6 Month Alumni Check-in for Jan 24-30


Just getting us started!

How was the baby shower Cendrine??

I can't believe I'm getting ready to start week 4 of this STS rotation. This week looks intense! Is everyone planning on a taking a full recovery week afterwards? I'm thinking of only taking about 4 days so that I finish STS before the kids' spring break as we might go away for a few days.

I enjoyed my rest day yesterday. I watch DH and ds do disc 8 together. Then ds decided to do MMA Fusion by himself:) I was watching him and couldn't believe how fast he got down on the floor and up again!! I guess it's his youth and maybe also his goalie skills from hockey.
Hi Everybody!

I can't believe it's already Sunday evening and I'm thinking about the work week starting up again. I really don't know where the time went!!! My DH had to work this weekend, so I stayed pretty close to home and caught up on shopping & cooking for the week. I did spend a lot of time on Cathe's nutrition site where you can create a meal plan that you are graded on. Not sure if any of you ladies tried this software before, but I signed up for 2 months and have calculated my meals for the past 3 days. I think I had close to all F's when I put in my normal daily menu :(:(:(, so after lots of changes in my meal plan, I am proud to say I am straight A's in many of the categories. I'm trying to lose a few pounds, and get my eating in line again, and I think this software program will help get me there. I honestly thought I was eating pretty healthy, but was totally surprised at my original results. I even got out my scale that has been sitting dormant for the past few years. I have a love/hate relationship with my scale, and I am currently in the hate phase. I am hoping that will change soon

HI KIM - I think during the rest week I'm going to take a week off from lifting, but will alternate days of high/low cardio. I am really missing my running on the treadmill, so I'm thinking of alternating 3 days of running and maybe throw in a lower body workout during the off week. I still have the 2 extra days that I workout in the office, so I'll be active, just not with lifting!! It isn't the ladies at my office that are making me feel guilty about their weight gain, it was the ladies that I use to work out with at the gym prior to the STS series coming out. One of the ladies from the gym is coming over for the soup cook-off next weekend, and she always makes a comment about how fit I look, and how she just can't do it without my encouragement. I'm letting it flow off of me, because I do enjoy her friendship as long as we are not talking about fitness.

HI CENDRINE - Thank you so much for the Almond Joy Fudge recipe. I was hoping to make it this weekend, but it will have to wait just a little longer. I want to go this whole week following my new nutritional plan, so sweets are on hold until I get into a flow with my eating regimen. I had to laugh about your kids at the grocery store. I remember those times well with my DS, I think I was even guilty of bribing him with a candy bar just to get him to settle down :confused::confused::confused:.

HI RACHEL - MMA Fusion had me rewinding a few times trying to get the ab work down. I have the hardest time going from a crunch and then flipping into a push-up move, and Cathe seems to be doing more of those moves in this series. I still love all of the workouts!!! I'm with Kim in believing that Week 4 is going to kick our butts!!!! I have found 40/20 to be my hardest workout so far, and I have that scheduled for Tuesday. Do you have a punching bag? I hate to buy one for just for the heavy bag bonus workout. I tried doing the heavy bag workout without the bag, using a support post in my basement as my visual point. Somehow it definitely lacked the intensity that the bag would bring.

HI JO - I was also hoping to make your soup recipe this weekend, but as with Cendrine's coconut treat, it just didn't happen. I have no idea what others are bringing in way of soup for the contest. We will have a total of 8 soups, and most of my competitors are good cooks. The bottom line is that I was really looking forward to having a party, and I thought a soup cook-off sounded like a lot of fun. The group that I have coming are all different ages, but it should be a really fun mix of people. I'm asking everyone to bring the recipe for their soup, so I will some new soup recipes to get me through the winter.

OK everybody, I need to do a little work on the computer before settling in for the night. Enjoy your evening and we'll talk soon..

Hi Girls,

late check in for me too. Life can get pretty busy sometimes...

Kim, I'm amazed at the speed and intensity ds does stuff too, it's so amazing to see what they are capable of! I'm glad you enjoyed your rest day! How's your evening snacking going? Thanks to our challenge I have been doing amazingly well and am so encouraged about that! Lots of self control I didn't think I would muster up.

