*** Weight Watchers Friday***


Good Morning Girls:) .......

And happy friday:) Man, I have been up for a while but as anyone heard of the website called Facebook? Its crazy and super addictive! You start your profile and then you can find all kinds of people you haven't seen in yrs. I have tracked down a few people I haven't seen since high school. Anyway...its really neat and takes up a bit of your time, if you let it:)

Well, the scale said 132.7 today. Ive been lower BUT I was afraid it was gonna keep going up! Not the case:)

Today is GS Legs, cardio and I will probably go for a walk this afternoon. Its sunny out but looks cold so I am hoping it will warm up later.

Catch ya later!
Good Morning...Yeah,its friday!

I'm kinda feeling frustrated,the scale said I was up .5(x( )! I'm thinking(hopeing)its mucsle,also TOTM is just around the corner! Oh well,until next week;-)! who knows Im liable to jump on it next friday and it be down three pounds! anyways today is a rest day for me! then tommorrow with hit it hard with upper/lower+walk/running!

Lori-I also lost some weight PP,I had a hard time with my last pregnacey(sp)during the 3rd semester I had gestational diebetes and had to give myself Insulin shots(in the stomachx( ) really wasn't a big deal though,but I had to really watch everything I ate so after having DS,I dropped like 28pds! I also realized that it was very possilbe to get Diebetes later in life,so it opened my eyes a little! Enjoy GS and I might have to check out this facebook you speak of;-):)!!!

Nancy-I also find that on the days I lift weights I get so hungry,this week was really hard,I kept finding myself opening the refridgerater and staring,not even being hungryx(! Well kinda hungry,but don't have the pts to eat! luckly my 'mind' would kick inn and i would go get busy doing something!

Belinda-When I started with Cathe I already had a small step so I purchased basic step on ebay,it didn't come with premixes either! I later purchased body fusion it did come with them! I do love the premixes,but I think Im getting ready to purchase some of cathes weight lifting WO! Maybe GS! Don't have a lot of room to work out though,It will be tricky !

Cheryl-A 6'length dyna band is on my New Workout Equimpment List}(!(My DH is gonna love that list;-)) About the barbell,I noticed that on LIC,cathe's barbell was kinda small,or is that a normal size one! The smaller the better,maybe i could roll it under my couch! I saw one at walmart maybe I'll go and check it out! How is your day going!

Kim-Have you viewed all thoughs workouts yet? Im also looking at sweatfest,it sounds fun! You sound like Traci(teddygirl)shes a busy beaver with WO! BTW,I love your name,butterflygirl! Mine "punka274" refers to my little girl,punka is her nickname! and the 274 well,can't quite remember! What is your plans for the day?

Mary-I hope your little guy is feeling better today! Has the fever broke yet? Maybe today will be better than yesturday,I know its hard when the little ones are sick! Take care!

Well,guess I go make me some raison bran:9!!...bbl!
good morning everyone...well we made it through the night:) the fever broke this morning but i wont be surprised if it returns this evening:-( he was at 103 and that was 2 1/2 hours after taking motrin.
he still has an appetite so i will see how the day goes. yesterday was a bust but today i am thinking stepblast/b&g(hmmmm!!) i too feel like the scale is frozen, i cant seem to lose 1 lb anymore but i think the last couple are the hardest and i need to eat really clean to get there. i must say though that i love food and i am not willing to give up certain things i really enjoy to lose the last couple:) (french fries, cheeseburgers, pizza ...well you guys get it)

lori:i think your body is going to hold onto those last pounds until you stop b'feeding. i too stopped losing at a certain point and as soon as i stopped b'feeding i lost 5lbs in 1 week:) your workouts are so intense and you are very on top of your diet so i think that is the case

amelia:i feel your pain with that darn scalex( sometimes i want to through it out the window. enjoy your bran:)

y--o--u w--h--o:amy,marcia,kim,cherly(i always spell your name that way:))i mean cheryl and nancy...good morning lady bugs!!
whoops..i almost forgot my girl belinda
bbl:) :)
Well, one of the girls in my play group just called and she asked me to cut her hair ( I use to be a hairstylist) so now my workout is put on hold. Maybe I should have told her to come over after lunch....anyway she is on her way now and maybe I will still get GS legs in before lunch.

Amelia, I hear ya on the darn scale but I am seriously thinking of not weighing myself for a while. I remember when I first started going out with DH and I gained 10 lbs...then I smartened up and started exercising. I didn't own a scale so I would go to his moms house once a week and weigh myself. Those were the good ole days before a scale entered my house:)

Mary, if I could get rid of a couple more inches around my waist and whatever fat I have sitting on my lower back, I would be o.k, no matter what the scale said. Its weird b/c I have seen people who lost their weight when they stopped bf'ing and I have also seen people you gained weight when they stopped. I hope I lose and don't gain! LOL

Hope everyone is having a good day!
Good morning all - I've been dealing with some medical issues and not quite 'with-it' so I haven't kept points for the last day or so. (I have been eating good, though.) I have some tests to take on Tuesday so I'm just trying not to get stressed out about that and keep movin' on. There is so much on my mind I can't seem to concentrate on points right now, I am going to re-join on Wednesday. My tests will be done and I can concentrate on myself then!;-)

Take care everyone - good luck this weekend on your eating - BE GOOD! I will still be checking in.....

Good Morning Ladies!!

