6 Monthers, STS, Thursday

Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness.
-Earl of Derby

Good morning, ladies.

I am SOOOOOOOO sorry that I didn't check back in with you all yesterday. The kids and I just ended up doing all kinds of stuff around the house. Then a friend (ex-BF's ex DW) called and asked if I could take her 2 boys because her dad was back in the hospital and the boys were driving their sister crazy while she tried to clean the house. SO...............I had a house of boys yesterday. We played water balloons for quite some time and made a big WET mess, then when the rain came after our trip to the farm, they played in the rain throwing frisbee. lol KIDS!

Today's workout was super early (for a summer vacation day, anyway) because my older DS is on the way to the airport with my mom to pick up my younger sis from N Carolina. Plus, I'm watching another friend's 3 kids (the mom is in her last semester of nursing school and the dad had to go to work...he usually works from home but called in today). SOOOOOO.....my workout was iTread 13 Sprints and Core Max with the stability ball.

I'm going to upload a picture or 2 from the weekend, brb.

Jerry and DW Diane, Dianna, Michele (Phyllis' sister), Gayle
Wildwood & Cape May NJ June 2009 019.jpg

Dianna, Diane, Jerry, Chrissy, Phyllis, Madeline (I believe, lol) Bud (Dianna's DH)
Wildwood & Cape May NJ June 2009 017.jpg

Jacob, Gayle, Zachary
Wildwood & Cape May NJ June 2009 081.jpg
good morning all!

Gayle thanks for posting those pictures. They are great. By the time my battery charged Ellie was leaving and I never took any-:confused: Jacob is a great photographer!!

You sound like you had a busy day. So you let the boys play frisbee in the house. I'm laid back but not that much-lol

Well I am on my own again for the next 4 days. My husband went to another race meet. So its just me and the kids. And its supposed to rain again ALL WEEKEND!!! what's new!?!?!:(

I have my training session today and I will probably do cardio before it. It is chest and back today. Then I have to get to the store and get some Father's day gifts. I haven't a clue what to get my dad. What do you all get for your father? I am thinking maybe a GC to Foxwoods (a casino in CT that they love to go to) My mom's b-day is next thurs so it can be a combo gift.

I need to get ready to leave.
Have a dry and healthy day.
Good morning igrls!* Appologies for being MIA the last couple of days.* I have been crazy busy.* Tuesday I chaperoned the 4th grade field trip to the zoo til 2:30.* Then I co ran a Daisy meeting and picnic until 5.* After that DD baseball practice and then DS final baseball game and then awards and ice cream it was a late nite.* Today I am volunteering for field day at DS school.* STBX driving me mad.* Wants to know hwere I am all the time.* He was planning on telling kids I was out with my bf.* I wish I had a BF!* So dealing with him is taxing 24/7, dealing with his searching my car, checking my clothes that I wear it is a full time job.* ANyway enough of that!Gayle and Chrissy glad you had a great time.* Gayle your pics look awesome.* Chrissy post some pics.Jo, are you using a squat rack?* I am starting to realize I have the weakest glutes on the planet.* I squat with 12.5 pounds!* For those of you who are wondering the decimal is in the right place!* lolgot to run.* bbl
I found this article-thought is was interesting: I am only posting part of it because it is long.

Goal Setting for Hard Asses, by Dan John

Goal Setting: The Three "Generations"

I've discovered three generations of goal setting which break down very easy into three terms:
  1. Should
  2. Could
  3. Must
There's certainly a value to each level, but success in life and lifting only occurs during the "must" phase of goal setting. Let's go through each one by one.
The Should Phase

As we go through our first stages of life, we enter into a goal setting phase I call the "Should Phase."
  • You should go to a nice college.
  • You should get a job.
  • You should mow the lawn.
It all suggests a better approach to what you're doing. Most of us who lift weights and watch what we eat live in the "shadow of should." I went to a workshop and the speaker kept repeating "Don't should on yourself." It was funny the first time, but she did make a good point.

The "should" approach to goal setting is where most of us live as adults:
  • I should lose a couple of pounds.
  • I should get to the gym a little more often.
  • I should really try to keep an eye on my eating.
Basically, this approach is worthless. The person accepts the issue, then let's the problem slide past him as he reaches for the TV clicker and chips. If you read this article, you probably are beyond "should," but I bet you know a lot of people in your life who live in "should."
The Could Phase

The "could" phase is the beginning of the path to success. The concept behind "could" includes the belief and the knowledge that one might possibly be successful in taking these steps. Generally, when people start using "could," they seem to have a basic understanding of the path ahead of them. In fact, they may even know the destination.
  • You know, I could lose a couple of pounds. I could do the low carb thing.
  • You know, I should get to the gym a little more often. I could go right after work.
  • You know, I could keep an eye on my diet a little better.
Knowledge is power in the "could" stage. You know what to do, but just don't seem to find the power to do it.

And you know what: Not one thing I've written so far matters at all because to be truly great, you've got to make your goals "musts." And that, my friends, is the key to success in sports and training. Let's get to it then!
The Must Phase
The single best piece of diet advice I ever heard came from (don't laugh!) peak performance consultant Anthony Robbins.