Mary, I was fascinated by Cathe's nutrition program but didn't get it. I still love the whole thought of it and it might be fun for me to punch in my stuff some time to see how I measure up now that I am having green smoothies every morning and salads with dinner every night. I did a quiz assessment on the website that I got my green smoothies recipes from and I was like you, I thought I was doing pretty well especially compared to the people around me but the assessment said I should get my affairs in order....:eek: Well, forward 4months and I am not scoring a 96 out of 100!:cool: Not that I needed the qiuz to make me want to eat better but it did kind of help me see things in perspective. After all, just because I eat better than most in my surrounding doesn't mean that there isn't room for improvement... LOL!
Your soup cookoff sounds fun, if I lived in your neighborhood I would love to participate!

Rachel and Jo, I hope you are off having fun!
Hi Everyone! Sorry I was MIA all weekend! Here's a quick recap of my weekend:

Yesterday, rest day...however NO rest for me! I was up and out of the house and to my favorite place...the mall! You know I'm not a shop a-holic just sometimes I LOVE the energy of the mall. And the place where I shop is huge! Anyway, my nephew is getting married this coming Friday (in Oregon), so I had to go get their gift, card, etc. and then was looking for an outfit for me. :D But what actually happened was I started at the small mall nearby and then came home and then decided I had to go to the big mall as I was in the MOOD! Then as we've dug further into our healthy cooking, I found myself at all the kitchen shops from Pennys to Macy's to Williams Sonoma, (and so on and so on) just looking at food processors and slicers and knives and tools and cook books and...and.... I didn't get home until 7:00! Then we made big salads (everyone was waiting for me!) and I mixed up some of that black bean salsa to chill.

Then today, I got up and did Disc 10, made the tortilla chips to put in the dehydrator, cleaned house, then we went to Costco, Albertsons and PCC (like Whole Foods only closer to my house). So spent all afternoon grocery shopping! My tortilla chips are even better than the first time. I know better how thick they should be etc., and they came out more crunchy. Then finally got the laundry going and really just sat down for the first time and it's almost time to go to bed! Anyway, I guess I am ready for bed!

Kim, yes YOUTH! A got a chuckle out of DS and Fusion! Yep, I think we all want to be better at that one! LOL! I know isn't it a shock we're in week 4? I'm glad we're wrapping up end of this week since I have to be gone. I will have to miss my Friday workout so may try and tack a double in this week. But I don't know since the workouts have really been working me!

Mary, I'll try and find my kale soup recipe for you. That one could be a winner for you! It's easy to make (well they all are!) and everyone always loves it! I haven't tried Cathe's nutrition program so will be interested in how you like it overall. Good job on the straight A's!!!

Cendrine, you smoothie girl you! How is your back this weekend? And how was the shower? I'm pretty excited about your new endeavor and wish I could be one of your taste testers! I hear ya though about how much time you actually have to devote to it. I'm really having fun though with the new recipes I'm finding. I have this "cheese whiz" recipe I'll send you that is made from macadamia nuts, coconut oil, etc. That was one of the things I was getting all the ingredients for today. Haven't made it yet but I understand it's great to use as a spread or by itself. I would have made tonight but ran out of time.

Rachel, where did you go? Hope you're having a good weekend! I'm thinking you're having great weather and started working on that mud room!

Okay, I'm off to bed...talk to you all tomorrow!
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Good Morning Good Morning...The first was for yesterday:eek:!

So sorry I missed my post ...I was so busy...Nothing fun Jo like working on the mud room...It is tax time around here and I was getting everything in order. Then I had to run to town for groceries and returns and then back home to prepare meals for the week and dinner last night. I was so busy I just never had time to get on the comp.
I did want to tell yall I made the tortellini soup from the recipe forum and it is great. I didn't have fresh tort. so I par boiled what I had and then add it in the pot about 6 min. before it was done. I also added the rind of a parm.cheese and of course kale for more nutrition...;) Jo.

It was disc 10 today and it really kicked my butt! When I went to get my towel off the hook for my shower this morning, I thought it was caught on something...nope , my arms and shoulders were just not ready to lift nothing else...lol it felt so heavy!
I was needing about 2 hrs more sleep I think...haha I am definitely taking the week off from lifting next week. I will probably put in some of my favorite cardio's and mix in some stretch and yoga on the off days. That is what I am leaning toward right now...

I am running late this morning so I will BBL for personals!

I hope you all have a great day!!!
Jo, what a fun weekend you had! Please keep the recipes coming, I'm interested in all of them and if you get the chance I would love the modified onion bread recipe too. I am going to try your tortilla chip recipe next because I made mine this weekend and maybe I didn't spread it thick enough or something, but I was a bit disappointed.... So I will tinker with yours.

