6 Monthers, STS, "clean slate" Thursday








....know what that is???? It's us taking the EATEN out of CHEATEN! (good one, Jo)


LOL Yeah, Jo, I'm feeling MUCH BETTER! Not sure if it's knowing that I'm not the only one who has these issues now and again, or that it's a bright sunny Thursday morning, or what. But I feel like the light switch has been flipped back to the "KICK ASS" mode! lol :eek: Was the ME swearing? WIll the filters on these boards allow my to print that? LOL

ANd Jo, just for the record, I missed you too!

Mary, how's that muscle tweek???? Doing okay today?

SO.....it's Thursday and we ALL have a clean slate. It's all in the past and you have to put 'your behind in the past'. lol That's a Lion King line. :)

I got up today, thank goodness. I heard the alarm, and STILL can't figure out what went wrong with it yesterday (or what went wrong in my head, lol). So I finished Meso 2 with disc 24 Back & Bis and I'm a bit sad. Sad to tuck that DVD case on my shelf. Cardio tomorrow finished out this Meso, OFFICIALLY for me. I have to admit, though, that I'm looking forward to a week full of cardio and body-weight exercises for my Recovery Week. Nice break before the killer Meso 3.

Today's plan looks like this: clean my friend's house, school/work, cut the grass (YUCK YUCK), grill dinner, DS baseball game. Not bad, right? ;)

We got our first veggie harvest from the farm yesterday and I'm stoked! I have a head of lettuce, a bag of spinach, some green onions and a bunch of broccoli. I also picked up a pound of fresh asparagus (not sure why they don't include that in our weekly bag, but I bought a pound from them and it's no biggie). I still have 2 servings of Tuscan Chicken Soup, as well as about 6 salsa chicken wraps and the homemade greek yogurt (I like to call it yo-cheese). So I'm STOCKED and HAVE NO REASON TO STAY CLEAN TODAY!

Who's with me?



The sun is shining here this morning, with temps expected in the mid 80's. This is my kind of weather!!!! To celebrate the warm day, I am sporting a brightly colored skirt, tank top and some black heels to round out the outfit. I'm feeling pretty fiesty today, and ready to tackle any challenge that comes my way, even with heels on :p:p:p! BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!!

TODAY IS MY FRIDAY (YEAH BABY), and our office is closed on Monday for the Holiday, so I am really excited about the 4 day weekend.

Gayle - My pulled muscle has not yet been a problem for me today. I will attempt the Scrambled Cardio for BM2 when I get home tonight, and that will be the true test if I need to slow down or not. I have been very fortunate not encountering an injury with this series, especially with the heavier weights I'm using. I injured my shoulder about 2 years ago, and it took a long time for that to heal, so I have been super careful with my form, especially with shoulder work.

I love the CH chant!!! Anytime we think of cheating, all we need to do is chant CH, CH, CH, CH, CH, CH. We might get some funny looks, but it might help!!! lol!! As a matter of fact, I think I did that chant several times when I was in labor :confused::confused:!!

Ok everybody, you know my routine! Work is calling and it's time to get busy. I will check back tonight when I get home and say Hi to each of you. Enjoy your day, and stay strong. We don't need any more confessionals this week!!!!

Good morning ladies!!

I am so excited I did 45 minutes on my elipse!! WOO-HOO!!!! and Ab circuit medicine ball.

My legs don't hurt nearly as much as they did last Thursday after disc 14. Yesterday I took the Glutamine in water right after the workout rather than in my smoothis which takes me 30 minutes to drink. I did still include it in my smoothie.

Got to run much to do today.

Good Morning All! :p

Gayle, you made me nearly spit my coffee! Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch! (Glad you liked that!) :eek: Yippee to you for completing Meso 2! Yipppeeee!!! I'm almost with you! I did my 2nd round of Disc 22 today. We were supposed to have left today for Montana, but our friends are coming here tonight as one has a Dr appt in Seattle tomorrow. So I may still be able to get my workouts in.

Mary, I meant to comment about your thigh last night but got caught up in the cheatin! :p I hope you are okay and your leg works for you! Scrambled cardio will be a great test! Happy Friday Thursday to you! ;)

Julie, you are back on track! Great job on the workout! You even sound excited! Nothing like a little cardio to kick in a good mood!

Okay, I'm off to the shower! The sun is shining and it looks like blue skies are coming my way!

Hello to everyone that follows and hope you all have GREAT workouts today! :eek:
Hi Guys,

I did double cardio premix from 4DS again and abs. Still needed to talk myself through it, but I did it!

Gayle, your veggies sound yummy!

Mary, I have started going to a chiropractor about a year an a half ago and I have never regretted it! It's amazing what they can do for me! I didn't have time to go this week, so it will have to wait until next week, in the meantime I do advil and heating pad and I'm doing comparatively well. Thanks for suggesting the chiropractor, if I wasnt' already doing it I would go now! Your outfit sounds pretty. I bet you will get some comments on those nice arms!

Jo, thanks for your concern for my back as well. You all are a caring bunch!

