6 Monthers, STS, Saturday


Good morning. Just getting us started for the day.

I may not check in anymore between now and Sunday night or Monday morning. I'm dropping DS as baseball practice for 10am and I have a book club meeting at the library at 10:30. We'll come home after practice, clean up, have lunch and I'd like to be on the road by 1pm today. It's about a 2.5-3 hour drive. I'm pretty much all packed up, except for the last few things for the cooler that I'll put in at the last minute.

Today is a rest day and I'm glad for it. We'll probably walk the boardwalk/beach later this afternoon and again tomorrow before the luncheon.

CLEAN EATS!!! Clean eats at the beach, at Disney Land, AT HOME!!!!!

OK.....I must go get a few things done around the house (like feed the hungry monsters....I mean kids).

I just did plyo legs (26) as cardio today. Wow. That was tough. My heart is still recovering after 30 minutes.

I posted this question in STS but no one answered:(-maybe someone here will have an idea. When you use the weighted vest and DB , what weight do you put down. Like for squats- if I use 25 lb db, do you put you used 25 + 5 (1/2 vest weight) or 25+10 (full vest weight). I think I screwed up my 1RM's. Anyone have any thoughts??

Have a great day.
Gayle have a great trip!! It is so nice you are getting together with Ellie and Jerry.

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Hi Guys,

Gayle, have a fun trip, and yes, I'm comitted to clean eats right along with you!

Chrissy, my best guess would be that since Cathe uses barbells (?) right? I would put down the total weight of vest and both dumbells together. I think the one rm calculator only splits the weights for dumbell moves, so if she does it with a barbell it would be total.

That's how I have figured it when for instance she does barbell extensions on the steps. I don't use barbells, so I just split the barbell weight given into two dumbells and work that way.

I hope that helps!

Jo, good job on working on perfecting your form. I am like you, my form is usually pretty good but I have been working harder at doing an extra good job, including putting my brain to the muscle I want to work and such, and I think that does increase the soreness.... which proves that the mind thing really works as well as the weights....

And I have, or I should say, my hubby has purchased CCV3-5 (those are the ones most of you have been talking about) ! My hubby is uploading them now on my mp3 so I can try one. I am going to try CCV3. I'll let you all know how I liked it after. Since it's a Saturday and the kids can be with hubby, I am going to try this workout on the treadmill today. Another time I figured I can try it on my bike (I have a little kid's seat on the back which will seat my little girl, she likes bike rides, and it will be a nice extra challenge for me, especially uphilll :)

Have a nice saturday, all!
Hi all! Today is scheduled rest day. However I have house cleaning, laundry and errands to do!

Gayle, I know you're already gone but have a great time!

Chrissy, I see what you're asking since the workout card is recording by db weight (assuming you're actually holding two dumbbells)...if it was me I would record db + 1/2 the vest.

Cendrine, I can't wait to hear what you think of CC! Okay, I'm finishing my coffee and getting busy.

Good morning to all! Also, considering yesterday was the first day of spring it still feels like winter. I woke up to sunshine this morning however it's only 29 degrees! But there's hope winter is over soon! :D:D

Hi Again!

well, I did CCV 3! I really enjoyed it! I did it without a heartrate monitor because I don't usually work out with one. I sure pushed myself a lot harder than I would have without the coach! But my left earpiece kept falling out....:mad: Will have to do something about that!

I felt so energized afterwards, it was amazing! I don't usually get the endorphin thing when I do step cardio, but I sure have them now! I ended with the stretch and proceeded to do the stability ball ab circuit. I acutally managed to do the pikes without falling off this time...:) But my form on them can still improve!

Chrissy, it sounds like Jo knows more of what you are talking about, concerning the vest and all, just ignore my post...:p

Ok, signing off.
Hi ladies!

Well, I ate so badly last night that if I ate this way every day, I'd gain 250 lbs in a year and I'm not kidding.:eek::eek::eek::eek:. Okay, so the rest of the weekend, I'm super good. I promise. But we had fun watching "The Devil Wears Prada" and "Spiderman 3". Today when we are done with chores we will watch "National Treasure 2". I have no idea whether it's any good or not, but the girls wanted to see it.

