:::: cheetahs :::: saturday, 4.28


**crawls into thread ever so slowly** Morning, cheetahs ~ somebody pass me the aspirin and scold me on why tequila is evil.

As you might've guessed, I am a bit hungover…BUT had a great time, so I’m not really complaining. Hopefully I can work this off and get in a run later. I am sure feelin’ the DOMS from last night’s Leg Blast.

OK, to catch up with personals…

Carole :: I took your advice and went with PUB back yesterday…usually I do most workouts as produced or one of the premixes, but I’m developing a new appreciation for the mish-mosh. That was perfect yesterday with B&G. The only video I had of Karen was her Power Yoga – I have a lousy memory, but I think I remember her as being pretty tough.

Wendy :: we didn’t have much of a storm, either – but it rained hard most of the day…hope the party was fun!…I absolutely lost it when I read your post to Shelly about her middle-of-the-night run.

Jackie :: that is great that you live so close…I used to be about 5 minutes away from my old school…now I am about 30 minutes…it does make a difference, but I have learned to appreciate the commute. At least now I don’t run into students at the grocery store, etc…I’m with you – Tony looks pretty hot, too. I almost died laughing, though, when the camera zoomed in on his feet in yoga. Good Lord…Thanks for the review of TS’s k’boxing w/out. It’s on my list…I did the B&G Leg Blast…yeah, we had a great time. It’s actually a mixed group, and there were some new people that joined us…enjoy your 9-miler today.

Jess :: the eye is doing better – thanks! It was uncomfortable but the prescription drops (which I’d had before when I had pinkeye) worked like a charm. By yesterday afternoon, my eye felt great (and looked normal again). This morning, I did have trouble opening it, though…Curious about what your allergies do to your eyes…do you take prescription or OTC allergy meds?…I agree that the legwork in L&B is nowhere near as intense as Cathe…I did like the variety of it at first, but now I’m just tired of always doing that one…WTG on your X progress!

Susan :: how is your friend? Is your back feeling any better today?

Shelly :: how are your sister & BIL doing?…How was your run this morning for such a great cause? Very interesting putting in the miles at 2 am!…followed your suggestion for B&G – I have been missing that one. My legs were screamin’!…Whatd’ja wind up buying on your shopping spree?

Sunny :: sorry, I have not done ANY of the iStretches, CCs, iTreads, etc. I am starting to feel out of the loop.

OK, I'm gonna go eat something...BBL!
Cathy :)
Good morning cheetahs,

cathy-I am up early for a saturday morning also. the little ones don't allow you to sleep long:) glad you had a great time last night.

today's workout is a class at the gym called sports drills. i've never taken it before and have no clue what it's about but it sounds interesting to me.

ok, so evidently my avatar isn't returning. someone please refresh my memory to the website to download your pic so you can post as an avatar. thanks.

i will be back later to report on the class.


Good morning cheetahs

Cathy...sounded like a great workout yesterday. Hope you enjoyed a night out with your friends. I see you did enjoy a night out! Sorry about the hangover...:(... I bet you will feel better in awhile. I was looking at Karen's site yesterday and was tempted to try some of the newer DVD's....:)

Sunny...Hope family night was fun! I use picturetrail.com for my pictures. Tell us how you liked sports drills...

Jackie...glad you are liking the results with Freestyle. I could never do those levitation holds either...could be a BUTT problem...:)..Good luck with the 9 miles today.

Jess...nice to see you and Greg are enjoying P90X. I only wish my DH would workout! Great job on the chin-ups and pull-ups! How cool about you playing the flute in the Musical...:)

Susan..I am glad you can be there for Mary. Sending (((HUGS))) to both of you and she will continue to be in my prayers.

Shelly...good job politely declining work, everyone does need their breaks...:)..My DH snores too....earplugs help alot...Wow, that is awesome you are doing the Relay for Life. I hope it goes well for you. No, I have not made up my mind yet on the run, bike, run. I am hoping to see some of the course on Sunday.

Wendy...I sometimes get shoulder pain from push-ups, which is why I got to my knees every now and then.

I ended up doing a circuit yesterday. HST using my EXT for the cardio and then did inner and outer thigh work with a body bar for all the leg presses! It was quite fun. Today will be kickboxing, most likely KPC.

