
Category: Nutrition

Dieting Around the World: Making French Cuisine Healthful & Delicious

Dieting Around the World: Making French Cuisine Healthful & Delicious

French cuisine is one of the most famous cuisines in the world and is known for being rich and decadent. Though many books have been written claiming that the French—women in particular–are all fashionably slim, most people can’t subsist on a French diet without seeing the size of their clothes increase. You can, however, still indulge in some great French food with just a few modifications to make it more healthful. You’ll have to say “au revoir” to the fresh baguettes and “adieu” to the creamy cheeses, but fear not; you get to keep the wine!

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9 Products That Will Ruin Your Gluten-Free Diet

9 Products That Will Ruin Your Gluten-Free Diet

For many people with allergies, avoiding the food they are allergic to is pretty simple. All they have to do is look at the ingredient list and make sure it’s not one of the foods listed. Unfortunately, if you have gluten sensitivity, it’s not always that simple. Instead of looking for foods that contain “gluten” in the ingredient list, you must be on the lookout for ingredients that contain the problematic protein. To make your gluten-free diet easier to follow, be on the lookout for these frequent hiding places of gluten.

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Dietary Fat: How Much Fat Should You Consume Each Day?

Dietary Fat: How Much Fat Should You Consume Each Day?

Fat gets a bad rap. Most people equate it with the jiggly stuff that makes their thighs look less firm and covers up their six-pack. The reality is dietary fat is an important part of any diet even if you’re trying to lose body fat. Despite the fact that fat is more calorie-dense than carbohydrates or protein, it helps you feel full so you eat less.

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Trying to Improve Muscle Strength? Add Omega-3 Fatty Acids to Your Diet

Trying to Improve Muscle Strength? Add Omega-3 Fatty Acids to Your Diet

Fatty fish, like salmon, sardines and herring contain omega-3 fatty acids that are good for your heart. Thanks to their anti-inflammatory effects. Evidences also show that an omega-3 rich diet helps stabilize your mood and reduce your blood pressure. Now there is another reason to make these heart-healthy fats a part of your daily diet. Journal of Clinical Nutrition reveals that omega-3 fats may enhance your muscle strength and help you derive extra benefits from your strength-training program as you get older. And, getting physically stronger can help you add years to your life.

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