Alpha Omega Check-In (Mon, 2/23/09)

Good morning everyone!

"But now, O LORD, You are our Father, We are the clay, and You our potter; And all of us are the work of Your hand". (Isaiah 64:8)

Iris, I love your new avatar, it's a great picture!! I love that song "My Redeemer Lives" too! How sweet that such a young girl was singing that song!

I am following a new rotation beginning today. My 30 days of Shred is over, although I may continue to do it with my hubby at nights after he gets home from work. I never made it to Level 3! Maybe next time around ;) Today is "total body" and I am doing "No More Trouble Zones" for the first time by Jillian. I will let you know how it is after I'm done.

Hello and blessings to all who follow today!
Iris, I know you were interested in Jillian's other workout "No More Trouble Zones" too, so here is my review of that one:

It's the same set up as her cardio DVD with two background woman doing all the moves while Jillian coaches (occasionally she joins in). She doesn't show modifications, but they are easy to figure out if you need to do them. There are seven "6 minute" circuits with a 5 minute warm up & 5 minute cool down. Again, she does about 4-5 moves and then repeats the entire cycle. I believe the DVD is around 55 minutes total. I found the moves to be very effective and I got a good total body workout today! Here is the breakdown of the cycles:

Warm Up
March in place, Jump Rope, Arm Circles, Ice Skaters, Jumping jacks

Circuit ONE (shoulders & glutes/quads):
Squat with shoulder press
Backward lunge with shoulder raise (each leg about 30 seconds)
Chair squats with anterior raises
Standing chest press

Circuit TWO (chest/abs):
Chest press with abdominal crunch
Chest flies with lower abdominal crunch (reverse curl)
Bicycle crunches
Squirms (while lying on floor, lift shoulders off the ground, reach arm around to the right, then left, then right, then left, etc (side to side)– to work obliques)
Push Ups

Circuit THREE (biceps/glutes):
Deadlifts with hammer curls
Static squat with concentration curl
Alternating lunges with wide grip curl
Side lunges with traditional curl

Circuit FOUR (triceps/quads):
Chair pose with tricep kickbacks
Sumo squats with overhead tricep extensions
Surrenders (while holding weights overhead the entire time, send right leg back (like a lunge), then take your right knee to the ground, then your left knee (so now you’re kneeling), then stand back up one leg at a time & repeat).
Deep lunge pose, hold weights palms facing back, push arms back and up working tri’s

Circuit FIVE (abs):
Double crunch (bring shoulders & hips off the ground)
Twisting Plank (alternate bringing opposite knee into opposite armpit)
Plank with toe taps (side to side)
Windshield wipers (with legs straight out and an inch off the floor, alternate raising your legs up and to the left, then back down and up and to the right, etc.)

Circuit SIX (back/abs/glutes):
Plank Rows (in plank position alternate doing arm rows)
Scissor kicks (laying on back with legs straight out and about an inch off the floor, scissor the legs)
Pelvic thrusts

Circuit SEVEN: (abs/inner & outer thighs)
Side plank raises (for obliques)
Outer thigh leg raises
Inner thigh leg raises
Donkey kicks (while on all fours, raise leg, bring knee into chest then kick back straight out behind you)
Fire hydrants with kick

Static stretching for pretty much entire body
Hello Ladies,

Today's been such a busy day for me. Even my workout got pushed later than usual. I had to get my daughter to and from dance. Usually my next door neighbor and I take turns, but she had a doctor's appt. today.

Christine, thanks for the great breakdown of Jillian's new work-outs. They sound pretty good. Definitely something I can use. I love variety.

Where is everyone? I hope all is well.

Today's workout was STS Disc 4 - Ch, Sh & Bic. Oh My! My shoulders are fried. I don't think I could have done another push-up if my life depended on it. To think that Tuesday's kickboxing instructor opens up the class with push-ups, ugh. Maybe she'll understand if I explain what I've been doing, lol.

Well, I'm sad to say, I'm not going on the roadtrip this year. I would have loved to go, but I am a practical person, and the more I thought about it, the more I just felt that I should really use that money toward taking a vacation with my family. I felt selfish doing something for myself. My hubby was ok with the idea of me going, but he did make a comment about Florida. It was innocent enough, I guess we're not going to Florida this year, but it was enough to make me feel guilty. The funny thing is when I told him I didn't register, he felt bad for me! Are we impossible or what? lol.

Have a great night all.

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