Today I plan to do Low max with a 5 lb med ball during the blasts. My back feels good, but I just want to avoid impact for a couple more days.

The seven kids isn't as hard as it sounds, because the older kids (14, 12, and almost 10) are very helpful and responsible. They help with the younger ones whilst I work out (and with lots of other stuff). Even the younger ones (7, 5, and 3) know to stay out of my way during my workout sessions--they can watch me from the couch or play in another room. The baby is the challenge, but she's really mellow and will just sit quietly on an older child's lap. Dh also helps out, so that I can exercise--it's my "me" time.

My big downfall is the house--I'm a terrible house keeper anyway and it always looks like a train wreck and I'm not exaggerating. Anyone who knows me in real life would tell you it's true:eek::p;).


Gayle--have fun at the beach. You rock with your clean eating:cool:. I cannot eat clean on any sort of vacation.

Cendrine--I am so looking forward to the next two weeks. 70% here we come:D. I've never been to Disney Land, but it sounds fun. Maybe someday....

Kim--I have mixed feelings about the scale, but all in all, weighing everyday seems to hold me accountable. I'm also able to see patterns in my weight loss and in water retention. It can throw me for an emotional loop though and that's the downside. Good luck with deciding about the scale! (I measure once a month too and that helps keep perspective)

Jo--bummer on the root canal:(. I really need to go to the dentist. Have fun cleaning (I should be doing that now, but I'm holding a sleeping babe--that's my excuse;))

Mary--hope you had fun shopping. Have you done well with the clean eating? I hope to from here on out.

Belinda--good work on your workout. I'd like to try cardio coach, but since we are one of only five families in the US with dial-up:eek::confused::p, the down-loading part sounds not doable right now.....(it's our plan to upgrade this year--researching the options....)

Chrissy--hope you found an answer to your question. I can't wait for the plyo legs. I plan on using both them and the squat rack legs during meso 3.

Hi to everyone else!

Hi Everybody,

Just checking in to say Hi! I was really in the mood to run today, and so I did CCV7 for the 1st time. The full length, including the stretch is 72 minutes. OMG, I am totally, totally drained. Not really liking how my body is feeling at this point, almost sick to my stomach kind of feeling
. I definitely pushed past my comfort point. I am sooooo going to take tomorrow off and rest.

I did follow my eating plan all week, so I had a cheat with my dinner tonight. Considering the treadmill said I burned a bajillion calories with my workout, I had absolutely no guilty feelings what-so-ever :eek::eek:.

We were scheduled to go out with friends this evening, but one of the gals was not feeling well, so I backed out also. I don't do that very often, but I just wasn't up to visiting tonight. I think I'm starting to feel my age
. Sorry if I'm sounding like a downer
. I promise I will be better tomorrow!!!

It sounds like everybody is doing so well with their workouts. I AM SO PROUD OF THIS GROUP!!! I am really struggling with having to break away from the ladies I work out with at the gym when we get to Meso 2 & 3. We have had to supply all of our own weights for the room that we use at the gym, except for the balls and barbells. They have given us a locked storage area that we keep our weights in, but there is no additional room for more weights. The storage area has to be locked because some of our weights have walked away (stolen). I'm at the point that I need 35's and 40's but there is just no more room. I tried to use my plate mates, but it's just not working. I'm also ready to purchase a squat rack and a vest for the heavier lifting to come. Bottom line is that it would be so much easier for me to do Meso 2 and 3 at home, but I don't want to let everybody down. I know we'll end up working this thing out, but it's been sitting heavy on me right now (Once again, sorry to be such a downer).

I think I might just take a hot bath tonight and unwind. Hope everybody is having a great weekend, and I'll check back tomorrow with a much better attitude!!!

Hi Mary,

I am still totally pumped from doing CCV3 today, but I was soaked! I can't imagine doing 72 minutes of it! I would feel like you and you definitely have earned your cheat! Way to go for sticking with the whole workout!

