Buff Badgers Week of November 26th


Morning Ladies,

No workouts for me for the last four days. Had a great time with DH's family on Thursday. Friday through Sunday we where with my family in the Dells. Very tired when I got home, because those hotel beds and rooms are horrible. :p After work will be Peak Fit Pure Cardio.

Have a great day!
Good morning!

Thursday: Couch to 5K Week 2 Day 2 and Trisets Shoulders, Chest, and Triceps
Friday: Off
Saturday: Couch to 5K Week 2 Day 3
Sunday: Trisets Back, Biceps, and Core
Today: CTX All Step (cardio only)

We had an okay Thanksgiving. The actual celebration was good, but my grandpa's been sick and in the hospital, and does NOT have a good attitude; my grandma has her own share of health problems, and my aunt has some mental illnesses going on... which all adds up to my poor mom being very weighed down and overwhelmed.

Couch to 5K has been going really well. I'm avoiding side stitches, and I run faster and farther each time I go out, although the running intervals have not been longer than 90 seconds yet ;) I'm even getting slight DOMS in my abs, which tells me that I was right in thinking my (lack of) abdominal strength was the problem.

Have a great day, everyone.

Yesterday I ran 5.5 miles and today I did Hardcore Horizontal Conditioning and Bodymax 2 the step portion. I just wanted something fun and the BM fit the bill.

Laurie, sounds like a fun but busy weekend. I agree, those beds are not that comfortable. Have fun with Peak Fit Cardio.

Sam, nice job on all your running. I didn't realize couch to 5 used intervals. Are they walk/run intervals or run/ run faster intervals? Sorry your Thanksgiving was so stressful. That is always hard, especially for your mom it sounds like.

heartymax, sorry your son has been sick. I am glad to hear is is finally feeling better. I guess it was good it happened close to a break so he could recover totally. I wish I had an elliptical. The only time I used one was at a hotel this past summer. We did go Black Friday shopping, it's a tradition with my mom and myself. We left at 4:30am and got back at 4:30. Long day.

Brenda, I have almost every kettlebell workout out there. I like Lauren Brooks dvds the best, I think. I like Kettlebell Way 1 & 2 also. Great form and more fun than some.

Have a great day.
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I've been sticking with Leslie's 5 mile walk yet. My serratus anterior is getting better but I still need to back off yet. Leg is about the same. Saturday and today I did add some ski hops into the walk to jack up my heart rate. ;)

Thanksgiving was okay. DH and I worked out butts off all day. I was outside cleaning up my flower beds trimming back my black berry plants, replanting my grape tree, and helping DH lift drywall onto the lift when he needed me. The couple of things I needed to make, I made right away in the morning so I got it out of they way. The best part of my Thanksgiving was when my niece surprised us and showed up and after she had been there a while, her little 2 1/2 yr boy when running over by her and said "ma ma, I love you" and gave her a big hug and kiss. I wish someone would have caught that on camera. It was so precious.

I did some black Friday shopping. I got a few Christmas presents bought.

Laurie - Glad you had a great weekend!!

Sam -Sorry to hear about all the things going on with your family. Hope your mom found some time to rest. Glad to hear though that Couch to 5K is going good.

Enjoy the rest of your day!
Saturday was Butts and Gutts, Sunday was To the Max and today was Meso 2 chest , shoulders and triceps.

No holiday shopping for me.

I have to rush out to run by the church so I have to catch up on personals tomorrow.
Morning Ladies,

Instead of doing Pure Cardio, I did Cardio Strength last night. This way I can do the Pure Cardio tonight, and then another Cardio Strength tomorrow. Had to help oldest dd with a paper last night. :rolleyes: She had a meltdown yesterday, because she forgot about this paper. Had her come home and she was able to get it cranked out last night. Hopefully this will be another of those lessons learned for her. ;)

Sam, Great job on the workouts! Sorry to hear about your mother had to go through all that during the holidays. That can get tough when people are not well. My dad was really good this weekend, last time he was having pain from when he had bells palsy (sp?) Totally different person when they are not hurting. ;) Glad to hear that the C25K is going so well.

