~+~+Melting on Friday!!!+~+~


Morning all!

I'm worried about Deb. I hope everything is all right with her and with Clancy.

How is everyone else? I got up and did High Step Challenge this morning. I always forget how HARD that workout is! OUCH!

I'll bbl to check up with y'all.
Hi Shelly and all that follow,

We got bad news on Clancy yesterday. He has lymphoma, specifically at the lymph node right on his heart. That is what is causing all the fluid build up in his chest cavity. They drained it again yesterday to give him some relief. We are going to give him steroids in a very heavy dose to see if it will shrink the lymph node somewhat, but there is only a 50/50 chance that it will work. The vet said we will no for sure in 48-72 hours whether it is working. He will either stay with better breathing, or the chest will fill again and we will be back where we were. We are going to do this, but if it doesn't work out, I will be saying goodbye to my "baby boy"..we can't let him suffer again like it did the other night..I can't go on.. it's too hard.

Deb, I'm so sorry to hear the news about Clancy. I hope that the steroids work for him. I know how hard it can be to have such a sick pet. {{{HUGS}}} and wish I could do more.

It's going to be another busy morning for me, but hopefully I'll have time this afternoon to come back and catch up for personals (don't think I did them yesterday). I did the pyramid up premix from PUB this morning and I'll soon be getting the kids off to school. Then in the 2 1/2 hours Ewan's in school I have a dermatologist appointment and hope to also squeeze in a trip to the grocery store.


[font face="comic sans ms" font color=purple]***Lainie***
My fitness blog: http://fitnessfig.blogspot.com/ http://bestsmileys.com/exercising/7.gif

If you want to give God a good laugh, tell Her your plans.[/font]
Shelley - good morning! HSC is pretty high impact, isn't it? I've drooled over it before but don't have it. Glad you had a good workout!

Deb - I'm so sorry to hear about Clancy. He's lucky to have you as his human. I sure hope the steroids give him some relief. I'm thinking of both of you!

Lanie - the Pyramid premixes are quick but efficient, don't you think? Buy something yummy (and healthy!!) for yourself at the grocery store!

Yesterday was my rest day. I visited Hobby Lobby and bought some watercolor supplies. Today I'm doing Butts and Guts. I think I'll do the original version, but I'll probably sub walking lunges for some of the floor work.

Daffodils are blooming in my yard!!! I'm so excited! This weekend is supposed to be warm - Sunday near 70 if you can believe that. I believe it's time to start cleaning leaves out of the flower beds.

Hi to everyone else!!
Morning again~

Oh, Deb, I'm so sorry to hear about Clancy. I'm sending lots of {{{hugs}}} for you and gentle pats for Clancy. I hope the steroids help.

Shannon - cleaning leaves out of flower beds, huh? We're getting more snow today. So I guess I'll be shoveling. Again. HSC is high impact for the cardio, but there isn't much of that. There are lots of compound weight moves that kick yer butt.

Lainie - have fun at the grocery store!
Good Morning!

Deb, I was just sick as I read your post. I have been there with a pet before, its heartbreaking and horrid, my heart goes out to you and to Clancy.I wish I could say more, but please know I am thinking of you both today.

Shannon, its going to be almost 70 here too. It is so pretty! Might have to take one of my cardio's outside today. High Step Challenge is my least favorite workout, I have done it 2 times. I tell myself its Cathe's fake ponytail that bugs me, but I really think its all those dang leg presses!}(

Shelley, congrats on powering through HSC! You are such the hard workout queen! Sorry you have to shovel again. Geez enough already with the snow Mother Nature.

Lainie, I hate grocery shopping, but you go and have fun with it.:) Some people love it.

Hi to the rest this morning. I have my follow up dental appointment to get the stitches out. Oh, and I made the rum cake with the caramel frosting and guess what I did? I ate a ton of the frosting like a very, very bad girl.x( It was so good, like a drug. I knew when i made it, I couldn't resist the frosting, and yeah, I was right. I am sitting here with a sugar headache. Serves me right. Back on track today. Got the sugar thing out of my system, first it was the wine, then the starch and now the sugar, nothing is left as far as cravings, so I am good to go now!:p

BBL....has anyone done the itread "Tush" 45 minute Grace itread workout? And should I be scared?:7
Morning, everyone!