Do you use a heartrate monitor for the CC? I am thinking I might try wearing one once or twice to see if I actually push myself enough or too much, because I have no idea what % of heartrate I am at at any given point except that I know I'm huffing and puffing or comfortable, but that is not a very exact gauge...:)

I liked CCv3 so much I will want to do it again next cardio day! Thanks all of you for getting me going on it!

And don't feel bad for backing out of the evening planned with friends, I actually did the same thing Thursday, I just really needed an early night and I think it is good that we listen to our bodies, no guilt!

Sorry to hear about the weights being stolen, that would make me mad too!

Is there any way you guys can all work out at someone's home? I don't have space to accomodate weights beyond my own, but if you have a workout room maybe you do? I hope you figure out a good solution, I applaud you guys for doing this together! I have no workoutfriends who are reliable enough to actually commit to something like this let alone walking regularly...:(

We tried a new restaurant tonight. It's called the veggie grill. Man, was it good! And it was all clean! I don't know where you guys are all from and if there is a branch of this restaurant close to any of you, but we sure enjoyed it and would recommend it to anyone! When my husband, my kids and I all love it, it really is a winner!

I hope you feel better tomorrow, Mary, and no workouts for you!
Cendrine, I am so excited to hear you liked CC! I did CCV5 yesterday for the first time and I was really worked out! :D I am so happy I bought these! For some reason I feel I'm pushing myself harder than when I do Spinervals, but it could be that I'm focused on me and the music and not watching a DVD...I dunno. I did wear my HR monitor and I was up there! (I only use it sometimes but was curious.) I can't wait until the weather gets warmer and I can try these running. They definitely work great on my spinning bike! :D:D:D:p

Anyway, tomorrow is Disc 10 again for week 2 of week 4. :p

Sorry, but this will be a quick fly by post from me. Woke up with a doozy of a headcold:mad: Yuck! Went car shopping for a couple of hours all doped up on cold medicine then came home and slept for a few hours. Then decided I was well enough to do disc #10 :rolleyes:, I'm such an obsessive-compulsive about keeping to a schedule. Now I feel even worse.
Hi Everybody,

Just checking in to say Hi! I was really in the mood to run today, and so I did CCV7 for the 1st time. The full length, including the stretch is 72 minutes. OMG, I am totally, totally drained. Not really liking how my body is feeling at this point, almost sick to my stomach kind of feeling
. I definitely pushed past my comfort point. I am sooooo going to take tomorrow off and rest.

I did follow my eating plan all week, so I had a cheat with my dinner tonight. Considering the treadmill said I burned a bajillion calories with my workout, I had absolutely no guilty feelings what-so-ever :eek::eek:.

We were scheduled to go out with friends this evening, but one of the gals was not feeling well, so I backed out also. I don't do that very often, but I just wasn't up to visiting tonight. I think I'm starting to feel my age
. Sorry if I'm sounding like a downer
. I promise I will be better tomorrow!!!

It sounds like everybody is doing so well with their workouts. I AM SO PROUD OF THIS GROUP!!! I am really struggling with having to break away from the ladies I work out with at the gym when we get to Meso 2 & 3. We have had to supply all of our own weights for the room that we use at the gym, except for the balls and barbells. They have given us a locked storage area that we keep our weights in, but there is no additional room for more weights. The storage area has to be locked because some of our weights have walked away (stolen). I'm at the point that I need 35's and 40's but there is just no more room. I tried to use my plate mates, but it's just not working. I'm also ready to purchase a squat rack and a vest for the heavier lifting to come. Bottom line is that it would be so much easier for me to do Meso 2 and 3 at home, but I don't want to let everybody down. I know we'll end up working this thing out, but it's been sitting heavy on me right now (Once again, sorry to be such a downer).

I think I might just take a hot bath tonight and unwind. Hope everybody is having a great weekend, and I'll check back tomorrow with a much better attitude!!!


Mary, I am so sorry to hear you overdid! Yes, take that rest day! I have to be careful not to overdo as it sets me up for a migraine. Take your hot bath and relax!

Sounds like you have a tough choice to make about working out and it's probably compounded since you're not feeling well! Relax and you'll hopefully have a different perspective tomorrow!

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