Karen, Nice mix of workouts you had, and of coure putting in some fun with BM. Well I did have fun with the strength workout, but am looking forward to the cardio. These workouts are tough! ;) Had to go down to 5lb weights on the shoulder work at the end though.

Brenda, That is a very precious moment. ;) Our youngest nephew is a sweetie like that. WTG on getting that HR up, even if you have to take it easy with some aspects.

heartymax, WTG on your workouts also. I did most of my shopping on line, wouldn't have been able to stand all those people. :D

Have a great day!

Today I did Cross Fire Extreme.

Laurie, don't you love the last minute meltdowns. Glad she could get it cranked out. Nice workouts, you will be even fitter than before.

heartymax, nice workouts. Do you like To The Max? I have never done it.

Brenda, the I love you moments unexpected by little children are so awesome. Hope your leg gets better soon. Good job on working with your injury though.

Have a great day all.
Good Afternoon!!

This morning was Leslie's 5 mile walk again and I add the ski hops and side to side hops from time to time to jack up the HR.

Karen - We must have been posting about the same time yesterday. Great mix of workouts. I think at some point in time I'll invest a little more into the kettlebells but I need to hold off for now since I have pre-ordered Cathe's new XTrain.

Heartymax - Great job on the workouts.

Laurie - Glad to hear oldest dd got her paper out. Great job on the workouts!!

Enjoy the rest of your day!
Sam--Glad to hear that Couch to 5K is going well. I actually googled "beginner runner" and it came up. I am not sure---but I may consider venturing out to running a little this spring. I have to see how it goes. I am a morning exerciser and I would have to switch to afternoon if I want run. I admire those who want to take on the challenge, but I haven't been brave enough yet. I like that you say it works the abs. DH abs slimmed a bit when we was running.

Laurie--I am sure your DD was happy that you helped her wrap up the assignment in time to get it turned in. At least she remembered. I have had my share of moments like that in my house.

Brenda---WTG on modifying and getting in some form of exercising.

Karen---I looked at the HC website over the weekend. OMG---those workouts are 45 minutes. Do you do the entire thing or do they have some premixes. I just like getting in my separate strength and cardio and I can't see how can fit those in several days a week. How did you make it work for you?

I have noticed that Sue and Susan haven't checked in weeks. Did they leave the group??

Today's workout was Slide and Glide. Good change for me since I haven't done this one in a very long time---at least the entire workout. I have done the cardio segment a few times.
Morning Ladies,

Last night was Peak Fit Pure Cardio. That one is starting to grow on me, guess I'm getting used to some of the moves. :D

Karen, I went and order Turbo Fire when BB had their Black Friday sale. Do you have that system? DH wouldn't let me open it yet. :( Guess I have to wait for Christmas. :eek:

Brenda, I am learning a great leasson from you on what to do while in recovery. ;) Great job!

heartymax, I love when our children come to us at the last minute with homework, or Mom I need a treat made for tomorrow! :rolleyes: I know that Sue was taking a break for a while, because she was busy with all the kids sports. I don't know about Susan, but I have been sending out my prayers to her.

Have a great day!
Good morning! Yesterday was Couch to 5K Week 3 Day 1. Longer intervals of running this time, but a much shorter workout. My legs felt heavy and sluggish, I think from doing step the day before. I think while I'm doing this I need to stick to running/walking for my cardio.

Today will be a rest/stretch/maybe a few planks day.

Heartymax- Whew! Nice workouts! I've tried so many times (and failed) at running. I'm really motivated this time to conquer it. I don't think it'll ever become my passion, but I've always envied runners. My brother is an elite-class runner and I think having him around inspires me. Plus I have this thin layer of fat covering up all my hard work, and I'd really like to get rid of it.