Julie, high fives for the cardio! Concerning the glutamine powder, my chiropractor actually recommends eating it between meals or a little before aworkout instead of with a meal. Not sure if it has somethign to do with absorbability or somthing. Anyway, t his week I have been taking it 30-45 min before my workout with water. I'm assuming it will take a bit for me to see if it really works and helps. My legs always are less sore the second round too!

I am feeling a bit low energy this week, i think my body wants my rest week two weeks early...:)

I am thinking of doing absolutely nothing this rest week.... what do you think?

Does anyone have the stretch max dvd? I might consider doing the stretch workout during rest week, but not sure that I want to buy it just for the week.
Hi Again Everybody!!

I was going to run some errands on my lunch hour, but decided to catch up on some computer playtime (that would be you gals)!!!

I think many of our residents that we work with have started an early vacation, because our phones are very quiet today. That's a beautiful thing!! I'm actually getting some of the piles on my desk reduced!!

Cendrine-I do have the stretch max dvd and I love it!!! All 3 segments are about 20 minutes in length, and you will feel soooo good after finishing any of them. My current fave is the stability ball stretch. There are several moves that actually have me moaning because it feels so good, especially on the back :p:p:p. I believe the rest week was put in for us to actually REST and recharge for the following week. I think we all know to listen to our bodies, and if yours is saying it needs the full week to recoup, then take it without any guilt attached. Personally, I would try to incorporate some stretching in, and even taking some walks with the kids would fit the bill. On another note, because I don't deal with the public very often, I can dress very casual at work. I normally wear nice jeans or capris to work everyday, so when I do wear a skirt or dress, I definitely like to show off my legs and arms that I have worked so hard for ;);)! WHY NOT!!!!!!

Julie-I Love to hear you WOOO-HOOOING!! Maybe that glutamine powder is helping after all. I wish we were still on the same week rotation, but you will really like disc 16-18. I absolutely love the 2nd week rotation for each disc. I'm ready for the moves, and know exactly what weight to use. I usually have to do a little tweeking during the first week to get the weights just right. Have a great day, and remember our CH, Ch, CH, CH chant when the mood strikes to cheat!!!!

Jo-I didn't realize you were leaving so soon for another trip. How long will you be gone this time? I'm envious!!! We don't have a lot of travel plans scheduled this year, so I will just have to be content listening to you update us on what you did on your vacations!! If I don't get a chance to post later tonight, have a great time, and maybe this time you can fit in a little R & R!!!

Gayle-I had to laugh a few days again. My DH was telling me that he was going out to mow the lawn, and immediately "YUCK" popped into my head!! lol!! I wonder where that came from! lol! I don't think I'll ever hear anyone say, mow the lawn, without YUCK coming into play!!! On your 1st post today, you mentioned that "you have no reason to stay clean today"!! Was that a mis-quote, or are you trying to tell us something??? Either way, have a great day!!

Hi Chrissy, Rachel and Kim. Hope the sun is shining on all of you. Well, work is calling again, so I'll sign off for now!!

Top of the morning to you Cendrine! :D

I have Stetch Max and love it! My favorite is the band segment but they are all good! I use this more than the STS stretch. I have to say...I highly recommend it! :)

I'm thinking about doing nothing during rest week also! We've all been at this a long time and we've been doing really really good...a week of nothing sounds enticing!
Oh Mary, hello! We were posting at the same time! Yes, this was why I was trying to double up on my workouts so I wouldn't get way off schedule! But as it turns out, our friends from MT are showing up here tonight because of an appt tomorrow; so everyone will be at my "not cleaned" house! This change just happened or I would have been cleaning! Oh well...a little spot clean will have to suffice.
:eek:OMG! Mary......that is TOTALLY a typo on my part! lol Good catch, woman!!! Also, was it YOU that said they signed up to help out with something because she knew I would!?!?!?!? Don't be passing blame to ME! You can say NO just like every other person/parent out there....but then, of course, you'd be just like every other person/parent out there.

Jo, so when DO you leave???

I'm taking a quick break from cutting the grass (TRIPLE YUCK) to do homework with the kids and enjoy a yummy salad with tuna (TRIPLE YUMMO)! Then it's back out to finish. My dad's employee came while I was out there and he tilled my garden for me....I'm SUPER excited. When I get some time with the kids, we're going to hit the local green house and pick out our veggies. Then this weekend we'll finally plant the veggie garden. HEAVEN!

Gotta scoot!


Late checkin for me ladies. I guess now I have one less word in my vocabulary:D.CH CH CH

Let me tell you, I must be hell on blenders. Last Saturday I broke one (kitchen aid) and so I went to a local kitchen store because I wanted a good one but I can not afford a vitamix right now. My trusty sales lady so me aon a Waring Pro. It looks great, just has 2 speeds , low and hi, so I thought this should be great. Well today as I proceeded to make my 3rd shake with it (much needed after disc 20), the blade sheared off at the stem!:mad: Let me tell you I was not a happy camper. I didn't care too much about the blender breaking, it was that my shake experience was not going to be the same! Do you know what I mean? I am such a creature of habit. Just like the clean eating, I am great for 3 weeks and then my body and mind just get off that horse and it keeps going and I am eating dirt. I am still struggling this week but all your posts about ch ch ch. are helping me. That is why I am in here typing instead of in there eating!
What I hate is when you slip a little and then you bloat alot!:eek: What is that? Why can't you just bloat a little:D My body is a cantankerous old girl sometimes and likes to really punish me!