Robbins got his advice from one of his clients. It's called the "Alpo Diet." Invite a dozen friends over to your house. Tell them that by the end of the month you're going to lose ten pounds. Tell them that if you don't, you'll eat the can of Alpo in front of them.

For the next week, every time you feel the urge to take a piece of chocolate from the cubicle next to you, reread the contents of the Alpo can. If someone offers you something smothered in goo, open the Alpo can and take a good deep sniff.

You see, this is the crux of goal setting: Rarely do people improve because of the pleasure of the goal; rather it's pain that sets them on a goal.
The Pleasure and the Pain
I use a simple, four-square chart for my athletes. I ask them to fill in the four boxes:
• What "pleasure" will you get if you "do" get your goals?
• What "pain" will you get if you "don't" get your goals?
You know, those are the obvious two, but it's these two questions that make the difference:
• What "pain" will you get if you "do" get your goals? (Be sure to reread that!)
• What "pleasure" will get if you "don't" get your goals?
I've worked with dozens of athletes with this simple chart and the remarkable thing about all of this work is that few athletes have much to say about the pleasure of getting their goals. "It would be nice to be an Olympian" certainly doesn't stir the imagination as much as "I'd have to eat a can of dog food if I fail."

Pain drives most goals! Someone might say "I can't run a mile." If I tell them their child is roped to the railroad tracks a mile away and they had to get there in less than ten minutes, they might run that mile! The pain of hurting or losing a child is inconsequential vis-a-vis their temporary issues of heart rate increases and sweating.

But does getting a goal cause pain? Oh, no question about that! Think about how many high school seniors will accept a college sports scholarship and then sneak away after less than a week of practice. The new level of competition causes obvious problems, but even smaller goals have issues:
  • Losing fat often means buying new clothes.
  • Becoming "Top Ten" often leads to the question, "When will you be number one?"
  • The diploma issue: Now I have a nice piece of paper, but no job and no idea of what to do!
Okay, so now you see that achieving a goal can cause "pain." But can a person experience pleasure from not reaching a goal? Obviously, the pleasure we get from failure must be greater than the successful completion of a goal, otherwise (and I'm trying to be nice) there wouldn't be anyone available to appear on those daytime television shows with subjects like "people who date their cousin's pets."

Think of how many athletic careers have been ruined by "love" ("Sorry guys, but I need to spend more time with Yolanda"), cars, boats or whatever eats up all the athlete's time and resources. For the record, I can understand why someone would trade making love for making weight for wrestling, but we have to at least realize that this is part of the issue with achieving goals. That stuff can certainly get in the way of accomplishment, so failing can be pleasurable in a sense. If you know this, you may be able to recognize and avoid it if you truly want to reach your goals.
Pain motivates most people much better than pleasure
Sorry, but it's true.

Making "Musts"
So, how do you make things a must? A couple of ideas:
First, put it out there: tell people what you want to do and enlist them to help. Talk to people who've done what you're attempting. Let them know what you want to do.
Second, grab the Alpo or whatever will stimulate you to "do or not do" what you have to do or not do. What in your life would bring you enormous pain? Here's an idea: If you don't lose those ten pounds, your brother sends in your application, signed and sealed, to join the Marine Corps or French Foreign Legion. I can guarantee that those ten pounds will come off in boot camp.
Or how about this: Post your "before" photo. Tell everyone when you're going to post your "after." Tell them that if you don't, they should keep bumping the shameful "before" until you come through with the "after."
Next, and this is the odd one, start "acting" like you've already achieved the goal. Hit the beach like you lost those ten pounds or buy new clothes with the goal in mind. (The brain is easy to fool; just go to Disneyland and look at what people wear.) Start acting like you've accomplished something and, often before you know it, you've accomplished it.

When you succeed or fail, generally, it comes back to the question that's plagued actors for a century: "What's my motivation?" Sniff some dog food and walk back to the squat rack!

So ladies- I promise I will eat a can of alpo if I don't lose 10 lbs by the RT.
Just kidding:p
OK...I have a 3oz can of Fancy Feast, Salmon right in front of me. Here are the ingredients:
fish broth, salmon, liver, wheat gluten, meat by-products, modified corn starch......do I need to continue.

I will EAT this can of cat food if I cheat even ONCE today. Just one cheat means I get the privilege of eating this yummy can of cat food. Oh JOY! :p

And THAT, my dear friends, will NOT happen! ;)

Chrissy, NO! I did not let them throw frisbee IN the HOUSE....just IN THE RAIN!!!!!!! :)

Ladies, I'm getting so impatient with Meso 3. Not that I don't like it, just that I want to be DONE and next week, I'll be DONE! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and I'm starting to crave other Cathe workouts like PUB/PLB and MM. I'll bide my time and finish up, I promise! I'm just not a very patient person, as you might already know!

