chest and shoulders & Tracey's Core Blast (5 segments), no cardio I ran out of time. Today, I did iTread #27 drills (that's tough), jumped on the EXT for 10 minutes to make 40 minutes of cardio, B&G floor exercises (APX - leg is short on floor work), and Flexible Warrior (running segment)

Here's a picture from dh's party:

Shelly :: great run in the rain...that is cool your cousin did the art for IJ!

Dallas :: thank you for the link. I remember you shared that with me before. I think I'll pick some up, regardless of what the doc prescribes. It would be good to have on hand. Geez, I hope it's not the flu! I'm concerned about being well enough to return to work tomorrow. Relied on emergency plans today. I hear you on the elimination diet. I was bummed to see the difference when I cut out my oats.

[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]


"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run
Cathy ~ Sending healing {{{VIBES}}}!!!! I swear by this stuff for body aches, fever, sore throat type of thing. Airborne doesn't seem to help me with those symptoms. Take care and get lots of rest!!!
Hi Cheetah Friends

This will be quick because it cleaning day and I have an app't at 1;15. So I'm just posting while I eat lunch here.

Kath- It got cold here too. We had tickets to the PGA if we wanted them. But we passed. In 2003 we spent a a great amount of time at Oak Hill when the PGA Championship was in town. In fact while marshaling the second hole I found Tiger's lost ball and had to point it out to him..

Cathy & Dallas- I hope you are both feeling better soon.

Cathy- your milage is getting up there!

Shelly- Sometimes I think my own family is not at all like me. Except for one brother and a dear cousin they don't really exercise, and they have no idea what portion control is! It can be discouraging at family events.... Anyway it was very nice of you and DH to show your gratitude with your efforts at home depot! I think it is so important to show gratitude, even if it is just a small token as a hostess gift. ( This is also something my family seems to have forgotten)

Hi Carole:)

HI Wendi- how are those kitties?

Wendy- no biggie about the CABS this weekend. I had some too! Friday, Sat, Sun and Monday!

Hi Gloria :)

Today was iTrad #21 run intervals. I thought it would be sprints but there were faster segments and then regular segments. I got in 4 miles in 38 minutes, with a warm up and a recovery walk. Tomorrow will be true HIIT probably my own following Alwyn's pattern from NROL4W.

PS- Alwyn's workouts in NROL4W really do fatigue muscles. I scheduled my NROL4W 2B workout right before golf yesterday, and my swing (therefore my score) was horrific. I will not be doing that again!

[font color=lime green][font size +3]Judy "Likes2bfit"

Dallas: What a good looking couple you are. I bet you made some beautiful babies :) BTW how old are the kids again? Was this a surprise party for DH? When do your kids finish school?

Wendy: Thanks so much for the ideas :) Yummy :9

Carole: That sucks being without water for awhile. When we had the ice storm a few years back --we had no power for weeks. It was craziness. It's funny what the kids remember though-- I'm grateful we had a woodstove.

Cathy: Im so with you on how rude some people are. I am a firm believer kids are products of their environment. So hoping I'm raising them to be polite. Doesn't take much to say please or thank you :)

Ok gonna inhale my salad :9 And so some surfing. I'm done playing maid for the day :)

Judy: We were posting same time :) SIL's hubby drove carts in 2003 and again this year. We were visiting them in 2003 when it was there.. but we didn't go to the course. SIL works for the county and gets tickets as well. This is my cleaning day as well :) Have a great day.

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