
Category: Health

Factors That Increase Your Risk for Tendon Injury

Factors That Increase Your Risk for Tendon Injury

What could be more inconvenient and uncomfortable than a tendon injury, especially if it involves your lower extremities? Why are some people more at risk for tendon problems than others? This article discusses factors that increase the risk for tendinopathy.

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Are You at Risk for Insulin Resistance?

Are You at Risk for Insulin Resistance?

You hear a lot about insulin resistance these days because it’s a growing problem. It’s also a risk factor for other health problems. Are you at risk for insulin resistance? Find out more about what causes it and the role that lifestyle factors play in preventing it.

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How the Heart Rate Response to Exercise Changes With Age

How the Heart Rate Response to Exercise Changes With Age

It’s no secret that a 20 year old has a higher aerobic capacity than an 80 year old. This is partially due to age-related changes that affect the heart. This article discusses how your heart rate changes with age and how its response to exercise changes over time. It also discusses the benefits of aerobic training during all stages of life.

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Can You Slow Down the Aging Process?

Can You Slow Down the Aging Process?

Wouldn’t life be rosy if you could turn off the aging process? As you might expect, there’s ongoing research in this area and lots of theories as to why aging occurs. Is aging something that can be prevented or at least slowed down? Find out more.

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