Have a great day...:)
*whispering* Good morning, Cheetahs. I don't want to be too loud for Cathy's sake. }( Glad that the eye is better. My allergies really dry out my eyes & make them red & scratchy. I wear contacts & they tend to feel very dry too. I switched the the Acuvue Hydraclear ones which are better & keep my eyes moister. My dh hasn't been able to wear his contacts in a while due to allergies. His eyes just get sooo bloodshot & yucky that he just wears his glasses for a while. I do take Claritin & sometimes Flonase to help w/ my allergies. I agree about L & B not as intense as Cathe's legs. I love the wall squats, I did a 4 min wall squat for my fit test but could have probably gone longer. My dh barely made a minute!! }(

It's my rest day, but have a lot going on today anyway. We have a ladies brunch at church this morning. I made 4 dozen muffins to take, some healthy & some not so healthy. ;-) Hannah is singing w/ the Jr. group, I love hearing her sing. My MIL is coming too. Then we have to run home & then get to her soccer game at 1. Busy Saturdays!

Kiersten's finally about over her cough. She's still doing the nebulizer but just once or twice a day now. The Dr. said to keep doing it until her cough is all gone. I hope we're OVER sickness for a LONG time w/ her. She needs to recoup from the winter!

OK, sorry running short on time but wanted to say hi again & thanks for the notes y'day! I'll try to be better about checking in more & giving you my X progress!! Have a great Saturday!
Hey, guys. I am SORRY SORRY SORRY that I've been so hit-and-miss lately. And again today. All should settle down a bit after tomorrow's HM. I can't wait to hear how Kristi makes out this weekend.

I'm headed out in 30 minutes to hit the Expo and all the good seminars. Free stuff, free 'education'.....I'm excited. But now that all my friends are wishing luck for tomorrow, the nerves are starting to hit. Had a bagel for breakfast to continue the carb-loading and am pushing water like I'm a camel! LOL

Again, sorry to be in and out. My mind can return to normal after tomorrow! lol

carole- can i make an avatar via picturetrails?

i really shouldn't post until after my workout:eek: never made it to the gym so i did iclimb bootcamp for the first time. what a great workout on a day you plan on doing alot of eating...lol:7

enjoy your saturday cheetah pals:D
Good morning ladies,
I am so incredibly sad right now. My mom died last night in her sleep. Her body just finally gave in to the lung cancer. I really thought that I was prepared for this, but oh I was so wrong. I have been so wrappeed up in my friend dealing with her breast cancer that I didn't focus on my mom the last couple of days. I am really starting to hate the word cancer. I told my girls and I am so glad that they are so young. They really don't completley understand that there grandma is gone.

My friend had her lumpectemy yesterday and she had some lymph nodes that had to be taken out. She will have to undergo chemo and radiation for about 6-8 months.

I am so overwhelmed right now. I will go to the funeral on Monday. I will have to fly to Chicago. I have no idea how my hubby is going to do everything for these girls while I am gone, but I guess it will all work out.

As far as my workouts, I did the elliptical for 45 minutes yesterday and the the BM2 double upper body. I will do Butts and Gutts premix leg blast today and a 2 mile run. My back is feeling much better today. I think that it will probably flare up from time to time and I will just have to manage that.

Thanks for listening guys and I will talk to you all later.

Good morning everyone!

Cathy - Sorry about your hangover. (((((HUGS))))) Glad it was worthwhile though. Tony seems to like his yoga shoes. LOL!! I can't remember if I've done that Leg Blast yet. It's too much for my mind right now. That's why I write everything down. Glad your eye is getting better.

Carole - Laughing at your butt problem comment. LOL!! Enjoy KPC today. Like that one much better than KM.

Jess - Enjoy brunch today. 4 dozen muffins is a lot. Glad Kiersten is feeling better.

Gayle - Good luck tomorrow. You will do great. I've been nervous before my races too. Settle down once I get going.

Sunny - Glad you enjoyed iclimb boot camp. I was wondering why my arms are so sore today but I remember I used my weighted gloves for kick boxing yesterday. I have DOMS down my back and sides too. Abs are ok and I even did CM #1 yesterday too.

Susan - So sorry to hear about your mom. (((((HUGS))))) That is so hard no matter what. You and your family will be in my prayers. I'm sure dh will be able to take care of things while you're gone. Will continue to keep your friend in prayer too. Stay strong.

Shelly - How did your run go today?

I did 9 miles this morning. I was a little slower but I still didn't take any walk breaks. My legs felt a little tight. Don't know if it was from the kickboxing workout yesterday or what but I survived. I used a playlist this morning and it lasted the entire run. Will need to add a few more songs for my 10 miles next Saturday. Finished up with Stretch Max #1. Think I will take a nice, hot and relaxing bath in a few minutes.

Today is my mom's birthday. May take her shopping. I haven't made up my mind yet.