The Melting Gods were kind to me this week; I lost about a half-pound, even though it's still TTOM and I've been eating like a horse. Today I'll be doing Pure Strength all upper body as the start of my third week doing that Tank Top Arms rotation. I've actually noticed some good changes -- they're still small, but I'm seeing a bit more definition!

Deb -- Sending you lots and lots of {{{HUGS}}}! I am so very sorry to hear about Clancy! I hope that the steroids work and that he is alright! Please send us some news, and know that we're thinking of you both!!! Is your DH at home with you today to take care of him? I hope you have someone with you!

Shannon -- I tried Low Max with the med ball on Monday, and boy was it a killer! I actually couldn't get through the whole drill since I had worked legs the day before. (Not a smart idea!) I love the daffodils that signal the start of spring! They always remind me of a Wordsworth poem where he mentions how the daffodils are blooming so gloriously!

Shelley -- Be careful with all that snow shoveling! I don't have HSC; is it a lot of fun?

Robin -- How did your Dr. appointment go today? Did he give you that back-to-work note? Are you feeling ready to go back?

Lainie -- Glad that the BFL is going better! Is your stomach feeling better, too?

Tneah -- How cool that you'll be writing the diet plans for the new book! You would have so much great information to share! How did the cake turn out? And how are you feeling about your eating plan? I'm so glad that you've allowed yourself those cheat treats; you need them to keep up your morale!

Emily -- "Hi" in case you check in!

TK -- How has work been? Still busy?
Hi again!

Tneah - it's High Step Training Advanced that has all the leg presses (six sets, I think). HSC just has two sets using the band instead of weights, so it's more manageable, but it moves super-fast and a lot of the moves are killer.

Leanne - congrats on the half pound! That's great:) I can't imagine working legs and then doing the med ball version of Lowmax the next day. Your legs would be fried!
I am drinking my protein shake before going to workout, so thought I would say hi to Leanne!:)

Congrats on your poundage loss and definition! Isn't it exciting to see your muscle kinda "pop?" Well, its exciting for us Cathe converts.;) That is so great, keep up your hard work and get in that protein, I think its what has made the difference in my own muscle definition.
And yes, I made the cake, and YES, I ate the frosting like it was heroin--not that I would know what heroin was like-god forbid, it was just an expression, maybe not a good comparison...but suffice to say, I have enough sugar in my system right now to last through the new year for pete's sake. I am done with cheating for awhile!:)

In fact I am going to attempt Imax 3 this AM. Shelley, you are right, I have the other one HSA, it has more leg presses. But HSC seems harder, those compound movements really get ya good don't they?}(

Wish me luck with the Imax3, never have done the whole thing because of the high impact which I will have to modify when Cathe starts going off with her cheerleader tuck jumps and stuff...;)
Hey again!

Shelley -- Yea, I definitely didn't finish using the med ball for Low Max. I had actually been scheduled to do a steady state step routine that day since it would be easier on the legs, but all that talk about Low Max with the ball got me excited (wrong word?!;-) ) to try it. I got through about half the drills, and then tossed that ball back into the closet!

Tneah -- Oh, that cake sounds divine!! I love frosting . . . yum!!! Well, I still don't have much definition, but it's better. I actually called Kaiser this morning to see if I can get an appointment with a sports nutritionist, and am waiting for a call back. I want to figure out what I can do to add more muscle! Good luck with Imax 3, and just be sure to MODIFY for your hip! It's one of my favorite Cathe workouts -- but it's definitely one that I have a love/hate relationship with! It hurts so good, and I always feel super accomplished when I'm done with it !;-)
Hi everyone. I'm back (but still a bit busy--about to stick some dinner in the crockpot for one thing). I'm so happy when I get my workout done in the morning, though it's hard to drag my carcass out of bed. I am so NOT a morning person. I keep thinking getting it done in the morning will give me time to relax in the afternoon, but instead I end up doing a bunch of other things. Typical. It's supposed to snow later but DH will have a long ride home from somewhere in NJ, so I might have to shovel before he gets here. x(

I saw my dermatologist today (just have eczema, rosacea, other sensitive skin issues) and I found myself telling her all about how my husband was a leg man but I wish he was a boob man because I have great boobs (and now I find myself telling you guys the same). I was asking her about treatment for varicose veins--that's how it came up. I remember when my mom used to embarrass me talking to people in line at the grocery store or sharing random things with people she hardly knew--now I'm turning out just like her. *sigh*

Shelley, HSC is tough, but somehow fun (I actually sold HSTA because I would always switch to HSC if it came up on a rotation).