Karen- They are walk/run intervals that slowly build you up to running for 30 minutes straight. It's a nine week program.

Brenda- When I do Leslie, I'll often do puddle-jumpers instead of side steps, and add air to a few more moves. That's the nice thing about Leslie, she's so easy to modify up.

Laurie- Depression runs in the family, unfortunately. He's in a nursing home for rehab right now, and that's a much better fit for him because they won't let him lie around in bed all day. His mood improves greatly if he gets a good bath and takes a walk. You got Turbo Fire!!! I rented one of the workouts from Kineticflix and decided I wasn't interested in the whole system, but they do look super fun. I'm sure you'll love it, with your love for kickboxing :)

Have a great day, everyone.
Good Morning,

Today I did a paper kettlebell workout that Debbie S posted on the VF site. It was My Total Body Kettlebell Strength Circuit. I guess instead of buying a kettlebell workout you guys could do one of hers or there are a lot of them on youtube. Myomy has some great workouts. Also did Stretchmax with the band.

Sam, I am sure you will conquer running and It may even become a passion of yours It happens off and on for me. Sometimes I just love it, other times it seems like something I need to do. Some days you run and the sun is out and your free of everything and your just run because you can. Neat feeling.

Laurie, I do have Turbo Fire. It goes really fast and seems almost wild at times. I have probably done 3 workouts in the year or more I have had it, but you liked TaeBo didn't you? I didn't like those either.

Heartymax, If you don't do the warm up and cooldowns of the the volumes which are at Mary's site they are only 35 min. at least the ones that are 45 min. in length, like 1,2 and I think 3. On Sandras site she has 101's with no warm ups or cool downs coming in at only 30 min. They are some good workouts. I usually consider it a whole body weight workout. It really works all body parts using your own body weight and actually she uses weights in some.

Brenda, lots of free kettlebell workouts on youtube. Even some of Lauren's if you type in her name she has some short but intense kettlebell workouts for free. Nice job on keeping up with your workouts just making them doable for you and your injury. Healing vibes coming your way.

Have a wonderful day.
Good Afternoon Ladies!

Not much new to report on my end. Still doing Leslie 5 mile walk with my little changes to bump things up a notch. Serratus Anterior is feeling lots better. I'm hoping in another week I'll be able to go back to lifting but I'll stay on the lighter side. The darn leg is another story. It feels really tight today.

Heartymax - I hope Sue and Susan come back and join us soon.

Laurie - I really really miss all my other workouts but I know I need to do this for a while. :( I'm happy though that I found ways to modify to make it more intense for me and yet not kill my leg.

Sam - I'm glad that it's easy to modify with Leslie. I do have to say though, her endless chatter can get a little annoying. :) I agree with you that it might not be a bad idea to stick with running/walking for a while since you. Glad Couch to 5K is going well though.

Karen - Please keep sending those healing vibes my way. ;) I'll have to check out some of the kettlebell workouts on youtube.

Enjoy the rest of your day!

Back to the grind. Work has been extremely hectic and the days have been long.

Take Care!!
Morning Ladies,

Last nights Cardio Strength session went even better than on Monday! Maybe it is just me getting used to the workout. I always feel the muscles get worked with this one. I was surprised at how the time flew by again. One would think, after doing a workout three times already, that I would be looking at the clock to see how much more time is left. :D Tonight is probably going to be the Anytime Anywhere workout. Have not done that one yet.

Sam, That is how it was for me while running. Had to schedule those leg workouts so that I had some rest. I sure do hope that Chalene doesn't get on my nerves, but I have been able to block a lot of things out if the workouts are good ones. I notice some whooping in these Peak workouts, I just don't let it bother me. Glad that your grandpa is in a place that gets him moving around. ;)

Karen, I will have to look at some of those paper workouts. I have done paper in the past, but it never seems to keep my interest for long. Yes I do love Taebo workouts! :D So are you saying that it has that same vibe? :D I saw some of the clips, and I think I should be able to handle it. If it gets to wild I will just job in place. ;)

Brenda, I'm just impressed that you are getting something in. I would be avoiding the workouts, and then have a hard time getting back into the routine after that. Dang on your leg though. :(

Have a great day!