Hi Susan- I hope that maybe you will check back today somehow and read this. I'm so sorry for you:( We may think we are prepared for the death of a loved one when they've been dealing with a terminal illness, but when it happens, somehow it's just too soon.
Her suffering is over now and she is in a far better place:)

I just participated in a Relay for Life for the American Cancer society. I did this for my friend who lost her mother to lung cancer as well. If I may make a teeny suggestion to you. Participating in this event has really helped my friend and sometime in the future you may want to consider it. They are held all across the country and are wonderful healing spiritual and inspirational events.

big {{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}} to our dear Susan!!!
We all care and I hope you check in soon and let us know how you are doing.

Hello everyone! I had a fantastic experience with the Relay for Life!! It was one of the most refreshing, relaxing long runs I've ever done.... even though it was around the same 1/4 mile loop:)
I took over for my friend around 0245 who was predictably, the only member of her team out there. The track was lined with luminarias that were hand written with messages to friends and loved ones who suffered from/ or died from cancer. I plugged in my iPod and settled into a nice slow relaxing pace... about 10mm/mile. I was a clear night with an almost full moon and the temps were about 45-50 degrees, absolutely perfect! Before I knew it I looked down at my Garmin and saw I had ran 12 miles already! I did another mile and then decided to slow to a walk since I'm doing a challenging HM next weekend. After 0500 more people were waking and coming on the track. There were several young-uns who were running by now so old granny got it in gear and did the last 1/2 mile sprinting with the teenagers:) The best 15 miles I've ever done:7

I'll be back for personals

:7 :7 :7 :7 :7 more personals:7 :7 :7 :7 :7

HI CATHY------HOW YA DOIN!!! ooops... hope I didn't aggravate the hangover headache;-) :p :+ A good long sweaty run is the perfect antidote! Thanks for asking about my sis. I just got a long e-mail from her in Pakistan. They seem to be doing quite well and are kept insanely busy. I do worry quite a bit about her though! I ended up yesterday in Barnes and Noble and got alot of new reading material and a Rodney Yee yoga dvd! "Strength Building Yoga"
now that's my kind of yoga.... I don't take well to the meditative ones.

SunnyD- I hope you do get a chance to take in that SportsDrills class. That sounds like fun!!! I bet it's alot like Drillmax.
the iClimb bootcamp was a great substitute though I'm sure. I highly recommend using Picturetrail to make your avatar and post pics directly here. In the FAQ section on the log in page here they do explain how to do this.

Carole- Sounds like we both have DHs who like to saw some serious logs when they sleep ;-) I wouldn't last long without my earplugs! Have a great time with KPC today and a fantastic long run tomorrow!!

Jess- I just love those wall squats too! Really makes the quads burn good eh? Sounds like you have a very busy but fun family weekend.... enjoy!

Gayle- Oh I so envy you attending a running Expo... I just love those... I'm like a kid in a candy store and I'm sure you are too.
Good luck to you tomorrow but most importantly I wish you an enjoyable and FUN run!!!! That's what it's all about;-)

Jackie- Aren't iPods great for long runs? I think I'll be taking mine with me for the first time on a race next Saturday. It's a grueling and lonely course for alot of it and listening to my favorite music should help. Good job on your long run today... and have a fun time shopping with your Mom!


DH and I are heading out in a while for a nice long motorcycle ride on dirt trails!!! Have a good one :7 :7

Susan ~ I am so, so sorry about your Mom. It's always hard & final when they are gone. I felt the same way about my Grandma, I knew it was coming but it's still hard when the time comes. Please let me know if I can do anything for you to help out.

I'm so sorry about your friend too. You've been a wonderful friend to help her out like you are. Cancer is a bad word to hear around here lately too.

I am glad your back is feeling better. Take care of yourself.

BIG (((HUGS)))
Hi cheetahs :)
Didn't officially work out but am dropping back in, anyway...

Susan :: OMG (((((HUGS))) ) I was reading all the posts one at a time and doing personals in a Word document, and when I got to yours, I gasped out loud. I am so, so, sorry for your loss…and so shocked…I know that your mom has been really ill, but I did not expect this to happen so soon. How utterly devastating. My heart goes out to you. But please don’t blame yourself for taking care of your friend. You *have* been there for your mom, too. And you know, DH & the girls will be OK – try not to worry about them. You’ve gotta take care of business and get through the next few tough days. I’m keeping you in my thoughts & prayers and wishing you strength. You should be feeling a lot of cheetah love & support right now!!

Sunny :: hey, you ain’t alone there – I change my mind and like to go w/ the flow but wonder if my fellow cheetahs think I’m a flake! :+ *LOL* I tell myself flexibility is a positive.

