====== clean & tidy MONDAY ======

I think I slept MAYBE 4 hours total last night. NOT GOOD!x(

Oh well, this morning starts my new rotation. I posted last night, but for all those who didn't see...

M UB circuit
T LB circuit
T short walk / stretch
F cardio
S full body circuit

and abs three times.

This morning will be LIC upper body premix. See ya in a few!!
Katie, That's a great premix! Have fun! Hopefully it will give you some energy.I don't know how you wake up so early to exercise!

Today should be a nice day - no school!!!!
I have no clue on meals yet, other than the usual cereal and fruit for breakfast.
Workout, I'm not sure either. Maybe water aerobics tonight if I can get a sister to come with me.

Morning ladies.What temperature is it where you live?

It's going to be 98 degrees here.

Rotation looks nice Katie and water aerobics sound like alot of fun Kate.

I think my daughter computer is not fixable, so I may try my son's computer or just get my computer fixed.:-( This is the wrong time of the year b/c both of kids are graduating and my money is tight.

Anyway yesterday I took the kids to Long Beach in Long Island. We had alot of fun and it's such a clean beach.

I did Amy Step II on Saturday and tonight I'll do 1/2 of MIS.

b-egg whites
s-frozen yogurt
l-salad and tuna
d-brocoli and chicken
Good morning Kate and all to follow!

Food is gonna be weird for a few days, because we have lots of leftovers from the reception to eat. B'fast is cereal, then leftovers of various types for the rest of the day...
LOL :7 :7 LOL keg stand in your wedding dress Katie you are too much.
Did your MIL see it?;-)

Colleen please let us know about Strike Zone.

On Saturday I did a half a hour of CS Full Body II and I loved it. She is so flexible, so now I have a new goal for the summer.:)

Katie you are going to love High Step Challenge it is one of my fav.

I miss you ladies.
Good morning ladies,

Robin the beach sounds like heaven. Two graduates, Congratulations!!!
Katie I like your rotation. Hope you can get some rest soon.

Hi Shirl,Steph, Shelley,Colleen and Kate!!

The shower went well yesterday she was so surprised, she cried. The food was italian and I only had one plate, a small piece of cake, made by one of moms coworkers who is a culinary grad. It was oreo cake and so yummy and lots of choc covered strawberries.

I did strikezone yesterday, it was fun and went by fast. I cannot do spiderwebs.

Today I did LoMax. After work I have to do grocerymax.

b-protein shake
s-shredded wheat skim milk
l- pork chop and couscous salad
s- protien bar
d- ????

Robin, I'm so glad you like CS! I did some last night - the origianl Full Body. I always feel so limber after CS. Sorry about the C-Drama. I feel like our pockets are being constantly dipped into right now too.

Jenn, Glad the shower went well. Good job on portion-control! I'm anxious to try SZ too - sounds like just about everybody likes it. LowMax is a killer! THat was my first Cathe actually! I need to grocerymax today too. Good luck at dinner tonight! Pull out some fruit to snack on if you're tempted to eat while cooking. Or maybe some raw veggies cut up? Dip 'em into salsa! Yumm!!


I am feeling big and tired today. Not sure what my problem is the last few days. Baby is roaming around right now. My laptop is in my lap and I keep seeing my belly shift around while I'm typing!
Shirl & steph, Thinking of you gals and your DH-drama!
Hope you both are hanging in there.

Shirl, Are the kids doing okay?

(((((((((hugs)))))))) for both of you!

Shelley, Where are you?
OKay, I just did Bar Method Designer Sculpting, minus the abs (boo!).
It was nice to workout a little and I'm feeling more energetic now.

Steph, Have you ever done a rotation with Bar only for your weights?
Hi Everyone!

I can't believe it is almost lunchtime. It has been a busy morning (2 hour workout, work meetings on my day off :-( and grocerymax). This morning I did 4DS Upper Body followed by StrikeZone. I really didn't think SZ was doing anything for my legs but I feel them now. I enjoyed the workout and it will only get better when I get more familiar with the moves. I like it is a series of drills between 4:30 minutes and 5:30 minutes.

Jenn, I can't do spiderwebs either. That was the only part I really struggled through. I will try to practice this week.
Katie, sorry about no sleep. Your rotation looks great!
Kate, never did the Bar method but glad you were able to get a workout in. I am sending you some clean eating vibes!!! I know once you fall off the wagon it's hard to get back on.
Robin, sorry about all the C-Drama. Congrats on having 2 graduates! If you decide to get a new computer, be sure to check for student discounts. I know some manufacturers give discounts to students if they or their parents buy a computer.
Shirl & Steph - {{{{HUGS}}}} - I know you probably don't feel like posting right noew, but we are all thinking about you.
Hi Shelley!

b: shredded wheat w/ almonds
s: banana
l: 1/2 turkey & 1/2 ham hoagie (leftover from Christening)

rest of day is tbd

Hi everyone,

Oh what a weekend, and morning. Crazy busy.