Now, I have to go place this entree can front and center on my kitchen island for wandering palettes and eyes to see all day long! :)


p.s. Chrissy, THANKS for sharing that article, too!
Hi guys! Quick post before getting in the shower.

I did Disc 33 today (Shoulders, biceps & Triceps) and Med ball abs.

Gayle, great pictures! You all look so happy which equats to GREAT time! :eek:

Chrissy, thanks for posting that! Very interesting article. I'll comment more on that later.

Julie, nice to see you! Yes, I use a squat rack. You will get stronger!

Check in later with more comments!
Hi Guys,

I did LIC bardio time saver with the add on blasts, per your suggestion, Gayle, and I did it despite my sore legs fro plyo legs the day before....

I'm doing well workout wise, but eating has been a disaster this week. Everything is calling my name, and it isn't just the bad stuff, the good stuff too, and it feels like I'm a bottomless pit. Phew, I feel so bad having to fess up to that! I'm rather embarrassed to be admitting my lack of willpower and discipline, when I have done so well for the past five months. :( I don't know what to say, really, I want to say: help me, but really, I just need to snap out of it!!!!!

Today is ds' last day of school, ending with a pool party, isn't that perfect timing, now that I have a lot of bloat and such going on....

Well, I have to go and pack the picnick for the pool party.... Hopefully I'll feel a bit more conversational later...
Gayle- I don't know what I was thinking. I guess I saw 'house full of boys' then frisbee- the outside in rain didn't register. lol
Do you have a cat or did you just buy it to keep you motivated?!?!

Cendrine- I know what you are going through. (although I didn't get to my goal). Everytime I am about to get into the 120's I start eating out of control and blow it. I haven't figured out why yet. I have been doing ok this week but unfortunately the damage has been done. But I guess I have to adopt the clean slate policy, forgive myself, and move on. Good Luck.

I actually don't want this rotation to end. I have been so focused and disciplined with it. I think I may start up again right away. Maybe I'll play around with it a little. But the fact everything was laid out kept me focused and motivated.
And what does all this mean for our check in's? I will miss you guys if we stop.:(

Since you are back...What are you wanting for your P90X?


Sorry gals I did not even have time to read your posts yet!
I am trying to create an album, but I think my pixels are too large to upload. I cannot upload pictures that I took with my digital camera. Does anyone know what the problem is?

Here are my kids:
Ryan and Dylan. Not sure if this is going to work.


  • IMG000003.jpg
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yay-it worked. That one was taken by the computer so I didn't have a problem with that in my album but pictures I downloaded from my camera I can't seem to figure out.


I have seen it selling used for around 90 bucks on ebay. So how about 85 plus what ever it costs to ship to you, which is prob like 7 bucks. I paid 140 with shipping. Let me know.

Hey girls. Just a quickie post.....sis is in from N Carolina and we're hanging with the kids.

On the topic of maintenance. I have this very problem. I get to goal (or within 1/4 pound) and then the self sabotage kicks into HIGH GEAR! Why is that? Maintenance, for me as well as a few of you, IS harder than actually GETTING TO GOAL. Why do we do that to ourselves?

OK.....Relay for Life event is tomorrow, starting at noon and goes till Saturday at noon. We're all going....me, kids, sis, other sis, parents, and a lot of folks I know. I may not be around all that much tomorrow. I'll check in in the AM after my early workout. Then I'll play it by ear.

Thanks Chrissy and Gayle for your supportive comments. It is interesting how I felt ashamed to fess up and yet felt so good to have you guys comment! Chrissy, I am going to just forgive myself and move on. Starting with tomorrow. Here's to hoping I will not continue to sabotage myself, and if any of you ever figure out why we do it, please let me know!

Oh, by the way, Chrissy, thanks for posting your picture of your two cute sons! Love it! And I have a suggestion for our next check-in thread, when we are all done with our meso 3... How about: STS alumnis? We could check in with each other on whatever rotation each of us choses to do next and continue our friendships as likeminded workouters even if we are not following the same exact rotation.
OH! STS Alumni is AWESOME! What a cool suggestion, Cendrine!

And, on the topic of struggling....we can't withdraw from each other when we flail all over with our eating, or our workouts or whatever. Life is LIFE, right? The GOOD thing is that we are admitting to our short comings and our struggles and we're WORKING on it, and THAT is progress!


Gayle, I'm with you on Meso 3! Now that I know I'm only a week away, I'm ready to be done! I'm still thinking when I come back from vacation I'm going to try that June rotation.

Cendrine, I'm sorry you're having an eating struggle! BUT, don't stress, you have been good for so long! Also, it's over and done with so just move on.

Chrissy, what darling boys you have! They're cute little faces made me smile! I know you can get your eating under control too! How close are you to your goal weight?

I like the STS Alumni, but what if we called it STS 6M Alumni? Just a thought...either would work! Yes, I would hate for us all to just abandon after getting to know each other over these past few months. I look forward to checking in with all of you every day! :eek:

Hi Julie, Rachel, Mary and Kim! Who'd I forget?

Tomorrow is plyo legs! And then, like Gayle said, O N E M O R E W E E K!!! :cool:

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