6 Monthers, STS, Wednesday the 18th


Good morning, everybody!

First off, Kim, HAPPY belated BDAY! I didn't know it was your birthday till just before I went to bed last night and checked the PC one last time. Sorry I missed it!

OK......I've got a terribly busy day, starting right around noon time. I've got both teacher conferences this afternoon, the PTA Spaghetti Dinner, DS's first baseball practice. I won't sit down between noon and about 9pm, I'm certain! So if I don't get back online to check in till tonight, HAVE AN AWESOME DAY!

I started this busy day off with an AWESOME WORKOUT!!! I'm PUMPED! I've been laying off the running for about a month or 2 because my Plantar Fasciitis was acting up. I have a feeling that it was the extra weight I had put on over the last year, so I've been focussing on losing it so that I can test my theory, before I began running again. Well, it's been feeling really good and I know I'm down several pounds since I began STS, so this morning I did iTread set 12, 45 minutes. It was 40 minutes of running and a 5 minute stretch. It was an AWESOME and TOUGH workout. I logged 4.5 miles and was just DRENCHED thru all 3 layers of my clothes! Then I tacked on the Complete Core Premix from Core Max! We'll see how my foot does during the day, since I'll be on it the whole time!

Ladies, have an awesome day.
Stay the course!
What's today's goal?????​

Hi Gayle and all to follow!

I am so happy for you that you managed to get such a good run in after not having done it for so long! Way to go! I hope you don't have any problems sneaking up with your foot. And congrats on the weight loss too! I haven't checked my weight in a couple of weeks, but I know I lost a couple when I first started STS. I will weigh in at the end of March to see how I've been doing number wise....

I did Disk 8. I just love working my triceps and so this workout just flew right by! I am both excited and a little scared to start week 4 next week though, because I'll have to lift harder... I find pushing myself harder a bitter sweet deal, I love and I hate it both at the same time...

My workout goal for the day is already done, the rest of the day my goal is clean eating within my calorie budget and lots of errands as well as get my son to finish and practice his animal report due tomorrow. I never had to do reports in kindergarten!? He does well, but it sure takes time!

Happy Belated Birthday, Kim!

Have a wonderful day everyone!
Happy Birthday Kim!

I am stil not working out yet. Blew off stretching yesterday then ate hal a box of girl scout cookies!

I am looking foward to getting back on track soon.
Hoping to finish one rep max by monday!

Have a great day everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was going go do CC5 today but Imax 3 was calling me! So I did Imax 3 and Abs Circuit Medicine ball workout. I feel all glowy after that good cardio! :p I still need to work off cookies from yesterday. :(:(

Kim, please see my Happy Birthday to you in yesterday's message!

Gayle - you sound like you're even glowier than me! :eek: Great job on the run!

Cendrine - if you like Disc 8, you'll really like Disc 11! :D:D:D

Gotta run! Hello to everyone!

Good afternoon everybody,

I'm getting a late start today. It's been busy from the minute I got to the office until now. My workout this morning consisted of Disc 5 for the 2nd week. The weights listed for my back workout were pretty heavy, and I always immediately feel the work in my back and lats. I love the look of a nicely chiseled back. I've a ways to go, but I'm pleased so far with the process.

KIM-WHOO HOO, 40 YEARS OLD!! Hopefully all your friends and family were kind to you on this eventful occasion. I have to admit that when I know a friend is entering a new age dimension, I will give them some rather offensive Birthday reminder stuff (the brat coming out of me again). That is why this year I will be leaving town for my Birthday so friends can't do a "payback". :eek: Hope your day was extra special. Glad that your son is recovering. 11 years old and he's gone through so much already.

Gayle-WTG ON THE AWESOME WORKOUT!! It really is a great feeling when you cranked out a great workout!!! I was in the same boat regarding the running. I just started back up after about 6 months. My feet also started acting up to the point I struggled every morning getting out of bed, it was so painful. Went to the Dr. and said I needed inserts, but the cost was pretty high. I bought the rubber heal inserts for my shoes for about $10.00 and it took care of my problem. I started running again last week, and tomorrow will be my 3rd run. So far no problems
. You also get a WHOO HOO for keeping up with your very busy schedule for today. Can you imagine how you would feel if you didn't work out???

OK Julie-We need to do a little "Girl Scout Cookie Intervention". PUT THOSE COOKIES DOWN AND "DO THAT Stretch!!!! YOU CAN DO IT, WE KNOW YOU CAN.
. If your body is feeling well enough, it's time to get back on track. GOOD LUCK!!!

Cendrine-I remember in kindergarten, having to bring a rug to school and taking naps on the floor every day. Boy,have times changed. My son is learning more in 8th grade than I did as a senior in high school
. Regarding your workout, did you ever think you would use the words bitter & sweet to describe it!

Jo-Have you used the CCV5 yet? I have IMAX 3 on my rotation for tomorrow, but that workout kicks my rear, especially 1st thing in the a.m. I have to psyche myself up for that one. I may do IMAX 3 this weekend, and run the treadmill tomorrow. I'm not sure what CC to use next. Any advise is welcome.