First, let me say I hope you all have a fabulous day and wonderful sweat filled workouts! For those on a rest day, I hope you enjoy recoup and hit it hard tomorrow. For those not feeling well- take care of yourself and relax and feel better!

Lori- Good Morning Ms. Early Bird!:) You were up bright and early. I am definitely gonna have to check out Facebook when I have time. I am at work and it is crazy at the end of the month so I can't be on too long.

Ameilia- Don't get frustrated with you weight/weigh-ins. Your issue is probably TTOM. It is TTOM for me and I have gain 3lbs according to the scale and this is since Tuesday and I have been very good. Don't let the smoke and mirrors deter you from your goal. You are getting there. Trust and believe!;-)

Also- I have previewed all my new dvds except the Lotte Berk- just got that yesterday. I will look at that this weekend.

Marcia- I will be praying for good health from you and a good report from your test. I will also pray for your strength! Don't you let the smoke and mirrors get to you either!! ;-)

Mary- Glad to hear the little fella is feeling better!

Several of us (me included) have been getting a little frustrated with our slow weight losses. I will share another inspirational saying I have taped right in my bathroom above my scale-
"Don't be afraid of going slow, be afraid of standing still."
Keep moving Ladies!!
Hi, everyone - TGIF -

I am so fried from B&G yesterday - my booty is feelin' the heat.
I did a short UB premix from Push/Pull and am trying to squeak out Low Max, which I love. Only halfway through so far and had to pause it.

Lori, I had the same thing on nursing - couldn't drop the last 6-7 pounds until I quit. Your lifestyle will serve you so well, regardless. Hang in there, girl!

Kim, I love your inspirational saying. Isn't that the truth?

Amelia, hang in there.

Mary, I hope your little one is feeling better today.

Marcia, good luck with your health issues.

Well, onto the rest of Low Max. Have a wonderful morning, everyone!!

Good morning!!

Kim, I too love your motivational sayings!!!!! I can't wait to hear your take on the Lotte Berks.

Lori - I go to get my haircut at someone's house. She has a great little business going on the side. She always has people. Did you ever do it from home?

Marcia - I'm praying for a good outcome for you!!! Keep the faith!!

Mary - I'm glad the baby is feeling better and hope you can get your workout in.

Cheryl - I'm glad you're still hurting from working out. It feels good, doesn't it? My quads are still hurting from Leaner Legs a couple of days ago. I don't know why but I'll take it.

DH and I are going to friends' for dinner and she already told me to "save my points". Oh, oh....... I have no control and already ate 6 points for breakfast as I was starving!!! I'm really exhausted from watching this weight all of my life. What about you girls? It's like a never-ending battle, lol.

Have a good day. It's pouring here - almost like the heavens opened up. x( x(

Good morning ladies,

Mary I sorry your baby is sick! Hope he is feeling better! I was worried about you!

Lori have fun with GS legs!

Marcia good luck on your heath issues! I will pray for you!

Cheryl have fun with Low Max!

Amelia you would like GS series:) I love the GS! Last month I didn't loss any weight! Hang in there:)

Kim I think it's a great idea to write down what we eat! I can't wait for my sister to send me the German WW book! I still eat more German food than American food! At least I know the points! I always had to guess! I am not even sure how many points I can have? I think is like 20-25 points???
I weigh 166/167 right now . My goal is 140!

B: 1/4 c. Soy Milk
1/4 c. Muselix

Todays workout is IMAX 1!

Have a great one!
Went on my AM walk at work and realized that I did not state what I did this morining.

Okay, started with Basic Step (body decided that after PP and KickMax yesterday this was not happening). 15 minutes in I stopped and did Joy of Yoga (40 min). I did the AM 30 min walk and plan to do the PM 30 min walk and will try a step aerobics dvd this evening when my body is more awake and loosened up!
Hey Girls,

Just finished GS legs and now I am going for a walk. I may get a run in tonight b/c DH won't be home and there isn't anything on t.v either...we will see.

Cheryl, glad to hear your sore. Gotta love it:) Hope you finished LM.

Kim, good job on the A.M workout. Get it in where you can. What saying do you have for the scale going up? LOL

Marcia, hope you are feeling better soon.

Belinda, you'll have those 20 lbs gone in no time!

Nancy, when I stopped cutting hair, everyone kept asking me to cut their hair home but I never got into it. With a full time job I just didnt have the time...now I really dont have the time.

Gotta run,
Hi ladies,

just finished IMAX 1! I am so proud of myself. I know this one from TV seven years ago:D I had fun!

Lori I wished 20 pounds would melt off just like that! You funny girl!

I not going to be on the computer that much anymore, my DD has exams next week! I still check in! She still has to go to work!LOL!

Big hallo's to Mary, Cheryl, Nancy, Marcia, Amelia and Kim!

Have a great night and weekend! I am still checking in!

I have no motivational saying for when the scale goes up. However, I will share what my WW Leader told us Tuesday. She asked the entire room "Who had a loss?" "Who had a gain?" "Who stayed the same?" After she asked each group and people raised their hands she had us all clap to show support for all of them. She explained that while we have definitely accomplished something with our loss, we learn a greater lesson when we gain. It makes us reflect on what we did or did not do. If we stayed the same we are gambling. There is a lesson in all of it! Don't know how motivational it is; but, it is definitely true.

Have a good night Ladies!!

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