The baby shower was fine, my navigator had me going all over the place so I got there late.... Butt he baby was darling, you forget how small and sweet they are!

Rachel, you are soo good about making your meals ahead! Nice work! It's good to get taxes out of the way! I'm very spoiled, dh takes care of all that and I will be completely clueless if I ever have to do it!

My back is holding up well it seems. I'm kind of taking the STS approach planning on slight weight increases every other week, so I have one more week of the same weights and then next week I want to try to up it. I hope it works!
Woohoo! I think I might have a few days off!
Maybe even longer who knows...I could have to go to work tomorrow but as of right now there is nothing on the schedule...I am so fickle that by next week if we are not working I will be jumping out of my skin but for right now I am going to try to plan to enjoy it...haha I am such a planning procrastinator...I think that is one of my downfalls...I am a sucky planner when it comes to vacations and projects...And even meal plans if I am home all week. Now isn't that weird...I am better about planning meals if I have very little time to waste. The more time I have the worse I am...:rolleyes::p:D
I am hoping the weather stays good and we can do some more mudroom prep. I like to get a lot of this stuff done now while it is too cool for spiders...I don't mind a spider as long as he or she is not crawling on me but we are going to have to do a little work under the porch and right now would be the time for that. I wish yall could all help me decorate it when it is done...of course we are a ways off from that!

Well tomorrow is the big day...40/20...I am wondering if I have built up any endurance...I hope so. At least tomorrow I will be able to really wake up before I go in there and get to it so maybe I will be fully awake and energized...keeping my fingers crossed!

Kim-You are right about the intense week...I have not tried Athletic Step or Circuit Blast so this week should be interesting...
We did not get any hail damage thank goodness, but our county had several tornadoes. Some were really bad. So we were really fortunate in that respect for sure.
I think boys are so much better at the technique than girls are on the majority. Not saying that girls are not good at it but I think it comes more naturally to the guys. Dh still amazes me...He doesn't work out on a regular basis by any means and he is still pretty spry. lol

Mary-Do keep us posted on how you think the nutrition guide works for you. I always wanted to hear some feedback about it. I am sure my score would be atrocious if I were to try it. Like Cendrine, I know I eat better than almost everyone I know, if not everyone, but I know I do not get the vitamin intake and the variety I need. It is hard to prepare a lot of different veges for one though...and DH is just not coming over to my side on that one...My hardest move to get in the MMA Fusion is where you come up from a triangle hold and then kick out into the squat. I am sure I do not look very graceful when doing that...but I am trying to be better.
You will have to post any good healthy soup recipes...I am always in need of something to freeze!

Cendrine-I know exactly how you feel about going to the baby shower and not really knowing anyone... I am not a social butterfly...Of course until I have a glass of wine which I try not to do that often esp...not appropriate probably for a baby shower..haha. When I get invited to stuff like that , I want to say " Really it won't hurt my feelings if you do not invite me" Is that terrible?
I think you are taking a really smart approach with how you are increasing your weights a little at a time. I know you have probably said this before but I do not know if I missed it or how I might have missed it. But how did you injure your back? Sorry if I missed that.

Jo-It sounds like you had a full day of shopping or looking...whichever you did more of!:DDid you come home with anything you couldn't live without? I wish we had more kitchen stores here. We only really have one but it is my favorite place. It is a kitchen store in the front and a cooking kitchen in the back. They do cooking classes there and then you get to eat what you cook. Dh and I have went a few times and it is my favorite thing to do in town. It is so much fun. It is only big enough for about 16 people and they bring in different kinds of chefs from all around. I am telling you , I just love it. I think after this post I am going to go see if they have anything fun coming up!

Well I am off to see what I can get in to. I hope yall are having a great day!

Hi Everyone!
Quick note. Today and tomorrow are year-end financial meetings so had to be here early today. I'm hoping I can get 40/20 in when I get home! :confused: Then tomorrow I have to be back here at 5:30 a.m. for conference call and you know I won't be getting up to workout before that!!! Anyway, I'll get my workouts in somehow! So, I'm feeling very tired and would like a nap! I just hate getting up early yet I love getting up early (I'm a conumdrum! HA!)

Oh yeah Rachel...like you think I could EVEN DO that move on Fusion??? Talking about not looking pretty. I gave those my best shot and know I have lots of room for improvement!

Cendrine, I'll get the recipes to you in the next day or two....glad you're continuing to improve!

Talk to you all later!