Carole :: ut oh…you’re gonna tempt me to take a peek at Karen’s new w/outs! Yeah, as the day wears on, I am feeling B&G more and more. Yeowch! I’ve been out there doing a lot of yard work...

Jess :: thanks for whispering :) …those are the contacts I wear, too…hey, I love the wall squats, too! I wish there were more in the workout…Glad Kiersten is doing better…the poor little thing. Hope she is over these bugs. Her immune system really took a lickin’.

Gayle :: have fun @ the Expo and best of luck tomorrow! No apologies necessary for quickie posts.

Jackie :: LOL about Tony…thanks for the hugs…I am not in the worst shape I’ve ever been in, but I don’t think I will run after all. I really worked up a sweat in the yard. You *MUST* try the Leg Blast – it is pure torture!…Good job on the long run…hope the hot bath helps loosen up the muscles…enjoy your day w/ your mom.

Shelly :: I got the chills reading about your Relay for Life experience…I’m getting all choked up here thinking about Susan’s mom…the full moon was perfect…and great job keeping up w/ the teens!…Glad to hear your DS & BIL are doing well…I would worry, too…ooh, you’ll have to tell us how that Yee DVD is. I haven’t heard of that one…Uhhh, this is what separates the cheetahs from the kittens ;)…the run is not happening. I think I’d be tossing my cookies, for sure.

~Cathy :)
Shelly ~ That is just awesome!! You're just amazing & definitely no old Granny for sure!!! What a great experience & I'm sure it was incredible for you too. Good luck on your half next weekend, wish I could be running with you. That should have been my Indy Half next Sat!! Oh well, there's always next year!
OK, I just finished B & G Leg Blast premix. I needed a good leg workout, that did the trick!! It actually didn't feel as bad as I remember, yeah!! I guess Tony & the X are doing something right w/ the legs anyway! ;-) Hannah did some of it w/ me until she decided that Cathe was trying to kill her!! :) :) Too funny, she was dying w/ the firewalkers. }(

The ladies brunch was nice. The pumpkin choc. chip muffins were a hit (the not so healthy kind) but the cranberry bran muffins (healthy ones) turned out good also. My friend Marsha (who loves to tease me about my healthy goods) even said they were good. My MIL enjoyed it & I'm glad she could come. Greg ended up just taking Hannah on to soccer. They had a tie game, 0-0 as no one scored. She said it was fun anyway.

I should not have said Kiersten was feeling better as she coughed a lot this morning & I made her lay down for a rest this afternoon. She wasn't so happy about that but I don't want her getting worn out.

It's a gorgeous day so I'm sure we'll head outside after nap. Must do some yard work!!! Hope you're all doing well!
Cathy ~ I've noticed a big change since I switched contacts. Which reminds me that I'm down to 2 pairs, time to make an eye appt! I love the wall squats too. I'm a nut in that sometimes I do them when I'm in the kitchen waiting for something to finish cooking or have a couple minutes to wait for something in the microwave.

I'm going to go work up a sweat in the yard too. We have a big yard so it takes a while!! I need to rake & pull weeds. Greg mowed last night, it was getting long from all of the rain!

Hope you're feeling better, no tossin' the cookies, ok??? ;-)
Jackie ~ Happy bday to your Mom! Hope you had fun if you went shopping. My Mom took me shopping last weekend as my bday is coming up on Friday!! (eek, the big 3-0 for me!) It was fun.

I did the Leg Blast premix today, it's a goodie!! Great job on the 9 miles! Are you training for a half? (sorry I can't remember!)
Sunny ~ You can use picturetrail for your avatar, that's what I do. Just make sure you're using the correct url. I had that problem before.

Sounds like you're keeping busy w/ the training!! That's awesome! Have a great Saturday too!
Gayle ~ Don't feel bad. I've felt out of the loop myself lately! Trying to catch up! Good luck & I hope you found some neat things at the Expo!! How exciting!! Can't wait to hear the details!!
Carole ~ I'm excited that Greg is doing the X too. I wasn't sure how he'd do but so far he is doing great. He really likes Chest & Back and Shoulders & Arms. He is not so into the Plyo or Kenpo but he's doing them anyway. And he's trying his darndest w/ ARX. ;-) Part of his problem is that he's just not very coordinated!! It's funny as he's trying. I guess that's why he doesn't dance!! :eek: :eek:

Hope you enjoyed KPC, I might start subbing that for Kenpo. I wanted to get a feel for the X workouts first, but don't care for that one as much either.

Have a great day!

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