Katie, rotation looks great. I'm glad the party went well. Pictures please!

Kate, i've never done a barr rotation. I should though!

Robin, Nice workout, glad you liked CS. Sorry about the CD, damn never ending.

Jenn, Was strikezone hard? I've watched the clips. Looks good.

today, had to meet with my financial planner, oh the fun never stops.
I got up at 4:30am, i'm working late tonight, so i had to workout this morning, did Stepboxing, and Jillian Anderson, circuit, will do core when i get home. Now i'm tired!
B: egg whites
s: cc/pp/almonds
l: corn chowder, celery, hummus, apple
s: ss/sprouted flax, almond butter
d: omelette, ezekial toast, spinach/tomato, berries.
Afternoon chicas~

Well, things are just about as crappy as can be right now, but I'll not bore you all with the details. I'm pretty sure I have to cancel Road Trip though.:(

Katie - omigosh, LOL at the keg stand. We MUST see pics! Why did you only get four hours of sleep? That's not good!

Kate - what is Bar method? Sophie moved around all the freaking time when I was pregnant. Most of the time she was over on my right side, so I looked lopsided. And she got hiccups constantly. I felt like I had the alien living in my belly.

Robin - sorry to hear about the computer problems! The beach sounds fabulous!

Jenn - Oreo cake????? YUM! What are spiderwebs?

Colleen - great workout! I can't wait to get Strike Zone and try it out.

Shirl - hope you're okay out there!

Steph - I was up at 4:30 too! We must be on the same wavelength or something.

Okay, workout was S&H legs and abs. Menu:

B - cereal with banana and soymilk (so predictable)
S - apple, almonds and a bit of steel cut oats with raisins
L - homemade bean burger, salad, lf yogurt
S - cc and strawberries
D - I think I'll get the SO to make quesadillas
Hi Everyone!

Things are going better but my computer went kaput! So, that's why I haven't been around. The weekend flew by; it's extrememlyy warm for my neck of the woods. I'm at work at inly have a minute or two between clients. My eating has been great! But the scale hasn't moved, oh well. I'm proud of myself for eating so clean and/or tidy.

Gotta run! Take care and hopefully we'll have the computer drama cleared up soon.

A friend in fitness,
Colleen - that IS a busy AM - and a aGREAT WO!! ^5! a turkey sandwich sounds so good right now!

Steph, You're gonna crash tonight! Hope all went well with $$planner - I need to go see ours in light of me work less and less. I'm going to have our cleaning lady come less often. I feel bad about it - she's raising 2 teenagers and hardly has any money as it is. I'm so jealous when any of you guys post you get to do core!! My poor abs are going to be in horrible shape after this baby girl is born!

Shelley, Sorry things are crappy....this seems to be the board for it lately though so you joined at the right time!:) (((hugs))) Funny story on Sophie - I love to feel her move. Very reassuring to me. Bar is .... I don't really know how to explain it. Steph got me started on it. Kind of like stretching and strengthening at the same time...maybe she can do a better job of explaining it!:7 Great workouts and eats! So what makes you fall off the clean-eating wagon?!

Shirl, Good to hear from you! Warm here too - close to 90 right now and HUMID!!! Good job with the eats - scale will move soon.


I had a wonderful 2-hour nap with DDs. Eats have been good today. Spaghetti is in the crockpot, Mike will be home soon. I may go do 30 min of CS......

ETA: I bought SZ off someone here who wanted to sell theirs! yay!
Don't tell DH - he's starting to freak out about my WO's!! (doesn't think I should being pg! He even called CS "wild stretching"! He loves me....)
Hello again!!

Jenn, glad the shower was fun, events like that are always hard on the clean-eaters.

Colleen, wow, a 2 hour workout?! You are superwoman!

Steph, sorry about the loooong day, but good for you for meeting with the financial planner.

Shelly, if you must know....}( I Sex-Maxed until late, then couldn't fall asleep... Then when I did, Collin woke up crying so I got up with him. It was very interrupted sleep.

Kate, your abs will bounce back I feel sure of it! How do you make spaghetti in the crock pot?


My day was kind of crappy -- sat in circuit court for 2 1/2 hours waiting for my case to be called, and then it was continued. Big fat waste of time!

Collin is sick, I am surprised they didn't send him home. I may stay home with him tomorrow.

I am hungry and should go fix dinner, but I am tired and just want to sit on the couch...
Katie, sorry your day wasn't better. I hope Collin feels better.
Steph, I really hate long days especially on a Monday. Hope it went by quickly.
Shelley, to see a spiderweb, go to Tracey's website and view the clip on her home page. She teaches Carol how to do them.
Shirl, sorry the scale is not moving. Sometimes it takes a couple of weeks before the scale will move for me. Keep up the good work.
Kate, spaghetti in a crock pot sounds so easy. I should have done that so we don't have the dinner debate when DH gets home.

I had melon, edamame and tomato pie for a snack. I had planned to grill out for dinner but I don't want to go outside. Hopefully, DH will come home soon because I am hungry.


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