Sorry to run...
Not the greatest day, a funeral in a blizzard. The wind was howling, the snow was falling so thick that you could hardly see across the street, many many tears and lots of hugs. Actually I feel better now, it was so good to see friends and spend time together. Even if we had to shovel each other's cars out from the church parking lot.

Came home and fell asleep on the couch, I was wiped out. Then dd and I did Hiit 40/20 and I did STS stability ball abs. I did much better on some of the pikes than I remember being able to do before.

Jo With that schedule I don't think you will be able to get a double workout in! Don't worry about it, just tack an extra day on to the rotation.

Rachael How did 40/20 go? I think ds's goalie trainig helps, you should see how fast he can get up and down off the with full equipment and skates:D So I guess wearing short and shoes is super easy.

Cendrine So what workouts are you going to try this week?

Mary I did try 30 days with the meal program when it first came out. I learned some things from it, but just didn't have the patience to keep with it.
Good Evening Ladies,

I know I sound like a broken record, but another quick post from me. I had a school commitment after work and didn't get home until 8:00. It's 9:30 and I just finished disc 10 and I am whipped. I forgot how quickly the intensity jumps up on this workout. My arms really feel like rubber. I'm dreading 40/20 tomorrow, but I'm sure I'll have a better attitude after a good nights sleep. I'm going to sign off because I still have some things to do to get ready for tomorrow. Enjoy your evening!!!!

Kim, I'm so sorry for the weather conditions but glad you were able to spend time with friends and get closure. I hope the family is doing okay.

Hello again Mary! Glad you got through your workout!

Well, I did get my workout in but probably won't tomorrow! Kim, I think I'll take your advice and just move it all out...it'll be easy since we have a rest week next week anyway. And, DH and I aren't going to Oregon until Friday and spending one night so I'll just have a couple extra rest days this week and then wrap this all up on Monday (I think Monday). Anyway, I'm not stressing over it.

Cendrine...recipes coming tomorrow...

Okay, I'm off to bed since I have to get up at Rachel time!
Good morning!!!

Well 40/20 is done and I didn't even fall half of a time this time...I think I have actually gained endurance! I was skeptical for sure. Cardio has never been my strong suit. I am better at gaining strength than I am speed or anything that has to do with that type of endurance but I am proud to say that I think it is working. This morning I did have a little extra time to wake so I wasn't right from the bed to the work out and that probably helped but I felt stronger too. We will see if this trend keeps up. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Other than that I do not have too much going on yet today. Waiting for DH to stir to see how our day is going to play out. It is sunshiny and warming up to almost 60 today so I am pretty sure we will be outside. I will fill yall in later !

Hope you all have a great day and a great workout!

I forgot to ask if you got your clean eating mag for this month yet...I just got mine yesterday and have not got to look through it yet but love when I get it!

Rachel, thanks for the heads up on the CE magazine, I guess it might be in the mailbox this afternoon!

I didn't work out today, dd woke me up in the middle of the night and it took me a long time to go back to sleep and I decided to use the excuse to sleep in a little....:eek:

Lots of odds and ends to keep track of here, so I can't stay long.

Kim, I'm glad you got closure, sorry about the blizzard, though! It's nice that you got to work out even with all that you had going on. way to go!

Jo, how did your ealry morning call go? That is early!

I just got word that dh's cousin, whom we visited during Christmas passed away last night. So I am glad we went to see her when we did. Dh is in Boston on a business trip, I'm not sure if he is going to be able to make it to the funeral. All depends on when it is, I guess.

Mary, let me know how you like the coconut treat when you get a chance to make it! We simply love it around here and I have to enact a rule for myself to only have some on weekends.

Have you decided on which soup to make?
Good Morning All!

I hope all is well with every one. I know it seems like everyone got busy all of the sudden and I got unbusy:p

Yesterday we started the process of picking out things for the mudroom. Since this is going to be added on the the front of the house, I really wanted to find some things I really liked. Right now our main asthetic (<---Arrrgh spelling), is the front entry and the windows. Of course dh feel in love ( if a guy can) with a castle type door. and I really liked these arched windows. So now it is really feeling like we are getting started. When we start the demo and framing I will really feel like we are on our way.
nerves be darned!!!:D:p:confused::eek::rolleyes::D

It was disc 11 this morning and of course I was sweating through it. I can not believe that 1 more disc and then we are done with meso 1...This is crazy how fast it is going...Today sometime I have to preview athletic step! I have not even opened it yet and I know this will be one of those I need to look at first.