Shannon, yeah, HSC is high impact but I like to do it on my BOSU, which helps a little--but actually I haven't done it since the knee trouble since any stepping up has been a problem.

Tneah, I hate grocery shopping, too, but at least I managed to do it while Ewan was at nursery school. I really hate grocery shopping with the boys (wonderful as they are they add a little too much effort to the trip). Plus since I'm not doing other shopping during Lent, it's my only time to spend the moolah.

Leanne, I'm really loving BFL so far. I hope the results are as good as I feel. I've still had some tummy issues, but not as bad as that time I posted on the forum about it.

ETA: looks like I crossed posts with Emily--Hi, Emily! By the way, would you like me to send you the second set of Creative Memories stuff I found that I no longer use? Just pm me your address if you want it.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=purple]***Lainie***
My fitness blog: http://fitnessfig.blogspot.com/ http://bestsmileys.com/exercising/7.gif

If you want to give God a good laugh, tell Her your plans.[/font]
Hi Melters!

OMG, Deb, I am sooooo sorry to hear about Clancy. :( :( :( Sending lots of hugs your way. I know exactly what you're going through. Cancer sucks. :(

I'm so sorry I haven't been around here much lately. I've been out of control. My eating sucks, I'm tired, grouchy and fat. Blech. Something's gotta change. I just don't know what to do - I have lost all my motivation for some reason. My workouts are great (did HSC this morning), but everything else, not so much. I think this long, cold winter is depressing me, making me turn to comfort foods. I'll be SO HAPPY when spring gets here. I'm not sure what I'll do in the mean time to get myself back on track. *sigh*

Lainie, hope you got all that stuff done on your busy day!

Shannon, did you say Hobby Lobby??? :D I love that place. I spend waaaay too much money there. They love to see me coming. ;)

Tneah.... mmmmm.... frosting.... *drools*

Leanne, way to go with your melting! :)

Hi to all the other melters! Hope y'all have a great weekend!
Hi all. I don't have time for personals except to send a big {{{HUG}}} to Deb and Clancy. We'll all hope for the best.

The doctor said everything is hunky dory and I go back to work tomorrow. I came home and did Pure Strength legs and abs, since he said strengthening my quads will help my knee. Then I made two pies for a church dinner. We have to leave in a couple minutes to start cooking it. And I have to change, since there is now baby puke on my white sweater.
Slow thread today eh?:)

Robin, I can smell your pies all the way over here.:9 Glad you got the go ahead with the lower body workouts-that is terrific news!Baby puke on your new white sweater you just knitted? I hope not!

Lainie, you are hilarious! I do the same dang thing, always TMI, always. It just comes pouring out of my mouth, I can't stop myself. I like to think its charming, others probably find it incredibly well, TMI! I had a leg vein zapped with a laser, it lightened it up a bit, I never went back though, it supposedly takes a bunch of treatments to eliminate them entirely. I have slight roscea too. I get the IPL facials for it and they work very well. I got a series, now I just get two a year, it keeps the redness under control. I hate that flushed face thing. For me, drinking, lifting weights and whatever brings it on, I hate it. I always flushed easily as a child too.
When is your lent thing up? Is this something that lasts a month, a year? Oh dear, a year would be hard.

The boys are gone, my nightly date with my elliptical is over with thank goodness, I am looking forward to a hot bath and maybe watching a movie or something with DH tonight.

Nice to see you today Emily! Time to crack the whip girl. Stock your fridge this weekend with clean eats--that always helps, no excuses when you have good food handy right? Yeah, I should talk little miss "Frosting Queen" over here.:)

See you all tomorrow morning :)

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