Today I did spinning to Cardio Coach 7.

Laurie, glad you are liking the Peak Fit workouts. I thought you might when I first got them. I don't do many paper workouts either for the same reason. they are quick though.

Brenda, are you still rolling your leg out? Sorry to hear it is still bothering you. At least it could be getting better.

Have a great day.
Good Evening!!

Today was extremely hectic at work. We're converting to a new ERP system this weekend and it's crunch time. Too much to do and not enough time to do it in. This morning I got a 3 mile walk in with my modifications to jack up the heart rate. I cut it short because my hip flexor and quad started tightening up so after I did my little cool down, I did some stretching.

Laurie - Glad you're enjoying your workouts. I miss my normal workouts. :( I probably shouldn't be doing anything but I feel better about myself if I at least get something in.

Karen - Yep I'm still rolling out the leg. Not everyday but a few times a week. If I don't use the roller foam I do other stretches for my hip flexor. I love Cardio Coach 7.

Have a great night!
Brenda---you are doing a good job making the modifications to your workout.

Sam--I am not a runner but I find myself taking a rest day after my leg workouts a lot of the time. That's why when doing STS I didn't like it when Legs was on Wednesday. It was better on Friday cause I would move it to Saturday cause Sunday was normally rest day.

Today was Drill Max cardio premix.

Have a great weekend everyone.
Morning Ladies,

Got the Anywhere, Anytime workout done last night, and it was fun! :eek: It was set up a little differently than the other workouts with two ascents, and then 8 Climb/Peaks. Really enjoyed this, but she made it tough. Today is a rest day for me.

Karen, I love the variety that you are getting in. Almost looks like you are getting in all the workouts that you find interesting. ;)

Brenda, You are doing a great job! Keep up the great work.

heartymax, Agree with you on the Wed leg day. I don't enjoy the leg workouts during the middle of the week either.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Good morning and Happy Friday!

Yesterday was Week 3 Day 2 of Couch to 5K.

This morning I couldn't resist and I did Imax 2. I'm not planning on running again until Sunday, and it had been so long since I got a nice long, sweaty workout. It was super fun as usual.

Laurie- It you can block out Jillian, you can block out anything ;) I know Chalene annoys some people, but I think she's cute. I liked her in Turbo Jam, and I still have CLX on my very long "someday" list.

Karen- Thanks for the encouragement. I have to say that I'm enjoying the simplicity of just putting on shoes and going out. No equipment, no DVD. In fact, I don't even listen to music, just enjoy the quiet.

Heartymax- Yup. I've found that my legs get such a good workout from running that I haven't been doing lower body stuff at all.

Brenda- Keep it up with the easier workouts, and keep rolling out that leg. I know you'll be back at it soon.

Have a great weekend, everyone.
Good Morning,

Today I ran 3 miles on the trails and then I did Horizontal Conditioning Hardcore Nov. (great workout, hits every body part nicely)

Sam, glad you had fun with Imax 2. I have been adding in some just for fun workouts too. The next time I will run in Sun. also. Glad you are enjoying running.

Laurie, I have never done that workout. Now you make me want to try it. Actually I am just trying to get in a couple runs, a spin workout, a kettlebell workout, 2 horizontal conditioning workouts and a traditional weight workout in each week. I think this is really working for me.

Heartymax, love the music in drillmax. That one has a dread factor for me. Maybe if I do some of the premixes.

Brenda, Glad you are getting in some workouts even though you are busy at work. I think CC7 is my favorite. I really like them all. I am going to try to start using them for running to see if I can get my speed doing longer distances better. I heard intervals are good for that. We shall see.

Have a swim meet tomorrow so no workout.

Have a great day all.

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