Well I need to get back to work. Hope your day is going well (and Julie, put that cookie down!)

Ok, all you Cardio Coachers...:)

I checked out the website and listened to some of the music samples. They sure sound great! My question for you guys is this: If I was to do it, I would be doing it pushing a jogger stroller with my 2.5 yr old daughter. when I was listening to the beat, I was wondering would I be struggling staying with the beat as I might speed up for a hill or go slower? The reason I'm asking is because I do really well running to the beat and if it is off, it might not work for me. Can you share your experiences with me on that? How do the workouts work for you, and if I was to get one, which one would you recommend? Also, how long are the workouts?

Thanks for any help you can give me with this. I'm kind of hoping to get hubby hooked on this, he has been procrastinating for moths to get back into exercise...

I just purchased 4 of the CC workouts about 2 weeks ago. I have only completed V4, and I did it twice. I have to tell you that I really enjoyed the workout, especially the music. My husband likes to bike and also uses the cross trainer at the gym, and he is going to start using these workouts. I don't have a lot of experience yet (Jo and others may have more info), but I believe these would work well for what you're asking. I am very fussy about the music I listen to, especially when my workout speeds up, but the C.C. music seems to work with both a high or low level speed (Hope that makes sense). You probably noticed the C.C's are on sale for a little less than $5.00 a volume, so you wouldn't be out a lot of money if you didn't like it.

Good luck on your decision!

Just finished CC#3 and the yoga abs from STS. Can anyone actually do the leg extensions while up on your arms?? Thanks for all the birthday wishes.

Cendrine I have a few of the CC and enjoy using them on the tm to keep from getting bored. I am so rhythmically challenge I really wouldn't have a clue if I was on the beat or not so can't really answer that question. The workouts are different lengths, the lengths are listed on the website. I don't really have a favourite, I usually just pick one by the amount of time I have.

I did disc 12 (legs) today. I did okay. It wasn't as bad as disc 9. I think I am getting stronger because I did heavier weights but still didn't seem as hard. :eek:-yay me!! I have one more week of meso 1. I am excited but scared of meso 2.

have a good night.

Gayle thanks for your motivation in the morning . All your energy gets me moving.

Chrissy, you and I are on the same schedule. I do Disc 12 tomorrow and will then have one more week before finishing up Meso 1 YEAH!

Cendrine, I bought all of the CC but have only done 3 and 4 (twice). I was going to do 5 today but Imax was begging for me! :D So, I plan to do 5 on Friday. I like 3 and 4 equally and like them ALOT! I was doing these on my spinning bike. I wouldn't think you would have any issue with the beat but I've never pushed a jogging stoller! :) (I know that's not very helpful - sorry!) I think some of the biggest differences in these workouts is the length. Number 3 is about 40 minutes, #4 is about 45 minutes, I think 5 is a little longer, 6 is an hour and I know 8 is an hour and 15. I would suggest just buying one that is closer in length to the time you like to jog and see how you like it. I'm very impressed thus far.

Jo :D
Oh Cendrine. I just remembered on CC4; after the 2nd challenge, right about at 30 minutes, he says you can end your workout now or go on to the last challenge which then takes the workout to about 45 minutes so #4 may be a good one to get! (But maybe he does that on all the workouts???)

Jo :D
Hi Jo and Mary, thanks for the input!

I forwarded the website to my hubby to see what he thinks. When I talked to him about it he hadn't seen it yet but sounded rather interested...:)

Thanks for the suggestion about choosing it by lenght, that's a good way to choose, I think, and Mary, you are right too, trying it at these good prices is not a big risk at all.

So, sturctured and organized by nature, I would have started on V1, howcome both of you did 3 or 4 for a start? :)

I saw that CC suggests doing walking lunges if you are walking or running as opposed to using a cardio equipment.... I am such a little tweak, I have a hard time picturing myself doing walking lunges out in public, I'm so used to working out to no audience that I actually have a hard time doing anything out of the ordinary in public... Somebody just tell me to get over it. Or give me a better suggestion....:)
heh heh...I'm structured like you Cendrine but I was specifically looking for a specific length the particular day I did my first one. I just went and looked and see I was off...3 was about 45 and 4 was 52 minutes. So that's why I haven't done the first two yet!

GET OVER IT! I see people out doing lunges on our trail (I live on a trail) and I APPLAUD THEM! :D:D:D:D Remember, if they see you doing lunges they'll admire your form! :D I also see people out there with weighted vests and dumbbells in their hands! I cheer them on!

Actually I think you can make the workout work for you with whatever you feel comfortable with! For me though if I was walking or jogging, I'd just pick up the pace during those challenges the first couple of times.

Jo :p

ETA: That 52 minutes also included 4 or 5 minutes of him walking you through stretching at the end. So the actual workout was still around 45 minutes with just the cool down. Hope that helps!

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