Now enough about me...

Gayle-First off, I can not imagine how hard living through the death of your husband must have been. I saw my MIL lose her husband at a young age, 36,
and it was so hard to watch. Her sons were grown, though, and that was there step dad, so she did not have the worries that you do. So in saying that, I can not even believe you had snacks in your house;)! I think I have been on this forum pretty much everyday for those 8 weeks and you have been so good! I did not think there was a sugar cube within 50 yds of your house:p. Sometimes we just have to let go and I think you earned yours! I have none of your worries or responsibilities and if I did I probably would not be no where near as strong. You go girl!
Now that you have all of those veges, you won't be able to cheat because you would feel to badly about them going to waste! I am so proud to call you my friend!

Cendrine-Those cookies sounds so good and healthy too. How do they go over with the kiddos? I am with you this week on the low energy, although, when I get up in the morning I am scraping and then somehow miraculously when I get started on my workout I get a surprising boost. I do have a dilemma I was wondering if you had a suggestion for a healthier version of hummingbird cake. My friends DH is having a b-day and I am the commisioned cake baker. I would like to make a lightened version that doesn't scream low fat. Any suggestions aside from using light cream cheese.

Mary-Like I said up there ^, I am such a creature of habit! If I don't workout in the morning, for one my day would be wrecked and for two, I would not have the energy most days in the evening. I have a very physical job and by the end of the day all I want to do is relax. Even though we have not been working I have been trying to keep my regime of getting up early, although instead of 4am, I have been lingering in bed till about 5 am. But even if I have to get up at 3:30 I will do it just to make sure I get that workout in. Of course then I am no fun to be around that evening:p

Jo- You are a clever one! First, little squirt guns, and now Ch. What will you come up with next? You give me such a laugh! :D I am such a stickler when it comes to having company and having a clean house. I am also bad about taking the day off before we are going on a vacation to clean the house. I hate coming home to a dirty house and then a mountain of laundry on top of that! I hope you have a great time in Montana but I hope you get to get your workout in first:p

Julie-I am so glad that it sounds like the glutamine is working for you! Nothing is harder for me then waking up with really bad leg doms and trying to get those legs to work for cardio that day. I have not had them that debilitating except for the first weeks of each meso. Then after that I just get what I would cal normal doms. Where you feel it in all the right places but you can still function.:D I hope the glutamine is the magic you needed!

Ok guys, I am sorry that was so long winded. That is what happens when I skip my morning post!:eek: Good thing this is not twitter right! (Not that I know how to twitter:eek:) Sorry not a techy! I will give someone else a chance to speak now:p

Hello again, and for the last time tonight.

I'm so glad we're all here, in this fight together. You ladies ROCK.....the support this week have been much needed by all of us, in many ways. So THANK YOU to you guys for just understanding.

I just finished my last meal of the day (yo cheese with Kashi Go Lean cereal) and it's oh so yummy.

Rachel, you're right about the veggies...I'd feel HORRIBLE if any of them went to waste. And thank you for your kinds words about my situation. THere are times that just eating anything I want, whenever I want, is a way for me to release myself from the ALWAYS being "on", if that makes any sense.

Cendrine, any good recipes or ideas for fresh spinach? I looked thru some of my cookbooks and found a recipe for a Spicy Spinach Stew that looks really good. I think I might make that if you don't have any good recipes to share! ;)

Jo, enjoy your company. And I'm with you on Stretch Max....I LOVE the band segment best and could do it by heart if needed!

OK......I'm going to get to bed early tonight. Just because. I'm so excited to plant our garden this weekend!!!

Rachel...so are you taking that new blender back? I have not been lucky with blenders either. My current one is a Proctor Silex I bought at Home Depot for a song last summer. It's not great, but great for protein shakes and it hasn't broken, leaked or tossed it's goodies at me!

Let me clarify about our weekend. Our MT company came here instead of us going to MT as one of them has Dr appt in Seattle tomorrow. So they are staying with us until Monday and then we'll go there sometime next month. So, hopefully I'll still be able to get a workout(s) in! (They don't mind!). I'll post when I can! Otherwise you all have a GREAT WEEKEND! The summer is about to begin! Yippeee!!!!

Gayle, you have a great big fun time gardening! I've been eating so much raw food lately I'm thinking we need to plant more vegetables. We usually have a few (zucchini, potatoes, green beans, peppers and of course tomatoes!) but there's always room for more! We also have two young apple trees, a pear tree and a cherry tree. They don't yield large crops yet. Last year I had 50 lbs of apples (they are little and cute) and that is my biggest lot so far.

Okay, off to bed! I need to sign off before Gayle is up and starting Friday's checkin! :eek: Good Night all!

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