Jo-I know you are preparing or already on you way to Oregan...and work meetings too but I am thinking about ya. I am glad you are not stressing over work outs. At least all this business fell right by the rest week so you will have time for any make ups!

Cendrine-You will have to keep me posted on what you are looking to prepare out of the clean eats mag. Sometimes I can not find some of the ingredients the recipes call for so I either do not make it or sub something...but just like my work outs, I hate to change a recipe until I have made it at least once!

Kim- I hope the weather is clearing. I am so glad you got to gather with friends and share in the joy of knowing your friend that passed away. I know that it can be a great comfort to be with people that feel the same way you do about some one. I am thinking of you.

Mary- I know you must be busy preparing to win you soup cook off!!!It sounds like so much yummy fun and I wish I could be a taste tester!
I think we are all tired. With the new intensity of SC combined with sts it is a real tax on the body...The rest week is gonna feel great!

OK yall I am off to put my coveralls on and get ready to work! Have a great day!

Hi All,

I'm posting early because my day is going to get busy and I won't have time to come back all day....

I did a total body weight workout which felt good. I am encouraged that my back is holding up!

Rachel, have fun with all the planning and getting ready to get into your mudroom project. Arched windows sound really nice! I like arches of any kind...:rolleyes:
The clean eating magazine did come yesterday and I loved reading it! I have my eye on the deep dish pizza made healthy and I would also like to try the buffalo chili at some point as well as the almondbutter chocolate chip cookies....LOL! i'll have to go back over it because I don't rember all of it, the chicken parmesan sounded nice too. I'll definitely let you know when I make something, it's fun to share from the same magazine.
Hi Guys! I'm here! I'm behind on my workouts! :( But oh well! Really busy couple of days at work. We leave on Friday for Oregon (wedding is Friday afternoon, I wanted to leave tomorrow night, but DH can't leave until then!). So no workout yesterday or today. So will try and do Disc 11 tonight if I can get out of here! Besides financial stuff, we had to have all employee reviews completed before Friday so have been doing those today too. Yesterday was exhausting! Rachel how DO you get up so early? LOL! I used to do it all the time when traveling but now I'm so used to my slacker schedule!

I'll try and catch up later if I can!
Will have to be quick as I have to leave for ds's hockey game. I did squeeze in Athletic Step after work/before dinner but will have to leave Ab Circuits to add on to tomorrow's workout. Super duper cold here but beautiful bright sunshine.
Also did disc 11 with DH yesterday. I'm getting tired of endurance workouts.

Rachael That's great that 40/20 is seeming a little easier! The details for the mudroom sound nice! Hopefullly we can see a picture when it's done!

Cendrine Sorry to hear about your DH's cousin! I remember you mentioning that you were going to visit her at Christmas. I meant to tell you that I did lose another lb so 3/10 down. I'm doing better with my nighttime snacking but not as well I could. This weight loss is slow so if you want to go ahead and buy your outfit then go ahead.;)

Jo What a busy week for you!! You're really going to need a rest week next week! Did you get a chance to watch TBL?? I was watching it but I got 2 phone calls during it so I missed sections of it. That green team really seems to have some issues.

Mary Hope the 40/20 went well for you! It's almost recovery week!
Hi Everybody,

I just finished disc 11 and my arms feel like rubber. I am totally fried, but in a good way. I honestly thought after completing the series one time through, that it would be easier, but I really think it's gotten harder!!

I am really frustrated, because I was almost finished with an extra long post to you all, the phone rang, and when I came back to type, I must of hit something on the keyboard and I lost everything. UGGGG AND DOUBLE UGGGG:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:!!!!! It seems like this happens a lot to me. You'd think I would figure out what I was doing and STOP. I started my original post at 8:00, it's almost 9:30 and I really don't have it in me to start up again. I have some funny and not so funny stories to tell you, but it will have to wait until tomorrow. SLEEP WELL!!!!!!

Hi All,

busy day is done and I'm ready to drop into bed right after this...LOL!

Kim, I am in this with you, remember? Besides even though I don't see the numbers on my progress I think you and I are probably going at about the same speed. Slow but steady. I'm glad your stacking is better, that's good progress right there!

Jo, you busy person you! I hope you get to enjoy and rest during the weekend so you'll be rejuvenated after all this business!

Mary, sorry about your post! I hate when that happens! Get us up to date on all your stories when you can!

Rachel, how was your day?

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